Kagome shot an arrow and Yashin Yue was sluggish for a moment. This kind of momentum... He seemed to feel that Kagome and Kikyo were fused at this moment.

Because that's... an arrow to break the devil!

Kikyo's stunt magic-breaking arrow!


The crow didn't cry because it had been hit, and then the body exploded at the moment of being hit. There was no blood rain, only a purple brilliance.

Shining beautiful brilliance.

How beautiful, this purple glow.


That is the shattering light of the Jade of Four Souls, the Jade of Four Souls... just like this, it radiated a great deal of light and was broken down into ten thousand pieces.

ps: Thanks for the reminder from Nai Yuant, the author's other book "Naruto: Shinji Counterattack" has given up on the Hokage volume. After all, Naruto has already written badly and it is difficult to innovate again. The author is also good at writing small-scale comprehensive comics. , so... go directly to the apocalypse of the academy.

The beginning... Well, slap Miyamoto Rei, ntr Jing Haoyong.

If you are sadistic, go see it! (laugh)

Chapter 0011 The departure of Ye Shenyue (one more subscription)

"It's really beautiful!"

People near the village looked up at the scene that was even more beautiful than a rainbow. The radiant light was really...beautiful!

"It's beautiful."

Kagome praised again.

"Yes, because that is the Jade of the Four Souls, the Jade of the Four Souls that has been destroyed, the brilliance of the Jade of the Four Souls that has been split into pieces, and each brilliance is the disintegration of each piece of the Jade of the Four Souls. Fragments of jade."

Ye Shenyue looked around, and his eyes could see the overall shape of the fragments very well, which was as beautiful as ice.


Kagome cried out in shock.

"...Hey, woman, what have you done!"

Inuyasha over there was also stunned for a while, and then he heard Yagami Yue's words and shouted loudly.

"It's just that the Jade of Four Souls has been turned into pieces from the whole, just like it is now."

Ye Shenyue took back the lock of the sky, and the silver-white lock of the sky left a fragment of the Four Soul Jade that had not been blasted and shot around.

In the palm of his hand is the Jade of the Four Souls, which are fragments to be precise.

In other words, the Jade of Four Souls was really broken.

And this piece of debris is like the smallest and smallest debris that falls on the ground when a white porcelain bowl is broken, so small that it is almost negligible!

"That is to say..."

Kagome's eyes were wide open, and Inuyasha also looked over.

"The Jade of Four Souls turned into pieces, and then... flew to other places!"

"Accurately speaking, the Jade of the Four Souls shattered because of Inuyasha's incompetence."

Ye Shenyue shrugged.

But at this time, Inuyasha suddenly screamed, "What is it because of me, it's obviously because this woman broke it!"

"But if you are powerful enough to catch the Corpse Dance Crow down, will Kagome need to shoot arrows? Then will the Jade of the Four Souls still be broken? Don't you know such a simple truth? You are so Kagome is the fruit!"

Uh..." At this time Inuyasha was a little speechless, but still stepped on the ground with bare feet and didn't back down, "So what should I do now? "

"Of course it is to collect the jade of the four souls, I know you want to become a complete monster, but... it seems impossible without the jade of the four souls, so you can only collect the jade of the four souls, and Kagome Because she is a person with a pure heart and has spiritual power, only she can sense the correct direction of the Four Soul Jade, and only with her assistance can you know where the Four Soul Jade is."

"Woman, do you really have this ability?"

Inuyasha looked at Kagome at once, although Inuyasha was also fooled into various chaotic relationships, but he did not admit that Kagome was her sister.

After all, the Kikyo in those days sealed him without saying a word.Do you have such a sister?And what happened to the little girl following Ye Shenyue?According to Ye Shenyue's flickering words, if it's Kikyo's sister, then wouldn't it be... um, his sister too?

Suddenly there are three more sisters... Inuyasha simply doesn't think about it.

"...Don't open or close your mouth, it's all about women and girls, okay? I have a name, it's Kagome!"

Well, just now, Kagome, who felt guilty because a Demon-Breaking Arrow exploded the Jade of Four Souls, finally found a way to vent, "This is fine, do you really have this ability?"

Inuyasha still had an expression of indifference, which made the girl even more depressed, but with the encouragement of Yagami Yue's eyes, she slowly got down and closed her eyes with a gesture of blending into nature.

Yagami and Inuyasha didn't bother her either.

In less than ten seconds, Kagome's eyes opened, "The direction of the woods feels like a jade of four souls!"

As she spoke, she pointed in a direction.

It was a lilac shard that fell to the ground!

It's a real piece of the Four Soul Jade!

"You actually have this ability... If this is the case, then this uncle will allow you to assist."

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