Ye Shenyue recognized this girl at once... Well, it was the girl who had sex with him yesterday, Inuyasha's sister, the female version of Sesshomaru.

It seems that this time it is not only Izayoi who paid the price to come to this world from Yuko's side, it may also have something to do with Sesshomaru.It seems that even if the plot goes in and out again, it will not go anywhere. The reason why Izayoi appears here may be caused by Sesshomaru.

"Killing pill!"

As soon as Yashin Yue mentioned the name, Inuyasha immediately froze, "What are you doing here!"

Both angry and nervous, it seems that Inuyasha also knows that Sesshomaru is not easy to deal with.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

The girl pouted, showing a slightly mocking tone, "I didn't expect to show fangs to my sister. It seems that you haven't been sealed enough all these years... Inuyasha!"

"Damn it... Mom, stand behind me."

Inuyasha gritted his teeth and wanted Izayoi, who was just a wisp of soul, behind him. God knows if Sesshomaru would attack Izayoi who only had a soul. Generally speaking, it is impossible for monsters to attack the incorporeal, but this is the world of monsters. , anything is possible.

With a gnashing of teeth, Inuyasha revealed the image of a man.

"Inuyasha has grown up..."

Izayoi's eyes were full of joy, and then he stood back a little.

Then Kagome, who was an outsider, found that Inuyasha's mother was actually looking at her.

Is there something on her face?

Somehow Kagome had a strange feeling that she was looking at someone through her.

"first meet."

Izayoi actually gave Kagome a salute when she was so nervous.

"Uh, hello auntie..."

Kagome also hurriedly imitated Izayoi's movements and returned a salute.God knows how worried she was when she shouted "Auntie", this Princess Sixteen Nights... Well, no matter how you look at it, she is even younger than her, calling such a person an aunt... It's a lot of pressure.

And... this Sixteenth Night Princess... so pretty.

The girl's face was slightly rosy, and seeing the beautiful scenery, whether it was a boy or a girl, was pleasing to the eye.

"Inuyasha, thanks to your care, dare to ask your Excellency..."

Princess Izayoi blinked at Ye Shenyue from an angle that Kagome couldn't see and bowed down with a serious face.

We're all so acquainted, do we need to be polite?

In her heart, Ye Shenyue still pretended to know Izayoi for the first time. Kagome was surprised by her serious appearance. When did this guy look like a human?

"call out--"

At this time, a green whip hit the place where Inuyasha was originally, and it smashed the soil to pieces. If Inuyasha was not agile, I would have been drawn by this whip. Although Inuyasha is a half-demon body, its body is not an ordinary sword. In addition to the damage and the protection of the fire rat robe, it is reasonable to say that it is not afraid of Sesshomaru's attack, but Sesshomaru is a whip that has condensed the power of demon power.

If you get pumped, even if you don't die, you will still be disabled...

"Seshomaru, you bastard..."

Inuyasha jumped away, and immediately scolded him. If he wanted to fight, he had to say it first. It was too much to attack so quietly.

"Inuyasha, just be obedient and capture the location of the master's grave and tell His Highness Sesshomaru!"

A slightly hoarse voice came, and everyone saw that a little monster with feet on the back of a two-headed cow had appeared on the ground at some point. His eyes were very abrupt and looked like two from a distance. Small lantern.

This is a wrong view, Sesshomaru's retainers are like Mingjia, but no matter how you look at it, this evil view is more powerful, holding a human head stick, the human head staff suddenly shakes and then a hot flame hits everyone.


There was Sesshomaru before and there were wrong views later. Inuyasha looked at Yagami in anger. He also knew that he could only rely on this powerful "enemy". The strength of the guy who tied him... Inuyasha was still very afraid. , after all, this guy was the one who sealed him with Kikyo back then.

Only when he turned his head, he saw a silver-white brilliance, the brilliance came from his mother Izayoi...


Inuyasha didn't have time to call out that title, and the white brilliance had already swallowed him.


Sesshomaru fell from the sky, and Xie Jian showed the expression of a villain's ambition, "His Royal Highness Sesshomaru, rest assured, just let Princess Izayoi reveal the secret in Inuyasha's heart."


The noble and elegant girl hummed softly again. She originally wanted to find a girl without a girl to pretend to be Inuyasha's mother, and then let the girl figure out the secret of the grave when Inuyasha's heart was opened, but the idea just arose. I found Izayoi floating in the air.

Izayoi is just a wisp of soul, but it can make a few little ghosts drag the carriage along obediently. What is even more surprising is that she has not provoke the other party of Izayoi, but finds her and asks Inuyasha's location.

Really want to help her kill the pill!


"Want to find the location of King Douya's tomb? I can tell you."

"Because... that is the treasured sword that King Douya specially left to Inuyasha, you can't get it."

"Because that's Douya King's compensation for Inuyasha. It will all return to Inuyasha in the end."

Sesshomaru's mind reverberated with what Izayoi said to her earlier, and the confidence on her face made her extremely dissatisfied!

Father will leave everything to that half-demon?

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