Although it is difficult to predict, the sudden appearance of the queen with small eyebrows, Lilia Lilith, is enough to surprise and inexplicable.

"His Royal Highness! Her Royal Highness Biliye, the legendary first girl in magical costume!"

Silas Buddy and Sera screamed at the same time, as for Haruna, a native subject, with a big mouth.

Even if you are the Queen, the Queen who likes to be quiet is not a casual appearance in front of everyone.So there are only a handful of times I can see her face to face.

Although the big teacher and Chrissy have already said that Her Lady Queen and Bubu have a leg, but that's enough to hear it. Her Lady Queen is a legendary figure, more ethereal than Chrissy, and it is impossible to touch it in general, so Barely ignored.

But the moment she was holding the lion doll and the petite girl with the golden hair fluttering appeared, Haruna was really surprised.

Her Lady Queen also appeared in person!

"My Lady Queen? It seems to be Lolita too... Could it be that Aikawa is really..."

Hiramatsu Taeko, who has a completely different view from others, is more concerned about the identity and abilities of the legendary Queen, and his eyes only look at the small body.

"Lolicon! He must be a lolicon!"

Miyuan nodded, and Mo Lan's eyes flashed, "There are 5 of them here alone... Oh, you can also add them, there are 6 loli in total... This guy's interest is completely exposed!

"Student Bu..."

Taeko-chan's body softened, but thanks to Mihara's agility, she immediately hugged her, preventing her from falling to the ground.Taeko's ability to accept must continue to be exercised.

"Ala...I didn't expect Lilith to come in person, it's a coincidence~~ It seems that we are really destined~~" I have to say that Ariel is really the kind of person who doesn't have back pain when she says things against her heart, whoever You can see that her words are not sincere, but there is still a gentle expression on her face.

The smirking Ariel and the angry Chriss slowly descended from midair and landed on the ground, a few centimeters higher than Her Lady Queen, and even Chris, who fell on Taeko's classmates. In the eyes, that is an out-and-out loli.

Sure enough, Aikawa-san is a lolicon.

"Meow~~" None of the people present said a word. Only the little lion in Her Lady Queen's arms turned her head and let out a soft cry. It jumped out of Her Lady Queen's embrace and landed on Ye Shenyue's head. Up, the two front paws grabbed Ye Shenyue's hair, and rubbed Ye Shenyue's head hard, with an intimate gesture.

"Forgot to say, it's Ye Ye and my child."

Her Lady Queen looked down on the two competitors, Ariel and Chris, and stared straight at Yu with her calm eyes.

In other words, she is actually staring at Yu's position, which obviously belongs to her!

Needless to say, Ariel and Chris gave her a sense of threat, but the underworld necromancer Yukuriwood in front of her was called the girl at the center of the world, giving her super strong pressure.

She seems to have a higher intimacy with her husband than Ariel and Chris.

When was she wearing the green hat?

The corners of Her Lady Queen's mouth twitched slightly.


All the girls were stunned.

"Is it impossible...Is it impossible...Abu's prototype is actually a lion? Now it's just a human form?"

I have to say that Chunnai's imagination is really rich and rich, and such bizarre ideas also come up.

Haruna's logic is like this, Her Lady Queen Lilith + Yagami Moon = little lion, and the child's appearance is very similar to that of her parents, Her Lady Queen can't be a lion no matter how she looks at it, so she can only say... Yagami Moon It's a lion spirit!


You held up the small book and looked at Ye Shenyue for a while speechless, even at this time, You was still as black as ever.

But what makes Ye Shenyue gratified is that Her Lady Queen is also a loli he likes, and her cuteness is almost comparable to that of Chris.

However, Ye Shenyue really felt a little familiar with the little lion that seemed to be coquettish on his head.Seems to have really seen it.

"That lion is obviously made by Ye Ye, not your child!"

Ariel's yellow eyes flickered and she didn't speak, but Chris couldn't hold back her breath.

She understood and understood why Lilith appeared when they opened the gate of time and space. In fact, they were a step behind, and the gate of time and space that was opened was destroyed by Lilith.

As the original girl in magic costume, Lilith is always in a state of transformation. At the same time, she has the skills that all girls in magic clothes are afraid of, and can eliminate the magic power of girls in magic clothes. The girl is utterly defeated.It should be that she came to their side at a critical moment, and eliminated their magic power to cause the problem of the gate of time and space.It's just that now he's smiling like he was last time.Confused again on purpose.

"But that was also given to me by him... and... Chris, you are actually there, it seems that the curse is no longer valid... I should give you a more severe curse, I think about it, it becomes What's good? The middle-aged uncle is still too gentle, so let's become a rough uncle... All kinds of long black leg hair... Short-haired uncle..."

While smiling, Lilith said the unacceptable fact, a rough uncle with thick legs and a thick face and long chest hair.

A pair of wide slippers hung on his feet, and he looked like a smirk. l "Yeah..."

Mihara was the first to accept that she couldn't. When she thought of this curse, she really wanted to self-mutilate.It's really shameless to continue living.

"And you guys...I think about it, um...just become cute animals, and vampire ninjas will become bats...humans...just become kittens..."

Lilith really had the breath of a queen, and she pronounced the sentence without question, giving no time to defend herself.

"Bat... bat?"

The vampire ninjas were stunned.

"Cat? Meow?"

Taeko and Mihara almost fainted, what the hell is going on!

"Rough uncle?"

Chris puffed out her cheeks and her big eyes were full of indignation. She had not gotten revenge after being turned into an uncle for so long, but Lilith actually made her become an unacceptable rough uncle again!

It's unbearable and unbearable, and she, Chris, is even more intolerable!

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