What a poor kid.

So when Ye Shenyue mentioned that she wanted to give her Iron Broken Teeth, the grief that Sesshomaru had been pressing for years rose up, and even said, "If it was given to me by my father, who cared about me, and wanted to protect me, then he would Give it to me yourself."

Come this way.

Sadness and resentment.

This made Ye Shenyue couldn't help jumping over to help her heal.

How much he wanted to tell her that now it was your father who handed over the sword to you!

It's just that the current conditions are obviously not good. If Sesshomaru knows that he is the King of Douya and then tells Immortal Fairy Lingyue...then...

There's bound to be big trouble.

Although Ye Shenyue is not afraid of fighting in terms of strength, it would be too shameful to fight with a woman.

Then, in Sesshomaru's strange eyes, Yagami Yue walked around the open space several times, and finally stopped.

"You just need to remember that your father also cares about you very much. It's fine that he gave you the natural tooth. If I put the knife down, it's one thing if you don't."

While saying that, Ye Shenyue really threw the knife on Sesshomaru's knee, and then left without any hesitation.

"... Is this guy really here to deliver the knife?"

Sesshomaru's nose moved slightly, and she was a little surprised to find that Yashenyue really left. She found that Yashenyue really left, but left a knife behind.

"Or... what would happen if the knife was pulled out?"

Sesshomaru kept turning Yeshenyue into the soil, always thinking badly.

The breeze came slowly, and the long silver hair flew.

The girl felt that her injured right arm was still unable to move, but her left hand was able to move.

Her gaze swirled, showing arrogantly looking at the sky that was about to enter the sunset, then landed on the treetops on the side, and then landed on the stream not far away, anyway, it did not land on the natural teeth on the knees .

Then look to the right and look high to the left, and finally it seems to fall on the knee very casually.

The scabbard is black, and the blade is hidden inside the scabbard.The left hand moved and took hold of the handle.


The sword was unsheathed a snow-white color.

This snow white reflected the girl's beautiful face and the faint smile that no longer needed to be hidden.

Sesshomaru, you are also arrogant!

Ye Shenyue, who watched Sesshomaru finally pick up the knife from a distance in the sky, almost laughed. She never thought that Sesshomaru, who always had a cold face and was always serious, would have such a cute side.


However, Ye Shenyue's attention quickly focused on a little girl.If he remembered correctly, it should be the little girl Suzu who opened Sesshomaru's compassionate heart.

ps: Continue to roll around and ask for a subscription.

Chapter 0042 Killing Pills and Bells (three more subscriptions)

The little girl's face is very delicate and she is wearing a light orange linen coat. Her little feet are also old straw sandals. There are a few small wounds on her feet, which are obviously from a fall.

In her hand, she holds a half-person-high wooden barrel. There is a clear stream in this forest. She often comes here to fetch water, and it is relatively quiet here and can be lucky enough to catch fish.

Overall this is an ordinary little girl who can't be more ordinary, the only difference is that this little girl is cute.

She saw Sesshomaru with a big stab, and Sesshomaru, who just pretended not to take the sword and finally held the sword, was a little embarrassed, but her face had already been trained as an iceberg, so she didn't show it. He let go of his teeth and pretended that he didn't do anything.

She has no desire to kill this little human girl.

She is not a bloodthirsty monster, she only attacks if the other party provokes her, just like the last time she passed a group of human troops, she was just looking for a boat, but the group of humans directly attacked her with their swords and artillery, so she Will kill without mercy.

At the same time, she felt more and more disgusting for human beings.

Well, Sesshomaru was born in a pure-blooded Yokai race and then his father abandoned his mother and went to find a human... It's a shame.So she doesn't have a favorable impression of human beings, and she is very repulsive subconsciously, but she does not have the urge to kill people when she sees them.

So the girl went to the stream to draw water and she didn't do anything.

The little girl looked at her with big eyes.

so beautiful.

This was Ling's first sigh, she was just an ordinary child who had never seen such a beautiful person.But the blood-stained placket must have been injured.

She put the water bell that was half filled in the bucket aside and wanted to get closer to Sesshomaru, but at this time the girl raised her eyes arrogantly, and the lingering eyes made Ling immediately lower her head.

"Need my help?"

Sesshomaru's eyes were very sharp and definitely not something this little girl could look at, so she quickly bowed down, but she was a kind child who looked at each other's blood-stained arms and couldn't bear it.


Sesshomaru didn't look at her, then closed his eyes.

Ling wanted to go forward, but Sesshomaru's eyes suddenly opened, which made Ling startled, and Ling gave up the idea of ​​helping Sesshomaru to bandage the wound. Her little hands were dirty and she just tore off her own to bandage the wound. How could her own clothes with such rough sleeves tarnish this perfectly beautiful big sister?

She had a feeling of inferiority, and her two toes touched together, showing a feeling of urgency and unease.

Then he silently left with a bucket that was half a person high.

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