"It is said that the jade of the four souls will pollute people's hearts. If you don't use it on the right path, you will probably put yourself in a situation of doom."

This is where Sesshomaru is slightly worried.

"Is it wrong to just torture and kill Immortal Fairy Lingyue?"


Sesshomaru was silent for a moment, and then unexpectedly replied, "It seems to be the right way to do this."

Is it the right way?

Seems right?

Xie Jian finally raised his face, it felt that En didn't seem to know His Highness Sesshomaru very well.

I didn't expect His Highness Seshomaru to have such a big resentment towards Immortal Fairy Lingyue.

Everything seemed to be quiet and there was nothing to do.

"That... Your Highness Sesshomaru, can I... can I follow you!"

However, at this moment, a childish voice became very loud, and Sesshomaru's eyes swept down to meet Suzu's sincere and serious eyes.

She already knew that the wolves had attacked the village, and there were no living people in the village, so she was left alone now.

"Little devil, what are you talking about!"

Xie Jian's big orange-colored eyes immediately widened, and it glared at the bell, "His Royal Highness Sesshomaru saved you just to test this natural tooth, and you actually have to make an inch... uh..."

Before Xie Jian's words were finished, the head cane in his hand was immediately empty and he held his head with both hands, because Sesshomaru had grabbed its crutches and poked Xie Jian's head at some point.

She still had a cold face, "I'm a monster."

Her tone was very light, but she said the biggest obstacle.

Yes, monsters!

Sesshomaru is a noble pure-blooded monster. If Suzu is by his side, can he stay still?

After all, in addition to her hating humans, humans are also very afraid of monsters.

"I only know that it was His Highness Sesshomaru who saved me. No matter whether His Highness Sesshomaru is a monster or a human being, it is just His Highness Sesshomaru to me."

However, Ling said seriously, with a resolute taste in her clear eyes.

Sesshomaru looked at her seriously, and Ye Shenyue looked at her seriously.

Sesshomaru's facial paralysis was moved by Ling's words, while Ye Shenyue sighed and regretted it. Although all of this was fueled by him, it still made him a little annoyed to see Ling's good strategy.I knew I had done it myself, so maybe there would be a bed-warming loli.

"Xie Jian, take her to the stream to wash first, and then..."

Sesshomaru paused, "Then you should listen to her first."

"Yes, His Highness Sesshomaru... eh?"

Xie Jian has recovered his vitality from being "poked", and instinctively obeying Sesshomaru's order is just stupid.

Uh, this is to make it Suzu's subordinate?

In the future, not only will Suzu follow His Highness Sesshomaru, but also the position above it?can order it?

Uh--it's stupid.

"What? Xie Jian, don't you even listen to my words?"

Sesshomaru's tone turned slightly cold, and the stupid evil view immediately woke up from the state of dementia, "His Royal Highness Sesshomaru's evil view definitely doesn't mean that..."


On the other hand, Ling looked strangely at the evil view.Speaking of which, this is the first time I've looked at evil views. After all, I was attracted by the beautiful and beautiful Sesshomaru before, and then Suzu saw this... Well, the ugly-looking evil views...

Not to mention the role of leading the way of the evil view who has fallen into a depressed state, let's say that Ye Shenyue feels that there is something wrong with the atmosphere now.

Sesshomaru and him came to a cooler place.The grass is soft and the trees flourish.

Sesshomaru's face was always cold, and then she was silent for a while and finally moved, but her movement made Ye Shenyue froze for a while, because at this moment Sesshomaru was actually undressing!

The belt was taken off to reveal the fair skin.

And Sesshomaru's cold voice also came, "Why, didn't you come here with me to get my body by using the secret you told me about the natural teeth?"

get body?

Get the body!

Is this the deal?

Girl, you seem to have misunderstood, I just don't want the process of collecting the pieces of the Four Soul Jade to be too long, so I just find a few more collectors!

Just looking at the protruding, delicate body and fair skin, Ye Shenyue secretly swallowed her saliva, and the unscrupulous little friend became hard again.

Well, if you misunderstand, misunderstand, girl!

Ye Shenyue sighed and took off her clothes and slowly leaned over.

Chapter 0046 Qibao is a girl? (One more request to subscribe)

In the woods.

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