"Know? Of course I do! Mom, I have something to do with him. Let's go to the room first!"

Sanyuan had no sympathy for her mother for taking so many things, grabbed Ye Shenyue and dragged him to her room.

"Speak! How did you suddenly appear here? How did you come back with my mother! How did you live in my house! And you were caught? How did you escape? And..."

Mihara blushed more and more, until Ye Shenyue poured her a cup of tea and drank it in one gulp, and she took a breath.

It's hard for her to say so many questions in one breath.

"I didn't expect your taste to be very girly... Pink walls, pink beds, and soft..."

As Ye Shenyue spoke, she had already rolled around on the soft princess bed. It really was the taste of a little girl, and it was much more comfortable than the quilt on Nini's tatami.

Chapter 0112 Tong Yangfu (Second)

"To... what's going on? Why did you suddenly come to me? And it was brought back by my mother?"

Mihara-san directly carried Ye Shenyue's clothes and wanted to move his body away from her bed!

On the other hand, Ye Shenyue was very obedient. She wanted to carry it, but she grabbed her hand in the opposite direction and pulled her onto the bed with all her strength.

"Let go! Let me go!"

Mihara blushed, but she didn't actually go to the bed with this guy.

"Are you thinking of something that makes you blush?"

Ye Shenyue didn't let it go. He was a zombie, and of course he was a boy in a magical costume. He still had magic power in his body, so Mihara, who was just a human, couldn't beat him at all, and he could do whatever he wanted.

How could Yagami, who has the dream of three thousand harems, give up this chance to get in touch with Kana Mihara?Especially when he was lying on the other party's bed, especially when the other party was also on the bed, how could he easily let go of the lamb that had already reached his mouth? "Nonsense...nonsense..."

Kanami blushed and defended, but that pink face made people want to take a bite, she must have imagined it in her mind!Otherwise, my face wouldn't be so red!

Ye Shenyue's face moved up, and Mihara recalled the experience of being kissed by him.

Do you want to repeat it again?

Kanami was nervous, but she didn't refuse!

Ye Shenyue's lips approached, he and she both felt each other's breath, and the warm breath sprayed on the two of them.

The temperature of both of them went up.

Ye Shenyue was looking for Mihara's lips, light pink lips.In Mihara's light blue eyes flashed the slightly aggressive gaze of Ye Shenyue, scorching like fire.

She couldn't help closing her eyes, ready to accept this unforgettable moment again.

"Kanamei? Come down quickly! You lazy bastard, don't come down for breakfast, I have other things to do later! By the way, tell Xiaoye Shenyue to come down too."

At this time, Mihara's mother, who had been expected by Ye Shenyue, turned out to be a disaster.

Mihara's mother didn't know what she was disturbing, she was standing downstairs with an apron and screaming...

The breakfast on the table is very rich, but Ye Shenyue has already eaten this thing called breakfast, and it is still a little full after being fed by Nini, but this is also the kindness of Mihara's mother, he has to eat it again, but But it was only a little bit because of the child.

Ye Shenyue drank the soup to kill time, glanced at Mihara, whose face was still a little red, and an idea suddenly flashed in her heart.

"Auntie, will I grow up and marry Sister Kanami?"

Ye Shenyue pretended to be a cute child and said that she was "proposing a kiss" in disguise like a dream. He felt the benefits of being a child again. Normally, parents would laugh at it or agree to it with a joke.


Mihara shook his hand.The spoon that was holding the miso soup fell on the table because of Yagami's words, and suddenly a piece of soup was spilled.

"Fumbling, Xiaoye Shenyue... Of course you can... I'm afraid you don't dislike Kanami's rudeness."

Sanyuan's mother glared at her daughter, she would drop the spoon even when she was drinking soup, so how could she marry in the future!

However, he said to Ye Shenyue with a smile on his face, but he was thinking to himself that he was so cute when he was young, and he must be a handsome guy when he grew up. It would be a very good idea to marry Kanami at that time.

Mihara's mother did not live up to Ye Shenyue's expectations, she looked at Ye Shenyue with a smile, and even Ye Shenyue's cheeky couldn't stand the shock. This answer was expected, but the look in her eyes... the other party must be fighting Thinking of something, every time he was targeted, his back would sweat, just like now.

"Well, how about Xiaoye Shenyue being our son-in-law? Xiaoye Shenyue is so cute, and your children will be even cuter in the future."

Mihara's mother did not live up to Ye Shenyue, but she just said what was in her heart in an instant.

"Cough cough...cough cough..."

Mihara-san blushed and coughed violently.Ye Shenyue was close to her, and hurriedly ran over to pat her pink back. Because of her small stature, she could only stand up and look a bit strange for Mihara's unmatched height.

But Mihara's mother smiled, "It seems that Xiaoye Shenyue cares so much about Kanami... Then it's settled."


Maybe it was Ye Shenyue who really helped, Mihara finally regained her breath, but she almost fainted when she heard her mother's resolute words, and the blushing was even more exaggerated.Even the voice is very fast.

"What? Don't you want to? After this village, there is no such shop! What do you think, Xiaoye Shenyue?"

Mihara's mother puffed out her face and looked a little angry, as if she was blaming her daughter for being unsatisfactory, and she didn't even want the husband she chose.

"Yes, yes... I will never meet such a good person in the future!"

Ye Shenyue's face is really thick to a certain extent, and it's not unnatural to say such self-proclaimed words, as if it's true.

"Self... narcissism!"

Mihara was always no match in front of her mother and Ye Shenyue, and she could only hum in dissatisfaction when she was defeated.

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