"Damn Yeshenyue... I'm about to be eaten, where are you!"

Kagome shouted angrily but then she was speechless, because she saw another figure that was no longer unfamiliar, that was a man hiding under the boiling skin.

The half-demon who is called the absolute enemy by the mage Maitreya... Naraku.

ps: No, I always feel that Maitreya is going to be written as a foundation with Inuyasha...

There is still trouble to vote, the author wants to open a new book, and the protagonist in the setting is the devil.

Chapter 0074 Resurrection of Bellflower (two more for subscription)

"Is this the reincarnation of Kikyo? It looks okay."

Ye Shenyue approached Kagome and said as if she was looking at her.

"...What do you mean it's okay! Such a tone is really annoying!"

Kagome is a person who is not afraid of hardships and dangers... um, or someone who doesn't know how to look at the atmosphere.

"...Rita, start processing and extract her soul. I can't wait to bring Kikyo back to life."

Ye Shenyue gave Kagome a compliment in her heart, no matter who she sees, she is neither humble nor arrogant and angry if she should be angry.

But he still ordered Li Tao.

"No problem, I will definitely finish it, but let me first say that the fragments of the Four Soul Jade belong to me."

Li Tao showed a flattering expression. She also knew about the Four Soul Jade, and now she tried the fragments of the Four Soul Jade and felt very satisfied.

"Well, after the completion, the fragments of this four-soul jade will belong to you."

Ye Shenyue said in disapproval, how could he not notice the greed flashing in Li Tao's big eyes?

He also understood Li Tao's thoughts, didn't he just want to control Kikyo and deal with him?

Hmph, how can Kikyo be controlled so easily?

"Wow...don't pour so much water! It's too icy."

07 Kagome, who was submerged in the potion by Li Tao in a small pool made of stones, cried out. Not only was the potion unpleasant, but the water was so cold that it was really uncomfortable.

"Don't ask so much, you first soak me to see if Kikyo's body is burnt."

Li Tao, however, threw his sleeves away, put away the sharp sickle, and ran into the burning cave full of joy.


The body was covered with ice water and the smell of pungent herbs, if she hadn't been unable to move, she must have struggled to jump out.

It's just that there is only one man under the skin, a man named Naraku, she can't ask him for help!And... listening to the conversation between Li Tao and him, it seems that this guy is the ultimate mastermind!

Just in Kagome's stunned eyes, a fire suddenly appeared in Naraku's hand and threw it on her!

"What are you doing?"

Kagome's eyes were wide open, didn't Li Tao say she wanted to live? Only alive can she extract her soul, and if she is burned, it will...

"Don't you think that the water is cold? It's just to help you warm it up, and it's just a small favor for your face."

Naraku's voice seemed colder, but Kagome felt like she had discovered a new world.

To this face of you?

Her face... Not only Yagami, but also Inuyasha and Kaede felt that it was printed in the same mold as Kikyo, so they didn't have any accident that she was the reincarnation of Kikyo.

And now this Naraku... seems to be talking about Kikyo too.

"What's your relationship with Kikyo?"

Kagome looked curious and depressed at the same time, why didn't that stubborn Ye Shenyue come to save her...

But if he resurrected Kikyo, maybe... would he choose Kikyo and sacrifice her?

The girl's heart was full of confusion.

But that didn't stop her from changing the subject wisely, while preparing to procrastinate, she also asked if she could understand the details of Naraku, the half-demon.

"Why should I tell you."

It's a pity that Naraku doesn't seem to like her, and Kagome is a little anxious. Could it be that he will die here in vain?

But then Naraku continued to add unexpectedly, "Looking at your face exactly like Kikyo, I'll tell you, um... Or you can experience it with your own body."

As she said that, Naraku seemed to put her hand on her body.

Even if she couldn't move the girl, she resisted and stiffened.

"This person...is a pervert..."

The girl's heart immediately marked Naruo with a stable and long-lasting label.

But fortunately, Naraku did not continue to molest her, but said something to herself. "Biankyo..."

"This woman took care of me when I was just an ordinary wounded immobile robber. She didn't dislike me, she just treated me like an ordinary person. I am a robber and a robber should not have a cowardly heart but I found that I like it, I like this witch."

"But it didn't take long, the shrine maiden disappeared soon, she sent her sister to take care of me, and then I heard the news of Kikyo, Kikyo was with a human, and they were together like that. Kikyo was going for that A man abandoned his identity as a witch and was willing to stay by his side to have children for him... Kikyo should be happy, and the happy smile on the corner of her mouth when she appeared again made me mad. Because the person who brought her happiness not me."

"At that time, I couldn't even move, so I couldn't even express my feelings to Kikyo, and then... I hate it! I hate Kikyo for being taken away by humans so quickly..."

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