However, at this moment Kikyo's body suddenly softened and fell completely into Naraku's arms. Her body emitted a silvery white brilliance just like the state of absorbing the soul just now, but this time it was the loss of the soul.

The soul seems to have grown eyes and injected directly into Kagome, who was ignored because of seeing Kikyo.


Li Tao shouted loudly, " is this possible, how did the soul go back?"

"Sister Kikyo's soul has returned to Kagome."

Kaede looked at Kagome, whose body was stiff and then slowly relaxed, and immediately ran over to pull Kagome up. As soon as her body was soaked in the liquid, Kagome was able to move.

She opened her eyes and looked at Naraku who was holding Kikyo, her eyes dangled over them several times and still felt strange.

"Kankyo... Do you still remember who Ye Shenyue is?"

At this time, Kikyo's body has completely fallen into Naraku's arms, almost touching his chest. Such an intimate scene makes people blush, but the face of the girl who is pressed against the man's chest is exactly the same as hers.

Kagome bit her lip slightly, "Do you know what you are doing now?"

Although I hated Ye Shenyue in my heart, I wondered why the other party didn't show up yet. Didn't I see that Kikyo was already in the arms of another man?

Looking at the face of the other party that was exactly the same as his own... Kagome felt a strange feeling in his heart.

For some reason, there is a feeling that iron can't become steel. It was this woman who stole Ye Shenyue's heart... and now...

"Night... Shenyue..."

When he heard this name, Kikyo's body seemed to have been reborn, and it was no longer so weak and weak, and there was an expression on the white face.


"How is it possible... to still be able to move..."

Li Tao made a sound in astonishment, but at this moment, a lingering wind came from behind.

"not good!"

Li Tao turned his head and saw Ling Lie's wind blade!

It's just that at this moment, there is a fragment of the Four Soul Jade on her body, but the power of the fragment is infinite. She immediately jumped away and avoided the attack of the wind blade, and then rolled to the side of Kikyo.

Then, a pair of white hands rested on her shoulders.A silvery white brilliance burst forth.

Rita let out a piercing scream.

Chapter 0076 She belongs to me (one more subscription)

Rita let out a piercing scream while her aged body withered and turned to coke like a flower withering a hundred times faster.

She wanted to avoid the murderous wind blade, and then a lazy donkey rolled around and hid at the Kikyo. She wanted to seek the help of Kikyo, but she didn't expect a pair of white and tender palms to fall on her shoulders, and her black eyes that had been burned turned around. When he came over, Li Tao looked at the expressionless Kikyo in disbelief, and said in disbelief, " could this be..."

Li Tao didn't understand that everyone didn't understand, even Kagome who had recalled his soul back into his body didn't understand, didn't understand why Kikyo would do such a thing.

Spirituality and decision.

This is not something a soulless person can do.

But Kikyo herself explained the meaning of what she did, "It's just a monster who wants to control me and let me kill for you. It's too much to think of myself."

Yes, how uncomfortable would it be for a well-known witch to be controlled by a weak monster and become a sharp blade in the opponent's hand to harvest people's lives?Even the witches can't accept it!

So the argument that Kikyo directly killed Li Tao immediately made sense.

"Now I'm just a body full of resentment."

Kikyo's body has lost its stiffness and is as soft as a human being.It is hard to imagine that the body was recovered by Li Tao using clay and ashes.

Kikyo's voice became very light, she looked at Inuyasha and his party with colorless eyes, and then frowned slightly, "Inuyasha, why are you here? I have sealed you? And you..."

Kikyo's tone gradually intensified, and she looked at Kagome, "Who are you? Not only do you have my appearance, but... what is your relationship with Yagami?"


Kaede glanced at Kaede, except that Inuyasha knew Kikyo, now only Kaede and Kikyo seem to be the most familiar.At this time, Kikyo seemed to know nothing.It just seems to be more sensitive to the three words "Ye Shenyue".It's just her relationship with Ye Shenyue... It seems... Now it's a strange feeling to let her speak for herself.

She looked at Kikyo with a strong and strange feeling that her past life...was this woman?

Seeing Kagome looking at her and seeing Kikyo sister's resurrected Kaede's heart is also very surging, but she was so excited that the people present ignored her who didn't have a sense of existence, so it was said that during this short period of time, Kaede's There is a faint sadness in my heart that has been forgotten.

But now the mood is obviously much better, and it sure is that the reincarnated elder sister Kikyo treats her a little better.

But the good thing is that she can't erase her feelings for the Kikyo in this life. She quickly explained, "Sister Kikyo, it's like this..."

A brief silence.

Even Kagura, who had been ignored because of Kikyo's knowing blow and killed Rita before using the wind blade, remained silent, but if you look at her seriously, you can see that she is actually a beautiful wine red. The color that flashed in his eyes was definitely of interest.

She has made a bystander status, not only her other people are similar.

This is also true of Maitreya. On the one hand, he hates Naraku deeply, but Kikyo... Well, in his understanding, Miss Kagome's past life was by Naraku's side. If you use the wind point to hurt Kikyo, it will be bad.

On the other hand, Inuyasha pricked up his ears and let out a slightly emotional and angry cry like "woooo", but he didn't immediately go to the shrine maiden who had sealed him for [-] years and ridiculed him desperately. Because he also has the eyesight to see that the more important thing seems to be not a simple fight.

"So that's how it is... It's been fifty years... So you are my reincarnation..."

Kikyo murmured an expression that accepted the new knowledge and then...then lost.

Ye Shenyue's heart silently gave a thumbs up, this look of Kikyo is so realistic that even he was deceived.

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