Imagining the scene where Yagami threw down really...

"what? What?"

Princess Ruki, who was completely regarded as the background, was fortunate to hear the words of the two, but she had never heard of her daughter, Kagome, and Inuyasha. She was really confused.


Lu Ji, who looked up blankly and wanted to say something but couldn't say anything, widened her eyes. The relationship between the two seemed to be very good, so what just... just pretended?


On Ye Shenyue's side, away from Kikyo and the others who would quarrel at any time, Ye Shenyue found someone to hold her even though she couldn't hook up Princess Ruki.

"Shen Wu, I didn't expect your skin to turn white again after not seeing you one day. It's really comfortable to touch the white and tender skin."

Passing her hands through the layered hem of the little girl's clothes and stroking her flat belly, Ye Shenyue kissed the little loli who never resisted him.

Shenwu is very cute, although his face is expressionless, but when he touches and touches, the slight twitching, twitching and shrinking of his skin are very obvious.

This is the legendary "You say you don't want your body but you're honest?"

"Is it really okay to say such things in front of me?"

This is Kagura's voice. She has been sitting on the side for ten minutes, but she didn't make a sound. She thought that Ye Shenyue would calm down a little. She never thought about the other party. Well, it seems that she didn't even look at her. does not exist!

Now, flirting like no one else, this... is really too much!

Obviously and Shen Wu were born at the same time, but the treatment is very different!

Shen Wu can stay in the room and hold a mirror every day and touch it and touch it and then do nothing, and he, who is obviously the messenger of the wind, also symbolizes freedom, likes and freedom, but every time he can't help himself. Pull to be a coolie!

This kind of life, this kind of life is simply impossible!

Kagura's heart was originally small, but now it has completely exploded.So at the moment her tone is quite bad.

The wine red eyes also seemed to be covered with scarlet anger.

"Oh. It doesn't seem right..."

Ye Shenyue's eyes finally landed on her, which made Kagura, who was completely ignored, in the heart, well, not to say it, but the feeling in her heart seemed to be a little better.

"But Kagura, you're actually here? I haven't found out that you're there yet if you don't make a sound."


If eyes can kill, then Yagami Moon at this moment has been dismembered by Kagura. If it wasn't to maintain his appearance, Kagura would definitely open the "eat" ring like a normal monster and sneak into his bed one day and then Open your mouth and eat him!

Dangerous colors flashed in the girl's eyes, because Ye Shenyue greeted her when she came over just now and asked, "Where is Shenwu now, bring her here, I'll wait for her here."

Such a thing, and now I actually say I don't know she's here!

Could it be that she is so transparent in his eyes?

On the one hand, it is extremely intimate with her sister, and on the other hand, she completely ignores her!

This nasty guy!


Kagura stood up and threw her sleeves angrily. According to her usual anger, she couldn't take action against the "master" of Yagami, and in order to vent her anger, if she turned the surrounding area around. If the environment is damaged, then it is very likely that Ye Shenyue will use all kinds of "Wow--"

"Wow" and the methods of ghosts and animals to punish, so at this time Kagura only plucked the feathers on his head and flew into the sky, then found a mountain and directly chopped it to vent his emotions.

It seems to be the same this time, but Kagura only took two steps and backed away, which made Yashin Yue very curious, because he knew that Kagura's heart was small and his grace was very small. It's weird to be able to stand still after an hour of venting.

"Princess Sixteen Nights, why are you here?"

Kagura turned around and smiled like a little fox.

Chapter 0079 forgive you (three more subscriptions)

Kagura turned around and smiled like a little fox.

Because she saw Princess Izayoi walking this way, and the battle between Izayoi and Kikyo just now took her to heart.

And just now, when a real master who was jealous when he saw a rival in love appeared, would it be a good thing?

Even if Princess Izayoi didn't directly say Ye Shenyuehuaxin, but complaining about him is still indispensable.

"Hey, who told you to ignore me like that just now, I made me angry, and now it's better for you!"

Kagura's expression at the moment was extremely sullen, and she pulled out her fan and swung it like a peacock that successfully spread out its beautiful wings in courtship.


The princess moved a little bit like a princess, and then she smiled at Ye Shenyue Zhanyan, who was holding her hands up and down on the little loli, who couldn't bear to look directly at her.

This smile is so bright that it makes one feel like being burned by the sun.

Not to mention the ease of saying hello is that this smile seems to have a subtle feeling.

Ye Shenyue's body didn't move, but a lot of thoughts flashed in her mind. Yes, Ye Shenyue has every reason to believe that Princess Sixteen Nights suddenly came here to light a torch or something. When she appeared, Princess Izayoi's expression was a little stiff, and then she seemed to be slightly appetizing, but she didn't quarrel in person, but this time she was facing Kikyo... but she was directly angry, not like the one who accepted it. Well-educated princess.

To sum up, Ye Shenyue feels that, well, the smile of the princess at this time should be adulterated, not to mention all resentment, but at least part of it is resentment.

"Good, let's go to the yard with Kagura to play first."

Ye Shenyue pulled out her hand from the little girl's soft and flat belly without leaving a trace and stood up slowly.

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