Ye Shenyue nodded and said that it wasn't him who was going to the hospital, "Godou, I'm sorry I didn't react because the speed was too fast, but this girl who is holding a knife to you... do you know me?"

Yagami seemed to miss Godou's hand inadvertently and then stood up by herself, and felt that the weather had improved for a short time. It was not the first time he had encountered such an embarrassing situation, so since the original protagonist thought he was a His younger brother will be in front of him first. He doesn't know anything about the godslayer's world, Ye Shenyue, but he roughly remembers the names that are easy to remember. For example, the names of the protagonists that must be remembered are Athena, Athena. The girl who had completely passed out made him feel a little familiar.

But at this moment, she couldn't speak, she just closed her eyes in pain, as if she had suffered some very, very bad abuse, and her body was still twitching slightly.

While talking about Ye Shenyue, she felt guilty but calmly hugged the dying girl. She felt guilty because he avoided the girl in the first place, but in the end he hurt her, but fortunately he didn't hang up, he could only say The opponent's physical strength is enough, not an ordinary person.

But the calmness is that this girl was holding a sharp knife and a pair of direct robbery style, which made Ye Shenyue think, well, if she caught the robber, she would not be exaggerating.

But what is surprising is that this girl... is really beautiful.

She has golden and smooth hair that reaches her hips and hips, and a fair but extremely delicate face. No matter how you look at it, she is a beauty, and as a girl... There is no regret in her chest and body. How is the softness.

Ye Shenyue's mind was already flying.

However, this appearance gave people a kind of familiar feeling.Then she saw the real male pig's feet beside her, and Yagami felt that this girl was also the heroine of the original book, so she asked Godou, the aboriginal male protagonist.

"She...I don't know. I met him when I asked for directions just now. She was talking about a magic book and then took out the dagger."

Godou answered honestly and then saw Yagami acting strangely.

He just stood up and squatted down again, and then patted the cheek of the blond girl who fell to the ground. The other party didn't open her eyes, but the look of pain on her face was a little heavier.

"No, it must be that you were seriously injured by your attack just now!"

Godou said nervously, although it was very scary to be pointed at by a blond beauty with a sharp knife with a cold glow after arriving in Italy, but it was not acceptable for Godou to see the girl injured.

Of course, there are also worries about being arrested because the younger brother wounded the other party and turned it into excessive defense.

"It should be like this. There are several broken ribs and bleeding from the corners of the mouth. The beating of the heart has become weak. It is likely that the ribs pierced the heart and caused heavy bleeding. Even if it is sent to the hospital, I am afraid it is too late."

"That means... she's about to hang up!"

Godou suddenly became nervous. On the one hand, Yagami was attacking the girl because she saw that the girl took out the murder weapon and wanted to help him, but now she was too defensive and probably committed a crime, but on the other hand This girl is about to die!A life is like this...

Godou's face turned pale.

But then he suddenly opened his eyes and seemed to be stunned.

"That... Ye Shenyue, what are you doing? If the rib is inserted into the heart and then performing CPR will only increase the amount of bleeding..."

Godou's voice seemed a little choppy, as if he was hesitating to speak, but he couldn't really blame him because Yagami's movements at the moment were really hard to say.

I saw him squatting and then without patting the girl's cheek, it became a part of the lower abdomen under her collarbone and began to move.

It moved like an uncle's salty pig's hand, and then stopped at the chest.

Then Ye Shenyue's forehead seemed to be sweating, "No, I can't use my strength to heal."

Seeing that someone was injured, Ye Shenyue naturally wanted to use Guangdu, but the power in her body had already been exhausted, and she couldn't use it at all!

"Then... how about that?"

Because grandpa is a magician, Godou also knows a little about the name of magician, but he doesn't know much, so he thought that Yagami was taught some power by grandpa and came to save people, but now it seems that No more play.

"The current injury can only be helped by someone with powerful magic power, and the person who Grandpa asked us to exchange the slate for is also a powerful witch. Just bring this girl to her."

When Yagami stood up, she was initially nervous, but looking at the slate in Godou's hand, she finally found a bit of a plot.In the plot, the object of returning the slate is a witch. Obasan, who is in his [-]s and [-]s, can still use his magic power to stay young. Of course, he can restore the girl's life with strength.

"But we haven't found the master there yet!"

Hearing that, Godou was overjoyed, and then his expression became anxious again.

"Since this is the case, there is no other way. Although she looks very good and feels great, I can only give her up, but it is best to throw her into the alley so that the police will not find her, but it is a very dangerous thing. ."

"Eh? Ah!"

This... this is throwing a corpse!

Godou's eyes widened.

Ye Shenyue looked amused, and just as she was about to explain, a powerful force swept in.

ps: This volume has been put to the end for everyone to subscribe.

Chapter 0003 The chrysanthemum behind?No, that's a wild boar!Next (three updates for subscription)


The huge force covered the entire space and the world was transformed into the original black and white, and a wild boar with fierce mane jumped up. Its huge body was taller than a twenty-story building. Running forward, it seemed that they had found something they were just interested in. The manic aura of the burster was only when Ye Shenyue appeared. The building in front of them turned into rubble and vanished.

"This...what is this!"

Seeing this terrifying scene, Godou cried out in panic. It was already very dangerous to meet a "female robber" as soon as he arrived in Italy. Now what is going on with this huge, outrageous wild boar?

Ancient monsters?

Godou, who had little knowledge in this area, could only think so, but now was not the time to think about it.

"This wild boar is running towards us!"

Manic breath, huge stature and unparalleled destructive power!

"Flee! Let's separate, separate! Godou, go to the left, to the left!"

Without even thinking about it, Yagami picked up the blond girl and ran away from Godou.

What Yagami Yue thought between the lights and flint was that this wild boar was one of the powers of the original protagonist. It was probably attracted by the slate in Godou's hand. After all, it was the incarnation of Pegasus, so he let Godou run with the slate. After all, Ye Shenyue's power at the moment was taken out of time and could not fight against this wild boar chasing behind him, and he didn't hang up when he fell from the sky, but if he was hit by this wild boar from behind, he would definitely hang up! , Without the power, the body can only be an ordinary mortal body. Can you use the power of a mortal to deal with the gods?

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