Blood entered the girl's mouth.

Godou vaguely guessed that Yagami was trying to save the blond girl, but this could it feel unreliable?

In fact, Godou's concerns were completely reasonable, after all, Yagami just said that he wanted to save the blond girl and then touched...then lingered on her chest, but now he just kissed her directly.

ps: The next chapter will lay the foreshadowing of ghosts and animals.Like gay or something.

Chapter 0005 The winner is actually a winner (two more subscriptions)

After a brief silence, the stunned little maid screamed, her fingers trembling, "You...what are you doing!"

It was panic and nervousness, as if she was the one being violated at the moment.

"I'm saving her."

Ye Shenyue put down Erika and lifted her heart, because he saw the blond girl's fingers suddenly trembling, the white fingertips trembled slightly, and then there was a murmur in his mouth, His long eyelashes fluttered and he opened his eyes.

Those blue and deep blue eyes are extremely beautiful.

"Ai...Miss Erica!"

Ariana immediately grabbed Erica's arms nervously, but just about to grab it, she woke up and jumped up because she remembered that Yagami said earlier that Erica's whole body was shattered, but what surprised her was that Erica, who was supposed to smash her bones, saw herself lying on the ground and then got up by herself, but then she looked at everyone strangely.

"Ariana why are you here? Wait...I think about..."

Erica suddenly saw Kusakagogodou, who showed the same astonished eyes as Ariana, "I remembered, the magic book... By the way, the magic book in your hand!"

Godou immediately clenched the silver-white slate as if he had been robbed. He winked at Yagami, "Is there really no problem? Has it been cured? Isn't it a flashback?"

"This should be."

Ye Shenyue looked at Erica, who was still able to get up to find the slate. According to her vigorous state, it seemed that Erica had recovered and did not need the help of magic. In other words, her own blood... Really so useful?

Can a dying person recover?

Is your body not only as useful as before, but also more resistant to strikes?

Ye Shenyue felt that her heart was not so resentful anymore.

"What's cured?"

The blond girl frowned slightly, and now Godou was holding the slate in his hand tightly in front of everyone, so she didn't want to do "actions that go against the spirit of a knight", such as holding a sword to forcefully steal the opponent's slate. What.

No matter how you look at this kind of thing, it takes two people to attack them fiercely.

"Miss Erica is actually like this just now... um..."

Ariana couldn't lie, just wanted to speak, but was immediately stunned by Ye Shenyue's fierce eyes and stopped her mouth involuntarily.


The blond girl was a little strange. She always felt that something was weird, and there seemed to be a bit of fishy taste in her mouth.

But at this time, everyone felt that the sky seemed to darken, and the sunlight on their body became a shadow, which was the shadow of a huge bird.


A loud and majestic voice came from the sky with a flame-like color. It was a giant bird with open wings, and its whole body was wrapped in hot flames, like a huge Garuda beast. The eyes are also scarlet and full of manic atmosphere.

"Not good! It's a divine beast!"

Erica, who was still confused, immediately woke up and murmured, "Is Italy really going to become the battlefield of the gods?"

"The battlefield of the gods?"

Godou looked quite puzzled, even if the terrifying wild boar in front of him was even involved with the gods.Just seeing that Erica seemed to be trying to stop Phoenix, he immediately took Ye Shenyue and prepared to leave quietly. After all, Erica took out a knife and wanted to rob it at the beginning, but just now it was difficult for the other party to be seriously injured. She left but now has recovered so they have no reason to stay.

And what if you stay and get robbed again?

Didn't you see that she was shouting the magic book when she woke up?

"Ye Shenyue, is this book really that powerful? Magic book?" The two took advantage of Erica's escape from the roof to stop Phoenix from destroying the city. They came to the street. I haven't met anyone. It is estimated that when the divine beast appeared, there was an enchantment, and it would not hurt ordinary people like Shana's world. Even if it hurts, it can be repaired...

"This book is..."

Ye Shenyue took the silver-white slate and shook her head, "This should be a slate from the Greek period. This naked man really has the spirit of artistic devotion. It seems that the relationship between men and women in that era was really chaotic. It's everywhere!"


Godou was also stunned for these remarks criticizing ancient myths, and then asked cautiously, "Speaking of the chaotic relationship between men and women, although it seems that Miss Erica was cured in the end, but casually kiss... The pro-girl like this... doesn't seem to be good."

Godou's voice was intermittent as he spoke, and his face was slowly flushed. It seemed that he was still an innocent boy.

"I couldn't help it at the time. If I didn't do that, then she would probably... and it's all over. As long as we don't say it, how would she know? And we all ran away, can she still catch up?"

Ye Shenyue shrugged. In his opinion, Erica has a beautiful chest and a very positive shape, but in this world, he cares more about young girls... No, it's Lolita!

Where did that cutest loli go?

"That's what I said, but why do I feel like you're shirking responsibility..."

"Godou, you must be mistaken. I belong to the Kusanagi family. Don't you know what the Kusashi family are like?"

Yagami Yue showed a stunned expression as if Godou was asking an idiot-like question.


The young man was silent. He thought of his grandfather, who asked them to return the slate to the master, and the master seemed to have a very unusual relationship with his grandfather. He seemed to be an old lover. Judging from this urination, people from the Caozhi family seemed to be relatively... …

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