The light made people unable to open their eyes, but it wiped across Mercator's chest and continued to move forward, rushing towards the military god who was emitting a mysterious brilliance of lavender in the sky.

"Did he attack me?"

Looking at the white horse army god who slid past Mercator and attacked her, he laughed, "Hahaha...Interesting, really interesting, warrior, this is the return of things to their original owners! Very good!"

The war god seemed to have become delirious and excited.The battered attribute suddenly rose, and the white brilliance was directly shattered by her wielding the golden golden sword and disappeared into clouds.

"No, you are wrong!"

However, Ye Shenyue had already sat up at this time, "It's not an attack but a sneak attack!"

"Godou, cut that Mercator!"

The spiky-haired boy didn't know when he had already grasped a golden giant sword with both hands, and immediately hit Mercato with a heavy blow in the voice of Yagami.

The giant let out a huge scream.

ps: It's really troublesome to have Godou, let him go and have sex with Toto after two chapters...

Chapter 0017 God of War?goddess! (One more request to subscribe)

The giant Mercator let out a huge roar, and he looked at the golden sword stuck in his chest in disbelief.

It was a big sword with a unique shape and an extremely exaggerated arc, and the sword body alone was enough to be nearly one person long.

To ordinary people, it was an exaggerated great sword, but to the twenty-story tall Mercator, it was just like a dagger, but it was this dagger that caused his body to suffer heavy damage.

The power of the body seems to have been cut off.


Erica even covered her mouth and lips with one hand and her eyes widened in shock. From Yagami Yue asking Godou to use Hakuba to steal the weapon of the war god to letting Godou attack Mercator, it was only a split second, but that's what happened. In the blink of an eye, there was a huge change in the field.

Godou, who was just an ordinary boy just now, actually drove the slate and used the incarnation of the war god "White Horse", and then directly used the golden sword to attack Mercator.

You must know that these are all things of the God of War. As her exclusive items, other people will either not be able to use them or there will be serious consequences, but Godou can actually use them so powerfully!

Ordinary attacks can't shake Mercator, because he is too huge and thick-skinned, but once a weapon of the same level or higher than him is used, Mercator can only die!

Yes, it is death!


The huge body could no longer support a little collapse and turned into an ashes-like object.And at the moment when the huge body collapsed, a strange pattern appeared beside Godou. It was a pattern of a strange gray circular shield.


Toto, who had expected it, was already prepared, but seeing Godou's move so fast, he almost did it in one go, and he simply took the golden sword and killed Mercato... Yes……

The smile on his face slowly enlarged and turned into a sunny smile.

"It's great... Godou, it's great, I've decided, I'm going to fight you!"

In the early years, Toto was a knight who was lucky enough to kill a god and become a godslayer. He possessed great power, but he always wanted to find a strong opponent. I didn't expect it... Now, I found it!

While talking, he jumped off the reef.


The laughter came over, and the blue-haired military god high above the sky fell, and her eyes were both surprised and excited, but there was no anger.

"Warrior, you are amazing, you not only unexpectedly took my golden sword with a white horse and then... but also collected the conditions for using the golden sword to use the golden sword! Very good... good, so It is very rare to see warriors who use their tricks."

The military god's feet fell to the ground with a smile on his white face, as if he had encountered something good, and he was in a very good mood.


However, Godou collapsed to the ground all of a sudden. After beheading Mercator, the golden sword that was half in the air and finally retracted in his hand disappeared when facing the war god, and Godou was exhausted.

The condition of using the golden sword is to know the opponent in detail. He has already obtained the knowledge of Mercator from Yagami before capturing, and Yagami deliberately asked Erica and let him hear, so Only he can use the golden sword.

Strangely, when Hakuba brought the sword back, he held the golden sword in his hand and chopped at Mercator without any hesitation.

But for the god of war... After knowing the name and deeds of the opponent, he couldn't use the golden sword, and he was exhausted all of a sudden.

"Hahaha... Do you still want to fight me? Attack me with my sword? It doesn't seem to work—"

The god of war was still smiling.

It made Ye Shenyue feel that her convulsions were even deeper. She was not angry if her weapon was robbed, and she was almost attacked, but she really was abused?

However, when Godou turned the golden sword against the child god, the sudden disappearance of the sword made him frown slightly.He had already learned from Erica, who was familiar with the history of mythology, that the condition for using the golden sword was to fully understand the other party. He had already told Godou about Mercator's knowledge, so it was not surprising that Godou had cut Mercator.

Because this is what he planned, let Godou sneak up on the war god, snatch the golden sword, kill Mercato directly, then stab the war god and let him get the final blow and gain the power of the war god.

But it failed, and the golden sword actually disappeared!

Godou is exhausted, but the golden sword cannot disappear!

Moreover, it disappeared from such a close as a death-like distance to the God of War!

It was unexpected that the war god would come down from the sky, he thought she would get angry and attack directly in the air.

He was not afraid of the war god's anger and rage, because his body of the god was not afraid of any blows, and Godou had just obtained the strength and great strength of Mercator's rough-skinned body to guard and was not afraid of the war god.

The two of matter how they were beaten...

Moreover, Ye Shenyue also heard the sound of Toto running over excitedly, and this god-killer should not be a god but an idiot if he really attacked with rage in the war god.

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