However, Bai Luoli's faint voice came from directly in front of Ye Shenyue, "What an interesting godslayer, maybe the profession of Demon King is more suitable for you."


Ye Shenyue's eyes widened and she realized that she didn't know when there was an excessively delicate and fair-skinned little girl wearing black high socks in front of her.

Another white loli with a blue hat with ears!

ps: Erica, Xiaona, Wanguri, Liliana and everything are floating clouds, and the late heroine will appear.

Chapter 0030 The goal is the whole world (two more for subscription)

"Athena, why are're still here? You're not..."

Ye Shenyue looked at the little Athena with a gray-blue hat with two small ears that reappeared in front of her in surprise.

Isn't this white loli getting full and ready to slip away?

The chubby owl landed on her white fingers, its wings retracted and pecked directly at the scented tortilla.Athena's other hand is holding a tortilla to feed.

"so cute."

"Look at that little girl, she's so cute. And that fat owl is cute too."

The eyes of passersby kept on Athena.

The goddess, however, seemed quite calm. She first finished feeding the owl, and then asked the owl whether she had eaten enough to buy another Mexican tortilla, and then slowly opened her mouth after the feeding was completed.

"Godslayer, after passing the basic examination of Athena, you barely passed the test. Whether you gave money to Athena or waited patiently, you can see that you are not an evil person, so even a perverted lolicon is not a bad person. It doesn't matter, so be happy, Athena has decided to temporarily agree to your tribute."

Athena is speaking in muddy language, so the people around don't understand it well, although Athena is very cute, maybe it's because the perverted uncles don't dare to sell lollipops to Loli in front of everyone, so everyone Still keep doing what you need to do.


The chubby owl on her fingers is also flapping its wings and seems to be saying something.

"Don't worry, chubby, Athena has her own plans and won't be deceived so stupidly. Athena just wants to use that god killer."

Bai Luoli calmed down after calming down her owl owl.

In other words, is there really no problem in saying these other thoughts?

"Hey... Athena, although you're cute, I'd love to take you home, but please be clear, I'm not that easy to bully."

Although it is Lolicon, Ye Shenyue is not without bottom line. Listening to Athena keep saying "truth", the whole person's state is completely bad.

"Oh~~" Bai Luoli glanced at him, "I didn't expect Lolicon to have the backbone, that's good, since Athena is not obedient, then Athena will be self-reliant. See you next time, Lolicon kills. God, the concubine still has to find the snake of the concubine."

"See you next time, I hope you will change your attitude."

Ye Shenyue also responded politely.

"Haha...I will wait and see."

Bai Luoli chuckled lightly, and Bai Nennen's fingers moved and her body suddenly disappeared, surprising the pedestrians around her.

Someone kept shouting exclamations about the sudden disappearance of the little girl.

"Eh...a spineless lolicon?"

Although she rejected Athena, Ye Shenyue was still a little disappointed. After all, it is hard to find a loli with a thousand pieces of gold. Athena is so cute that she can almost match his cutest beauty. If such a loli misses it, she will regret it for the rest of her life.

"Sure enough, gentle attacks don't work. Athena, this little loli, is too arrogant to soften her. In this case... you can only catch her and keep her in captivity."

Ye Shenyue clenched her fists and was about to take the second plan. If it was too soft, she had to be hard. Anyway, it's not like she has never done anything among the villains. She has the courage to become a fan of President X, and now she's just imprisoning a radish. What is Li?

In an instant, Ye Shenyue's evil value soared, Lao Gao's whole person also looked mighty.

The first person to react is the pedestrians around, "What's wrong with this boy? It's a terrible feeling..."

"Hmph... how can mortals solve God's thoughts?"

Ye Shenyue smiled disdainfully, and when his strength became stronger and stronger, his thoughts also changed.And there is a strange feeling, as if this sentence was said a long time ago, "Oh, so what does the mind of God look like?"

However, at this time, Ye Shenyue's shoulder was suddenly patted, and a beautiful face leaned up.

"Of course it's a beautiful girl who draws a circle around the world around me... uh... Erica?"

Ye Shenyue's subconscious response was only to see a smiling face that was actually dark, long golden hair, delicate facial features, and a tall body.

Isn't that who Erica is?

"Yes, it turns out that this is the king's true thoughts."

The girl showed an expression of amazement, "I'm sorry that as your knight, you haven't noticed that your target is so broad."

"Uh...Actually, it's actually not bad. It's not just for pretty girls. Men...there are always some grand goals."

"Really? Here, I wish you success first. After all, you are Lord Godslayer."

The girl's tone was completely reversed, even if she smiled, she had hidden thorns.

"That... Erica, I think Godou seems to be unable to hold on anymore. Let's hurry up and help him, or he will be bruised all over by Toto's beating!"

Ye Shenyue quickly grabbed the girl's wrist, while the girl moved her lips and sighed, "Okay, it seems that this is more important, please grab me."

The magical impulse on her body began to spread, and the girl immediately flew into the sky with Ye Shenyue.Using magic is much faster than riding a car or walking.

The sound of the wind kept coming from her ears, Ye Shenyue looked up at the girl whose long hair was ruffled, and said softly, "Even if there is a woman in this world, the one who occupies the most seats is the one at the front. It must be you."

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