Destruction is harder than control. People who can defeat gods are honored as godslayers, and what should they call people who can control gods now?

God of God?


Originally, it was only to protect the country from the gods of disobedience, so I gave the artifacts to the godslayer of Nibong, but now the godslayer of Nibong... already has the ability to protect artifacts and fight the gods of disobedience. ability!

This is the right choice!

The three looked at each other and nodded. There was no way to choose anyone else. They had already decided on the ownership of the artifact!

And Ye Shenyue did not disappoint them, "Xiao Na, wait a moment, it seems that I have already called my mutant power."

...even though Ye Shenyue kept a calm expression in front of Xiao Na, his ears were extremely noisy, because in his hesitant ears came the young girl's broken thoughts, "Hmph, actually stopped calling me, really It's so disappointing, very disappointing, even a hundred pineapple buns can't quell my anger, so I won't pay attention to you anymore, no matter what, even a thousand pineapple buns I won't bother, even if I take [-] pineapple buns, [-] million pineapple buns..."

"Pineapple bread... No, so whoever wants to show up, come out quickly!"

The girl's voice in his ears almost drove Ye Shenyue crazy, and finally he couldn't bear it anymore, and then he decided to do so, and then the flame on his body suddenly burned, as if it had changed from a flame to a ball of fire. !

Her hair turned red in an instant and even her eyes were dyed red. With strength, Ye Shenyue felt that her dry body seemed to be completely filled with energy by flames!

A slightly immature voice came from her waist. At this time, Ye Shenyue realized that a red magic circle appeared quickly on her left foot, and then a little girl with long hair, a shawl, a petite figure and a tender face appeared.

Red hair burning eyes!

She was wearing a wide cloak, with a knife on her waist, her windless hair and cloak fluttered, and her body was covered in flames, making her look majestic.


Although I haven't seen it before, can I still recognize the wrong person when I see this obvious appearance?

"Now that you know my name, kill your opponent quickly, I'll go to the right and you're left!"

As the girl spoke, waving the knife, her feet almost touched the tiptoes, and she disappeared in an instant. She ran towards the impatient Toto who was almost waiting. Ye Shenyue also moved, and her body was extremely powerful. He felt that he was the flame, and what shocked him even more was that he also had a knife around his waist, which was the same knife as Shana!

Is this the power of "borrowing"?Copy her power completely!


With a slight smile, Ye Shenyue also disappeared, and she attacked from left to right as Shana said.

Chapter 0033 For you, pineapple bread (two more subscriptions)

far away.

"What is that!"

Knight Liliana stared at the direction of the Colosseum with wide eyes, then rubbed her eyes hard with her hands as if in disbelief, and continued to look, only to realize that she was not mistaken.

Because the Colosseum has three godslayers and Erica Browntree's presence, she didn't get too close, so she didn't hear Miss Luculazia's explanation of the power and Xiaona's identity.

But she had probed Xiao Na, and Xiao Na did not change his appearance, so she immediately recognized that it was Veleslana, the god of war running rampant in Italy!

But at this moment, the war god actually stood with the natural enemy godslayer, this... this is really, it is too shocking!

But even more astonishment was still behind him, and he didn't know what the godslayer had done, and suddenly summoned a little girl with burning eyes and hair.But it doesn't matter if you just summon one person. After all, the Duke of Vauban has the ability to kill people and make them his servants. The ability to summon only one person is not so unique, but the summons in front of you are not. Same.

Summon helpers and gain the same power as hers!It's really...awesome!It is almost a person who uses two and also improves his skills!

Of course, this is not the most amazing thing. What is even more amazing is that the black-haired boy obtained the nine powers of the war god Welleslana, which means that he can summon eight people and possess eight kinds of powers. strong power!

The power that can bring down the master of Toto, who is known as the best swordsman even the leader!

The female knight watched from a distance, looking envious of her natural enemy Erica Britlong jumping down the steps to cheer for the king after the battle.

The object of allegiance to others is handsome, not to mention powerful, but the object of allegiance to his red-bronze black cross is old and likes to threaten people's inner darkness.

It would be great if I could be loyal to this king earlier...

The female knight hugged the cylindrical pillar and looked at it from a distance with an expression of envy in her eyes, and the telescope in her hand fell to the ground with a bang.

The clatter was not loud but enough to wake the female knight awake.

"What the hell am I thinking about, I'm working for the Duke of Vauban now!"

The female knight who hammered her head hurriedly got up, picked up the binoculars and continued to peep.

"It's great that this tool belongs to you. It's a blessing to see your power in person."

"Again our respects."

Looking at the giant pit burned by the flames, the heads of the three magic associations, Toto-san, who were unable to move their hands and covered in pitch black, spoke convincingly.

"Is this an artifact? Athena's artifact will be involved in the safety of the world!"

Erica was a little surprised when she looked at an ancient round slate with Medusa's pattern taken out by the people of the Magic Association, "I can't detect the fluctuation of power at all."

"Because this divine tool has been sealed, it is difficult to feel the breath it exudes, but Athena is different, she is the master of this divine tool, so even if the aura emitted is weak, she can still vaguely perceive it direction."

The person in charge explained.

"So, I will entrust this divine tool to you now. Lord Godslayers."

The three persons in charge immediately bowed respectfully. This was not only the difference in identity, but also the sincere admiration for witnessing the power of the God Slayer.

"Put this aside, hurry up... hurry up, where is the pineapple bun I want! Where is it!"

The girl who had waited so long after the battle finally couldn't take it anymore.

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