The long golden hair is sprinkled and stroked with one hand, but it shows infinite style and affection, and people can hear the thumping sound of their hearts in an instant.

The Italian lady who claimed to be coming back in two days was about to speak but stopped.

"and many more……"

Because at this moment the door was opened again, and a petite figure flashed out, wearing a long shirt and short skirt but wearing a blue-gray hat with ears on her head, her hair was silver white.Noble and charming.

The face is delicate and delicate, and the skin is as white as suet.

The little girl stood on the podium and said, "Although silence is a virtue, it doesn't seem like a good habit to keep a concubine waiting."

Chapter 0049 The transfer student is Athena (two more subscriptions)


Self-proclaimed concubine!

No matter what you call yourself or what you look like...

so cute!

This time, the classmates who had already experienced two blows screamed so loudly that the teacher in the next class had to run out to see what happened.

" can there be such a cute girl!"

The boys let out a wolf howl, and people who were not lolicon have been completely converted to lolicon!

"It's so cute, that skin is like milk, no, it's whiter than milk!"

The girl exclaimed.

"Silver hair, that's a foreigner! It must be like this, only foreign children are so cute!"

"Loveer than the kids of the stars on TV, this little girl... so cute!"

"I really want to take it home and keep it well and never let it go again!"

Some people have already ignited the sinful idea of ​​​​violating the law.

"I really want to pull her hat, those ears look so cute."

In the end, it was Ye Shenyue who also ignited. The godslayer was about to burst out, causing the Miko, who was already paying attention, to concentrate even more.

She remembered what Amakasu said to her, when ordinary people become godslayers, they will ignore various laws and do some illegal and criminal things.

For example, ignoring the law to obscene... obscene...

Could it be that classmate Yashinyuki... is an out-and-out lolicon?And I also want to directly push the little loli with the identity of Wang's non-criminal, push back, push directly...

The witch's cheeks are flushed, and her brain-boosting ability can make her friend Lily, who is also powerful in brain-boosting, defeated. Her intuition tells her to tell the king well, whether it is a strong push, a reverse push, a straight push, or whatever it is, it's a bird. Beast push!

That's not good!


Godou was also at a loss for words. He felt that his younger brother was helpless. He really was a lolicon of all evil!

However, when he suddenly caught sight of Jiyou's thirsty saliva coming to Godou, he immediately felt that his younger brother seemed to be... well, not so unimpressive.

But, to be honest, that little loli is really... so cute.

The honest Godou-san felt that his orientation had changed again.


Erica, who was about to speak, looked at the little girl standing beside her earnestly and diligently.

This little girl... is too cute!

In an instant, the popularity of Erica, who was still beautiful, was taken away by the new little girl!

"Is this the hobby of commoners?"

The [-] loli, whose popularity has long gone, said that they couldn't eat grapes and said that the grapes were sour.

"What a strange human being."

And Athena frowned slightly, "This kind of reaction is like a strange uncle."


For a moment, everyone was stunned, "Uncle? Could it be that uncle is so strange?"


The human questions gave Athena a strange feeling, and Athena's wisdom told her that the best option was not to talk to these people who could or have become lolicons and would get herself into endless trouble. Blame the uncles to hunt down) in crisis.

Although it was ignored, it was the same as the original. Erica, who was very ladylike, used a very "lady's method" to make the girl sitting on the left of Yagami Yue take the initiative to give up her seat, while Athena took the initiative to choose the first place. The seats in the second row are far away from the boys. After all, the boys of this age group are well developed, and their height is far greater than that of the girls who can only sit at the back.

Only Erica's tall body can sit in the back.


Athena hesitated slightly after passing the table of three thousand loli and then said hello.


Maybe it's strange that the two of them, who are both loli, have a feeling of being attracted to each other.

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