You are the enemy of the people!

The boys and girls who noticed the situation here said so in their hearts.Not only boys but also girls, most of them are Erica's fans. You Nihong natives live under Erica who has "elegance", "lady" and "aristocratic temperament".

In the eyes of this group of fans, the goddesses who can be worthy of their goddess are definitely male gods with titles such as "excellent", "handsome" and "rich family".

As for Ye Shenyue, she was just an unknown ordinary boy before she appeared in the arms of Shuangbanhua, so their thoughts hadn't changed.

So I immediately stood with the boys.

This is a joke to see Ye Shenyue.

Godou stepped back in disloyalty, refusing to set himself on fire.

In this case.

Then burn it!

Ye Shenyue raised her fist, and there was a faint sound of some kind of bird in the sky. Erica and Yuri raised their heads at the same time, but Ye Shenyue waved a wild flame and rushed out like a fanatical flame. Hurricanes generally hit boys and girls.


The boys fell and the girls screamed.

Then the boys immediately got up from the ground and rushed towards the door, as if something had set them on fire.

It was indeed set on fire. Although I couldn't see it, my body was very hot as if it was burned by fire. There were burn marks on my clothes and clothes!

They... are being burned!


They need water!Use water to put out fires!

And although the girl didn't run away like the boys, she screamed and immediately covered the pleated skirt with her hands.

Because the two legs seem to be touching without any gap, without any gap?Still together?



Fresh wind poured in through the opened window, and then... and then there was no more. Erica rushed directly to Yagami Yue at an unknown speed and covered his eyes.

The only remaining Godou in the class was sleeping with his head in his head with an attitude of nothing to do with himself, so he didn't see that flash of youth.

The wind blows the swish.

Chapter 0055 The morality of the goddess (two more subscriptions)

Really cool.

Ye Shenyue borrowed the power of the flame of the phoenix to control the flames burning the bodies of the boys and girls...

Well, even though it was revenge on Yagami, she was still very gentlemanly, not burning their bodies but punishing their panties.

Under the power of the fire of the phoenix, the panties turned into ashes and dissipated in the air without even a chance to move.

The wind blows the skirt fluttering, it is very cold!

The shame suddenly exploded.


The girls screamed.He wanted to move in a panic, but was afraid that there would be a spring light when he walked.

It's really a dilemma.Then a girl pointed to the seat, and the other girls seemed to share their thoughts for a moment.


And looking at the girls covering their skirts and screaming, no matter how stupid the Aid Miko is, she can see that this is the masterpiece of the "king" she wants to serve.

Otherwise, Erica would not be so active to cover his eyes.

"Eh... Erica... how are you... don't you know it's a sin to cover your eyes that appreciate beauty?"

By the time he removed Erica's covered hands, the girls had already returned to their seats, keeping their straight hands on their skirts to prevent them from slipping away.

Although they are not too beautiful, they are better than youth.

The director finally "burned" once but couldn't see the final "result". It would be false to say that he was not depressed.

"It's a sin to stop the promotion of beauty, but if I'm like that...then you think it's beautiful too?"

The girl's hands pressed up slightly on the edge of the skirt.

Just wait a little longer to see a more beautiful view.

"never mind……"

Yagami was defeated, and this female knight was always able to win by surprise. If you let her show some scenery, she would see it, but it would be very risky. After all... there is still a Godou.

Godou was very obedient and did not raise his head, but who could have predicted whether he would raise his head or not?

Ye Shenyue didn't want her woman to be seen by other men, not even a little bit.

If you can, hide them for yourself...seems like a good idea too.

"Please, Miss Yuri, thank you very, very much, really please, we won't stop you any more. It's our fault, it's our fault for you."

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