Yes, if it wasn't for Erica's stimulation, the weak and slightly ostrich Yuri wouldn't have the guts to kiss him.

Erica is just setting up a rival for herself in Chi Guoguo!

"Because she is very useful, she has a unique talent and can help us, just like Xiaona said, your body is very strong but easy to be watched by other gods, God knows when that day will come, so All we can do is...strengthen ourselves!"

"And that Miss Yuri is a good force!"

Erica's eyes seemed to have brilliance flickering.


Ye Shenyue was speechless.

Although Erica did this for his sake, it was pitiful for Yuri-san.

Erica accepts her, not because of her but because of her power!

" good."

"Of course, if I don't even have the ability to coordinate, how can I be the wife of this world!"

The Italian noble girl looked quite proud, but she puffed up her cheeks slightly when she mentioned "this world".

Ye Shenyue understands that this night is likely to be really dry mouth, tongue and dry.

Hastily started the sweet words that every girl has.

Chapter 0058 The Duke comes to the wolf (one more subscription)

The next day, Yagami asked Yuri Banrigaya, who was "very useful" by Erica.

However, the meeting place was in a dark alley.

A strange sound of sucking and sucking could be heard from time to time in the little darkness.

"Although it's just "teaching" knowledge, but... don't you think your "teaching" time is a little too long?"

The lady with her arms on her shoulders leaned her back against the wall for a while and finally couldn't help but interrupt the two who were doing some "improper" gestures.


The girl's degree of shame suddenly exploded, it burst like a spring, and her face was red.

"Erica, there's nothing you can do about it. Who told you to understand God and not God Killer?"

Ye Shenyue has a thicker skin than Yuri and is not so shy. Yes, she is indeed quite shy for girls. It is not easy to kiss a boy she likes in front of outsiders.

And having to hold back shame while kissing to focus on imparting knowledge!

Yes, Yuri is imparting knowledge to Yagami.

Knowing oneself and knowing the enemy is invincible in a hundred battles. Only by knowing the details of the opponent can you have a better chance of defeating the opponent.

Ye Shenyue has already carried the Duke of Vauban, so it is inevitable to fight him. Well, in addition to Yuri's matter, Ye Shenyue hates this Duke of Vauban even more. There are people like this who, in order to summon a male god, arrest a hundred witches and cause them to suffer mental trauma. This is... it's too much!Such a waste!

Yagami, who has always had a favorable impression of the witch profession, has no favorable impression of this duke, so she can only... beat him!

And this duke is also an old monster who has lived for three hundred years. His detailed information is not so easy to get, that is, Yuri, one of the witches who was once caught and summoned to the gods, can understand a little.

Yuri is very powerful, this is recognized by Erica, and Yagami also experienced it with her own eyes.

She deduced the Duke's abilities by relying on the feeling that she had seen the Duke's face, and these abilities were passed on to Yagami through kiss.

Of course, if Yuri taught and Yashinyuki listened to it like studying, it might not take a minute or two, but a day or two.

A week later, Yagami and the Duke made an appointment to win back Yuri's good friend Lily Knight, but things changed.

It starts in the morning.

"Oni-chan, there's a big dog at the door." When sister Jinghua opened the door to water the flowers, she found an animal with long gray hair sitting at the door. The animal could talk.

"That's not a dog, it's a duke."

Ye Shenyue recognized the Duke's "subordinates" at a glance. The Duke who likes to concentrate his spirit on the wolf is like the witch from Sardinia, very... lazy!


The Duke of Rao was conscious of his noble and polite status, but he was immediately angry when he heard such sarcasm, "Very good!"

The Duke's voice was as old as ever. "Ye Shenyue, it seems that the battle between us is not so fair. Since you want to take my subordinates away from me, if you lose, then... I will take you away. someone next to you."

"The person you took away is Athena who gave her the divine tool back without authorization."

Therefore, the battle with the Duke had to be brought forward.

It seems that the only way to gain knowledge about the duke is to find Yuri. Although Yagami herself thinks that the duke is not dangerous, but... This seems to be an opportunity to get close to the little witch in front of Erica. ,so.

So there is no then.

Yagami took Erika to find Miko-san.

"Well, what can I do about this? Who told someone to directly carry the prestigious godslayer without saying a word. Although I am a guardian knight, I haven't published the information that is perfect for everyone. Get it right!"

"Okay, Erica, don't be angry, now that the business has been completed, let's proceed with the business between us."

Looking at the Italian girl's lips that were almost lifted to the sky, Ye Shenyue waved her hands and walked over to hug the delicious girl, and then kissed the girl heavily on her lips a few times before she smiled.

"Okay, I'll forgive you this time."

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