He borrowed the power of the phoenix, the endless fire!What is touched and burned by the flame will not only be the body but also the soul!

The fire was burning with a crackling sound.

These dead knights made a sound of bone rubbing. The knight standing in front of Yagami was completely surrounded by fire.

But it didn't step back.Just turned to ashes!

At the same time, 0.0 Yagami Yue and Xiao Na's direct attack on the Duke has also come.

Seeing that he was about to meet the Duke, the death knight rushed over from all directions, forcing the two back.

Ye Shenyue and Xiao Na both borrowed the power of the phoenix to burn the death knight with a scorching flame, burning one but having another to make up for the duke at all!

And the Duke's Evil Eye has worked.

The phoenix that attacked frontally was imprisoned.

The huge and beautiful phoenix fell from the sky and smashed a big hole on the ground!

"It's this bird that makes me so miserable! It seems like a good power."

Although the body is burning and the soul is burning, the pain is not good, but when he thinks that he can obtain this kind of power immediately, the Duke feels that his body seems to have a stronger power.

That is ambition!

Chapter 0062 endless battle (two more for subscription)

The Duke of Vauban is very ambitious!

This is beyond doubt.Otherwise, he would not be satisfied after becoming a godslayer, not only directly fighting the god of disobedience, but even catching the witches and letting them summon the god to fight him!

Then take their power!

Recently, he wanted to summon a god and take his power again, so he was going to find the witch again, but this time Yagami met him, and there was the goddess Athena by his side.


The Duke was moved.

Summoning a god can at most take one power, but if you kill Yashinyuki, you can get a full ten powers!

Ten powers!

For three hundred years, he has only had four powers!so……

This is a great temptation!

The Duke was moved.

Especially after beheading Ye Shenyue, he might be able to defeat Athena too!Thus there are eleven or more powers!You must know that Athena is not an ordinary god, she is the child of the god king.

This is a noble god.Then the power in her body must be very powerful!

Ye Shenyue gave the divine tool to Athena. This is something he did not expect. If Athena is allowed to regain her strength, then...

Might not be able to beat her!

Therefore, the duke chose to kill Yagami before Athena regained her strength.

Because at this moment Athena actually sat down and the divine tool that should have been caught by her floated above her head, exuding a faint black brilliance from the divine tool, which was Athena's power in absorbing the divine tool.

Fortunately, according to this situation, it will take a long time for her to absorb it completely.

But no matter how long it takes, the ninth Godslayer must be killed first!

This guy... is tricky!

The severe pain on his body constantly reminded him that except for killing the opponent and absorbing the power of the opponent, this undead flame will always be there!

"The power of the Duke, the pupil of Sodom, when his evil eye shines, the living beings in his sight will be turned into solid salt. This is the power usurped from the Celtic devil Balor. ."

And Lily here has broken through the defense and leaked the Duke's information.

"But I don't know what the downside is. I'm so sorry!"

In the end, the female knight bowed her head. Although she told the duke's power, she would lose if she couldn't find her weakness.

"Liliana, you are fine!"

Lily leaked that the duke was howling, but then she showed a calm expression, "However, although it doesn't matter if you know your power, even this terrifying big bird has been immobilized by me, what can beat me? ?and……"

The Duke's finger moved, and the death knight in front of Yagami swarmed up again, as if it couldn't burn all the way.

Ye Shenyue was a little dissatisfied. He could borrow the flame of the Phoenix and the speed of Xiao Na, but the most important thing was that he had no strength, no giant strength!

If you have a huge power, you can slash these death knights and destroy them all at once with a single punch, instead of only burning one knight with one punch like now.

However, the Duke seems to be wrong.

"The eyes of Sodom are implemented on the living, but the weak point is also the living!"

"What do you mean? Are you saying that your big bird is still..."

The Duke first glanced at Shana, who had become solid, and then looked at the huge phoenix, which had become solid.


The body of the huge phoenix actually moved slightly.

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