Chapter 0068 The power that was seized (two more subscriptions)


The phoenix, which has been ignored for a long time, made a clear cry, and the snake on the ground is definitely a delicious lunch for an owl, but the phoenix is ​​not an owl and has no willingness to open its mouth to eat like this, it just flutters its wings and shows it. its existence.

At the same time, it also shows that Yagami, who also got its power because of its existence, will not be petrified successfully.

Petrification means the eye of death to some extent, but for the phoenix, there is no such thing as death in this world.

Because they will... Nirvana!

After gaining its power, Yagami Yue was successfully resurrected, and the stone on her body fell to the ground.

He inhaled fresh air, and his rigid body relaxed.


However, at this time, Athena's call and the sound of something rushing at high speed came from Ye Shenyue's ear.

With his subconscious luck, Xiao Na's speed jumped to the left and a huge pit appeared where he was standing and was petrified.

The big pit was flat grass before, but now it looks like it was bitten off by a big bite.

Then he saw it.

I saw that huge figure.

A long black figure with a wide mouth showing sharp teeth.

In front of them is a snake-like Medusa, and Athena standing on a stone Medusa, two large snakes and a dignified girl.

And behind it is a big black snake!

"Grass! One big snake is fine, and two Medusas are fine. What's going on with the third snake?"

Ye Shenyue dodged the attack of the shadow just now, but in her heart it seemed like [-] grass and mud horses had passed by.

They are running wild.Such a terrifying scene is not enough for a few days, but now he encounters it all day!

Three giant snakes about the same size.

Almost surrounded him.

What the heck is this... a mess!

He is not food!


When looking at the black serpent, Ye Shenyue noticed a strange place, that is, the dazzling flame in the black, there was a flame in the abdomen of the serpent, that flame, that flame was very familiar.

That is the flame of the phoenix!

That black snake was attacked by the phoenix?

The phoenix didn't attack just now, and didn't appear often, that is to say...that's...

"Could it be the seventh godslayer?"

Ye Shenyue's brows furrowed, he remembered the incident over the plane, and the dark color was full of resentment, it seemed to be really similar to the seventh godslayer.

However, the huge black snake that missed a hit rushed towards him again. The huge mouth opened, although the specific bloody mouth could not be seen, but the mouth was so wide that it couldn't wait to swallow people. Appearance, Ye Shenyue immediately recalled the feeling of being eaten by Medusa just now. "Tan" Come on! "

He transported the speed to the extreme, and the speed of the black giant snake was not slow, and Ye Shenyue narrowly brushed the side of its huge mouth.


However, the huge black snake did not stop, and the huge snake head was still moving forward!

In front of you is the real, gray Duke of Vauban!

"not good!"

The Duke of Vauban is the target of the Black Snake!

Could it be that it came on purpose not to eat him but to swallow the duke?

Why swallow the duke?

For power!

Ye Shenyue remembered what Xiao Na once said about the seventh god-killer. It was very careful that it always rushed out when the gods and gods fought until they both lost their tails and saw that there was a cheap pick.

This is the case now, the duke has lost the ability to move, not a wolf cub but a lamb to be slaughtered!

And the black snake deliberately rushed towards him, but the real target was the duke, which means that when everyone focused on him, no one could stop the black snake from attacking the duke!

This is not careful but cunning!

Depend on!

The Duke is so far away from the crowd that he can't keep up, but he can see it!

"Petrified Eye!"

The voices of X2 Athena and Medusa fell at the same time, and they used the petrified eye towards the black snake at the same time!

Although the speed of the black snake is very fast, the eyesight of the snake itself is very strong. As long as it enters their eyes, it can be captured immediately, just like the legendary dynamic vision.

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