"Pervert, don't touch it casually... It's a strange feeling..."

The little girl hugs her head.

"Xana, you did a good job today. If it wasn't for your sacrifice, maybe I would have been solidified."

Ye Shenyue touched the girl's soft hair, the tenderness on her face made the little girl's heart tremble.

But her words of mild compliment made her, um... feel good.


The little girl's "self-defense" actions stagnated for a while, and then she "hum" out for a long time.

"I'll take you to find pineapple bread later, and now leave me a little time to solve this big sister's problem."

Little Loli's voice came back after a long time.

"……it is good."

Loli, why are you so deceitful?

Ye Shenyue walked towards the unconscious Medusa with a helpless face (proud)

Chapter 0071 Purification (one more subscription)

Medusa has returned to the human form from the snake, and her long purple hair is draped over her body like a layer of clothing.

It's just that Yagami didn't pay special attention to RIder, but looked up at Athena who was standing motionless on the stone Medusa.

The [-]- or [-]-year-old girl showed a dignified appearance, wearing a pure white robe that showed half of her white and tender shoulders.

In fact, Athena in this posture is very beautiful, but.

What he likes more is Athena who is a cute little girl with a soft voice and a soft body that is easy to push and fall.

There is no cute and petite body, no tender and soft voice, no cute hat with two ears.

Such a girl, such a girl... can it be considered a loli?

As a senior Lolita control, Ye Shenyue felt that the Lolita's pagoda that she had just built in her heart just collapsed.

Because the loli became a girl, the loli's posture loli's body disappeared.

My heart changed from excitement to loneliness, from joy to depression.

Ye Shenyue retracted her gaze and hugged RIder, but RIder woke up when he hugged her.

"I was wrong."

This was her first word when she woke up.

"I was terribly wrong."

"As the master said, the Athena of this world is not the Athena who cursed me. I found the wrong person and took revenge on the wrong person."

Medusa's voice was full of melancholy.

Her eyes are very beautiful, dark green, and at this moment there is also a melancholy color in her eyes.

"I'm so sorry, Master, I have absorbed so much of your power in vain."

The majestic big snake just lowered his head.

"It's ok."

Ye Shenyue's voice was very soft. In fact, his strength was running out at the moment, and his voice had become quieter, so it seemed soft. "There will be opportunities, and you will definitely achieve your wishes."

"Thank you, master."

A stunning smile bloomed in front of him.

RIder made an amazing move, and the corners of Athena's eyes jumped.

"Thank you very much, master."

RIder's lips were a little cold but soft, maintaining a kissing posture, her figure disappeared little by little, and she returned to the world she was supposed to be in.

And Ye Shenyue also felt it, and the energy that had completely disappeared slowly recovered a little.

Maybe, that's why RIder kissed him.

Give him back the energy that plundered him, and the energy that had been incarnated into Medusa and used the Petrified Eye before was consumed and will not come back.

"Hey... shouldn't you wake up these women?"

A small voice broke the silence of the scene.

Ye Shenyue was not hypocritical and turned back to Shana's direction.

There are two colors in his eyes alternating, one is the dark green of the magic eye and the other is gray.

Magic Eye and Petrified Eye.

The petrified eye and the magic eye have the same effect, they both directly capture the objects in the line of sight, and wrap the "thread" around the creature.So if you want to touch the magic eye or petrified eye, you just need to cut off the "thread".

The "thread" on Erica's body was cut off, the "thread" on Lily's body was cut off, and the "thread" on Yuri's body was cut off.

"We... what happened just now?"

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