Rinko looked at Yagami Yue's obsession with the blade, and it seemed a little appetizing.He has never been so kind to her.

Moreover, Yue has a tachi, are you planning to go to the swordsmanship club?It is said that there are also beautiful girls there.

Rinko's heart agitated again.The thought continues.

But the "roughness" in the morning seems to be good... well, when the relationship goes further... maybe it can be...

Rinko suddenly covered her face with her small hands, God, she was thinking about something again.

Too shameless, she was born in middle school, how could she think in the direction of "adult"?She is so impure.

Isn't this Rinko broken?

Ye Shenyue tried to run the magic power in her body, secretly happy, Alaya really is loyal enough, really only took away his zombie ability and his magic power still exists, recalling what Ariel Jiang taught him" "Magic" was the magic he had always wanted, like the magic of the space ring.

Control the magic circuit to transform the pocket into an ability similar to a different dimension, and then you can freely put things in the pocket, so when in the zombie world, Ariel can put the super huge magic absorption device on the white jacket. Inside the small pocket.

As long as you master the magic circuit, everything is easy.Ye Shenyue found out that he seemed to be a genius in this regard, and he completely understood it just by watching Ariel do it once.Even Ariel was amazed, she learned it only after doing it twice.

Ye Shenyue hesitated for a while, but decided to take care of her natural teeth while Rinko was in a daze. Now Rinko is just an ordinary person, she is still a good child who believes in science, and she suddenly told her that this world has not only magic but also Monster, she will definitely not be able to accept it.

And, more importantly, Ye Shenyue has just crossed over now, and he should have told Rinko nothing in the future. If he said all these things, how should he answer Rinko when asked?It is said that he has just crossed over and has no memory of the future, so...

Rinko will definitely explode.

Emotions have always been deceiving her!Deceived from childhood to adulthood!

Knowing that she would get angry, she said it was purely for smoking!

"Rinko? You can make breakfast, right?"

Ye Shenyue is really used to living a life full of harems who wait on clothes, reach out for food and open mouth. For example, now, he wants to get up and have breakfast.

"Breakfast? Breakfast? This...hahaha..."

Hearing Ye Shenyue's question, all the peach colors in Rinko's mind disappeared, and her complexion was still very red, very red.He kept his head down, as if he had made a mistake.


Ye Shenyue held her forehead, and sure enough, it is impossible for a great Crystal Palace to have only childhood sweethearts.A childhood sweetheart is just a childhood sweetheart, not a kind and pleasant little wife!

So, breakfast...nothing...

With a piece of bread in her mouth, Yashenyue deliberately dragged Rinko away not very fast, just like she was walking with her lover, and Rinko thought that Yashenyue wanted to "walk" with her to develop a relationship, and she was right in her heart. Happily, she was so innocent that she could never have imagined Ye Shenyue, the reason why Ye Shenyue deliberately slowed down at this time.

According to the development of the plot, the next should be the appearance of Feiju... the world's first heroine.Noihara Hikari.

Cute cat demon.


Rinko blushed a little when Ye Shenyue took the initiative to hold her hand, she was nervous, she walked with Ye Shenyue's pace, she walked as slowly as Ye Shenyue walked, and even hoped to keep walking.



With the bread in her mouth, Ye Shenyue took a bite of the thin slice of bread, then held it in her hand, looking at Rinko with her eyes.

The current Rinko is almost the same as the Rinko in his impression. She is cute, has a personality and refuses to admit defeat. Of course, she is also a bit shy and jealous.

Now the voice is so weak and a little embarrassed, could it be a confession?

Rinko, you already have such a high level of consciousness?

"Then...that...although...even though I also want to keep walking with Ye, but...but, well...it seems like...it's going to be late...hm? She is? No, who are you!"

Rinko was talking shyly, but, looking at Ye Shenyue's profile, she immediately collapsed, what did she see?

The black figure flashed quickly as if it was coming for Ye Shenyue. When she wanted to block the front, the figure had already retreated a few steps, and then stood still.

What Ye Shenyue is holding in her hand is the half piece of bread that Ye Shenyue hasn't eaten yet!

In less than 3 seconds, this mysterious girl who suddenly appeared unexpectedly ate the half of the bread at the fastest speed without any hesitation!

"Thanks for the hospitality."

A girl with dark blue and black long hair, a slender ponytail tied with a beautiful red ribbon, and red-purple eyes.Make a cultured etiquette, elegant and generous, like coming out of a big family.

"Who are you!"

Although she is an ordinary person, Rinko-chan, who has the attributes of childhood sweethearts, is dissatisfied with the girl who suddenly appeared and "indirectly kissed" Yagami!

My heart is strangely uncomfortable, as if it is blocked.

Not to mention the most direct mouth-to-mouth kiss, she didn't even have the chance to kiss indirectly!

With 4.9 Yashenyue behind her back, Rinko's childhood sweetheart is in full swing.

Ling Lie looked at the girl in front of him.

The girl is a beauty, but she herself is also a beautiful girl, but... the other party, compared to the other party, is a complete failure in terms of body!

Yue Cai is not the kind of man who only likes European style!

Rinko kept comforting herself in her heart.It's just that Ye Shenyue's line of sight has already fallen on the other side.

Also, Moon laughed.

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