Toto got up from the ground, his clothes were still showing his chest, "But it's a pity."


"Yeah, not only Athena has been taken away with Ye Shenyue now, tsk tsk tsk...Isn't it a pity that I have two less battles to fight? It's a pity..."

"Hey! Toto, don't you think you're going too far! My brother doesn't even know where he is now and you're thinking about fighting! Do you know what's more important!"

Godou was angry.

Although he saw his sister Jinghua cautiously retreating from the corner of his eyes, well, there is nothing in Jinghua's hand at this moment. The iron spoon he held before disappeared, and then looking at the wound that Godou was covering, Jinghua felt a little bit. Guilt.

The kind-hearted brother Godou forgave Shizuka but glared at Toto angrily.

However, Toto's eyes widened suddenly, " actually..."

"I actually?"

"You call me Toto! It's unbelievable."


Godou felt that you were speechless.Especially when facing this Lord Toto.

"I think this may just be an accidental injury, everyone look outside."

Erica shook her head to make herself sober and added.

From the big hole that was broken by the cyclone, it was night outside, the moonlight silently shrouded the earth, and there were pedestrians in twos and threes, and some people were curious to look here, because such a big hole still makes people feel very curious.

"What happened to this house just now? This is Cao Zhi's house!"

"I heard a loud noise just now and then saw a whirlwind, and then it calmed down."

"It seems that there are a lot of things going on recently, it's really an eventful time."

"Hey hey hey, it's summer now! Not autumn!"

Pedestrians chatted from time to time, and the voices entered the house.

It seems to be just ordinary civilians watching the fun.


Why do the civilians who don't leave the door of the house with an anomalous phenomenon in the mud bomb announced on TV hang out?

Could it be that...the crisis is over?

And Yuri also received a call here. It was a mobile phone dedicated to a collaborator of the government, and it seemed that Amakasu called.His voice was very happy, "Miss Wanligu, is this situation handled by the godslayer in your place? Thank you very much, I thank you on behalf of Nihong."

"That is to say... the mud bomb has returned to normal? There is no further phenomenon of being swallowed?"

"Athens... Maybe it really changed back to the state of being sealed, the state of Lolita."

Erica speculated, "And the whirlwind just now may just be a phenomenon that occurred due to the power of Athena's restoration of the seal. Then Yagami was involved."

"Lily is gone too."

Yuri, who has a good relationship with the female knight, added.

"Well, Lily may have been affected."

Erica nodded.added.Well, in her heart, maybe a man will have a higher status than a friend who has been here since childhood.

"Of course, this is just my conjecture. In the end, I have to wait for Ye Shenyue to get in touch with us for 3.9."

Erica said seriously.

"Well, it seems that this is the only way to do it. I don't know where the wind blew them down."

Godou nodded, then looked at the house ravaged by the cyclone, and frowned again.

This... is like completely renovating the home!

ps: Feilu seems to be back to normal again, well, the new book "Call Me Your Majesty the Demon King" will be published on the 25th as scheduled, well, let's publish it in the afternoon.There will be two shifts on the same day, and then three shifts a day will be maintained. At that time, I hope you will support it. (Of course, the premise is that Fei Lu does not smoke again.

Chapter 0077 Athena's plan, this is wisdom (one more subscription)

"Athena, what are you trying to do?"

After the reef, Ye Shenyue raised her voice slightly as she watched the girl sitting on his stomach with her white calves curled and thighs spread apart.

The girl called Athena is a white and tender little loli, her skin is more delicate than suet, two white tender and soft hands raised his head, and then they pinched his cheeks, like It's like getting revenge.

This is Athena Lolita, not Athena in a girly posture. The divine tool absorbed by her has been restored to its original form and lies quietly in her arms.

The corners of the little girl's mouth twitched.

"You can raise your voice. If you want to attract other people, you must know that this is a tourist attraction. Just a little noise can attract countless tourists."

"Of course, if you don't dare to call, then I can do it for you, and it will definitely attract ordinary people. If you don't want to be called a pervert by the onlookers, just shut up and cooperate."

The little girl rubbed 07's cheeks as if she had found a toy.Pull to the left all at once, then pull to the right and finally pull together.

"Although I know you have fire in your heart, this kind of punishment is too childish."

Ye Shenyue grabbed Athena's two soft hands and raised her body slightly to bring herself and Athena closer.

The faint milky scent belonging to Loli suddenly wrapped around her body.

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