When did the loli in his family know these messed up guys?

Athena seemed to already know what he was thinking, and wrapped her hands around the neck of Ye Shenyue, showing an intimate gesture, "Perseus, the hero who appeared in the age of mythology. Well, the person who bothers me, Ye Shenyue , kill him. Lest this guy wander around and end up being Metis food."

Metis food.

Metis is the black shadow who likes to attack gods or slayer gods to rob Godhead to increase his power. He is the black shadow that defeated Ye Shenyue's current biggest trump card, the Phoenix.

The Phoenix is ​​no longer Metis' opponent.

Looking at this world, the most powerful person seems to be Metis. If there is no accident, if Ye Shenyue must die once, then it is likely to be killed by Metis.

It's just that, I think so, Ye Shenyue is not someone who is willing to be killed by the neck, even in the face of adversity, I am afraid that some people want to survive, the phoenix refuses to accept the Duke's magic eye and the prison of the warrior. But the power of this guy named Perseus doesn't seem to be inseparable.

Thinking of this, Ye Shenyue's eyes turned green.

"Oh... it's really sad and deplorable. You actually want to challenge me Perseus. Well, human, I will accept your challenge in large numbers, but Athena."

The blond young man played with his blond hair, "I may be going to swallow it first, if I can't finish it, maybe I can win a little more for you, of course, if you are willing to follow me and become my woman , then it's not impossible to share this delicious meal with you."

"This guy is after you?"

Ye Shenyue finally understood, this guy thought he was Athena's food and then regarded himself as the food he could hunt.But what's the matter with the tone of voice that completely jumped away from him and wanted to flirt?

"Perseus is a god who has recovered for a long time. This guy likes beautiful women, and then his concubine passed by this place to meet him in search of snakes, and then..."

Bai Luoli shook her head and explained. She didn't finish her words, but Ye Shenyue already understood. It should be that after the resurrection of Perseus, he found that there were almost no goddesses in this world, and then saw Athena, the so-called omniscient and omnipotent control. The goddess of wisdom then embarks on a quest.

On the other hand, Bai Luoli disliked him for being irritable and prepared to kill him.

"I thought I could completely suppress the opponent after I regained my strength, but I didn't expect that my body was already..."

I don't know if she is venting her inner dissatisfaction from being a goddess to being a loli, Athena added quickly and coldly.

It seems to be saying, if my strength is still used to avoid this Perseus?Directly slapped the opponent away.

"So, now it's up to you to kill him for your concubine." Ye Shenyue touched Athena's little head, and always felt that it was cuter when she still had a hat, but this little girl... this calculation ability is too good It's too powerful.

Get together step by step, and even the moment when Perseus appeared and saw himself kissing her was very good.Putting him on the opposite side of Perseus will kill Perseus even if she doesn't say it.

This woman... not easy.

Ye Shenyue couldn't help thinking that Athena was trying to avoid the powerful Metis, who might swallow her to gain more power at any time, and then returned to him and became a little Loli obediently, but according to her This calculation ability, in fact, everything has already been calculated by her.

Maybe Metis will be counted by her in the end.

This girl... No, this white loli.

Ye Shenyue rubbed her soft silver hair, this girl... is really the omniscient and omnipotent goddess Athena known as wisdom.


Although Athena's scheming looks very scary, Ye Shenyue is not afraid. Instead, she feels that this is what Athena should have. Otherwise, what else would she be called Athena?

"Okay, why not just kill him for you? I just don't know what kind of power will burst out."

Touching her chin, Ye Shenyue agreed.

"Well. Perseus has a good ability in archery, although it is more troublesome, but if he can take it, it will definitely be more powerful."

Bai Luoli nodded her head as if she had already put the matter on the chopping board.

The two said that they were satisfied with the neglected Perseus, but they were annoyed.

"...Hey, you guys!"

The blond young man couldn't listen anymore, the more he listened, the more annoyed he became. These two guys took him as a prize and started to distribute.

Do you really think he will lose?

Will he lose?

Of course he won't lose!

Perseus has enough confidence in himself!

"Very well, Athena, since you have made a choice then I will fulfill you, and I, Pasius, will make you understand that even the goddess of wisdom and victory can be misunderstood. By then, you will know how made!"

Perseus threw off his large robe and showed a burst of momentum, "Go, go to my Colosseum, I will use my strength to defeat you! Let you know the gap between us, even if a human has a god The body cannot be compared with the true god."


The muffled voice and the girl's murmur made Perseus' domineering declaration suddenly lose its proper effect.

"Where is this place?"

The female knight who was innocently dragged to this seaside opened her confused eyes, and then glanced at Ye Shenyue suspiciously. Ye Shenyue and Athena got serious and seemed to be fighting, but they were opposite.

A blond youth.

"Could it be the god of disobedience?"

Lily made a sound.

"It's what you think it should be."

Ye Shenyue gave the female knight who had spoiled Perseus's scenery with an approving look.


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