Just knock the car over!

And now.

There seems to be nothing more to say.

This girl should be a mapo tofu fan. She took a detour to a faraway place to buy mapo tofu in person, and when she returned, he hit the car and destroyed the tofu.


The back-up of Yagami's school uniform was wet with the slime of Mapo Tofu.

In other words, it was because of his fall that the cart of Mapo Tofu was destroyed.

Obviously, the owner of Mapo Tofu is the girl in front of him, Lihua Zou.


The girl didn't answer.

"I will pay."

Ye Shenyue felt that her sincerity was insufficient.

Then the girl finally spoke.

"You have no money in your pocket."

After a while, she added, "You're a dead person and you can't bring money here."


"Although this is the afterlife world, it seems that you can work part-time. I hope you can compensate me for my losses as soon as possible."

The silver-haired girl stood up, her face continued to remain calm. "That's why I'm here waiting for you to wake up."


Ye Shenyue looked at Mapo Tofu and then at Lihua Zao, 290 "Do you like this kind of thing very much?"

"If you don't call this kind of thing, please call it Mapo Tofu. If you can put an adjective on it, I hope it's delicious. It's very popular in this place."


Ye Shenyue took off the clothes behind her, and it was uncomfortable to wear it sticky, "If possible, I have already thought of how to compensate you. I will make Mapo Tofu."

He squeezed his hands, and suddenly there seemed to be a clear spring flowing through his mind.

A force surged out.

His hands glowed with pale silver light.

It was slowly constructed to create a sliced ​​piece of tofu filled with appetizing tofu.

Mapo tofu.

Tofu, side dishes and toppings.

A little flash.

This is creation.

Create Mapo Tofu with your bare hands!

Just like her system.

The girl looked at him quietly.Then he looked at the Mapo Tofu that he had already made, which was more beautiful than the Mapo Tofu on the ground.

Then finally nodded, "Okay, I allow you to make it to compensate."

Chapter 0002 The days of being raised by angels in the dormitory (one more subscription)

Mapo tofu.

Mapo tofu is a delicacy that can be made as long as there is tofu, peppers and numbness. Some people like stinky tofu, others like ordinary white tofu, and of course some people like the delicious Mapo tofu that is crispy and numb.

Although the unique smell of tofu wafts up the feeling of appetite, but.

Ye Shenyue didn't think it was any good to eat Mapo tofu in such an environment.

Eating mapo tofu in the middle of such a road surrounded by cars.

This is definitely not something ordinary people can do.

However, the girl in front of her was able to do it. She devoured the Mapo tofu floating in the void at a terrifying speed, the tofu that exudes a fascinating aroma.

She couldn't see the traces of her reaching out her little hand and grabbing the tofu at all, because the speed was too fast, Ye Shenyue could only see her hand shaking gently and the Mapo tofu in the void just disappeared.


Yes, not devour but devour!

A higher realm than devouring, devouring!

The tofu was completely put inside like a different-dimensional pocket.

"Da da da--"

This is the third driver to whistle.

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