Sonic Hand Knife.

Eyes widened, something suddenly appeared under her lowered hand, as if a long sharp blade appeared from nothingness to "being".


Ye Shenyue stared straight at this petite, silver-haired girl who stabbed into his chest without saying hello.

"Direct action can omit the description of everything."

Pulling out the sharp blade, Xiao Zong added expressionlessly.

And Ye Shenyue showed a wry smile.

ps: Let's shout a few more times for the new book "Call Me Your Majesty the Demon King", and I still need some flowers to burst three lovely daisies to be on the new book list, please.

Chapter 0003 Under the days of being raised by an angel in a dormitory

According to Xiao Zou, he has already died once, so he will not be killed, but he has to endure the pain of being killed.

However, it was very strange that Ye Shenyue did not resent Xiao Zou, and even had a perverted sense of familiarity.

Do you like being barreled?

Ye Shenyue covered the place where she was stabbed and stood up slowly. Except for the pain at the beginning, she no longer felt the pain at all.

After death, the body will not die again, even if it is stabbed for a while, it can quickly recover.

And now Ye Shenyue has recovered.

"As long as you know the weaving principles and production methods, you can make weapons, just like your Mapo tofu."

The "Sonic Hand Knife" in Xiao Xue's hand has disappeared. It seems that it is something that can be made and disappeared at any time, and Ye Shenyue, he carefully recalled the feeling of making Mapo Tofu by himself, and tried hard to recall Ma Po tofu in his mind. The shape and smell of Po Tofu.

When my mind moved, Mapo Tofu appeared out of thin air and appeared in the air.

The appetizing breath permeated again.

With her expressionless face, the silver-haired girl twitched her small nose and inhaled the fascinating breath.

Then again, when Ye Shenyue didn't respond, a piece of Mapo Tofu in the air disappeared.

The stomach didn't bulge, and it really was stuffed into the stomach of the second dimension.

"I'll provide Mapo tofu, and then... you come" "Yes."

Agreed directly.

The student council president, who originally felt a little ashamed, felt a lot more comfortable at the moment, "But there are some important things that I can't comment on."


Ye Shenyue nodded, he knew that Xiao Zou would definitely not answer him if he wanted to ask other people's aunt Shenma time to come several times a month.

Although when he looked at the other party with a stern smile, he felt like he wanted to tease the other party and push the other party onto the bed, and then watched her slowly licking her Mapo tofu-stained fingers.

Well, Ye Shenyue slowly calmed down when she looked at those calm, clean and pure pale yellow eyes, and threw the strange thoughts out of her mind.


The little student council president raised his head slightly, obviously relying on his pure heart to vaguely perceive abnormal thoughts.

"Cough, then start now, please tell me some various information about this world."

Contacting Ye Shenyue with those pure eyes again, she felt defeated again.

The normal inquiry finally began.

After a short supply of Mapo tofu to obtain information, Yashenyue finally had a clue.

This is a world that people will come to after death, but the people who come here are all high school students, and it is impossible that adults are all children.

But the people who come here are divided into two extremes. One is that they refuse to accept the life arranged here, have a rebellious mind everywhere, and the student council president, that is, Xiao Zhan, even uses weapons.

And Xiao Zao is alone at all times, and those people refuse to talk to her or have a proper dialogue.

But now, there is an outlier, Yashin Yue, who not only appears outside the school but also has the ability to make "Mapo Tofu".

It would seem... a pity to put Ye Shenyue back on that side.

Kozuo thought so.

Moreover, being able to have someone to talk to doesn't seem so boring.

"I lost my memory."

Wrinkling her brows, Ye Shenyue found that she only remembered her name and then the other things disappeared as if they were completely blocked, and she always felt that she had lost a very important memory.

And as long as I try to think about it, my head hurts.

"It's normal to lose memory after appearing in this world, because maybe even your head will fall off when you die."

However, Xiao Zou didn't show any fuss, or she didn't show such an expression very much.

"But you need to come to the classroom before again. I need to complete the various applications to legally place you in the school."

Suo added.

Ye Shenyue nodded, this lovely girl had nothing to refuse for him.

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