Before Naoi literati's vicious words were finished, a bullet flew directly to her ear.

My heart is going to fly.

ps: Mapo tofu has written a lot, and the author wants to eat it.Is it really that delicious?

Chapter 0013 Projected weapons, combat power!

Nao's heart almost jumped when she saw the bullet passing by her ear.

"too frightening!"

She screamed and Shenyue knocked her on the head, "Don't be big and small, the other party has no intention of killing you at all, and since they are already dead people, are you so afraid of death?"


Naoi literati looked over.

Except for the president himself, who was besieged by a dozen high school students with hot weapons and fired continuously, there were actually only five people who lived around her and Yagami.

And only two of the five people shot, one of the little boy with fiery hair just shot at the edge at will, and the other boy with blue hair shot the gun from the side if she didn't mess around If you move, you won't get hurt.

That is to say, it's just to scare people.

"Sure enough."

The blue-haired boy put down his pistol, "We didn't mean to hurt you."

"We are all dead people. It stands to reason that everyone is the same and should stand on a united front. As long as you come to our side, we will welcome you regardless of previous suspicions."

Hyuga paused and added, but it meant gnashing his teeth, "Even if you bullied us before, we can ignore the past."

"Bullying you?"

Naoi literati touches and touches his chin.Then suddenly his black eyes flashed, obviously thinking of something.

"Oh - who am I supposed to be?"

Fumito Naoi has regained his style as the vice president of the student council, and pushed the hat on his forehead with a proud expression, "So it's the poor bastard who was bullied."

"Hey—who is the poor bastard! Who is it!"

Hinata was immediately annoyed. He still remembered how miserably he was caught by a member of the student council and banged his head against the wall.

How can anyone bang their head against the wall!

And it's bleeding out!

Damn guy, know that he is already dead and will not die again, so can he do whatever he wants?

It will still hurt, okay?

So even if Yuri said he wanted to persuade the two vice presidents, he couldn't help but shot and threatened Naoi Fumito.

It was a success at first, and the other party screamed in horror, but after recovering, the posture was really... so annoying!

"Whoever admits it is whoever it is, but since you want to rebel against us, you have to show enough sincerity."

Naoi literati immediately showed a dark pattern of wanting to take advantage.

Let the five team members surrounding her look at each other.They vaguely felt that this guy seemed better if he didn't do anything about it.

It looks like a villain.

At this time, however, Naoi literati suddenly blinked at Ye Shenyue three times, as if to convey something.

"I will stand firmly on the side of the president."

"Because my ginseng is no longer in my hands."

"I won't betray even if I hypnotize myself with hypnotism."

What a firm stand.

The terrifying Ye Shenyue found herself reading out her inner meaning.

But well.

It seems that it is also a good decision to put her in the team of the post-death world front. For example, it seems good to let her go to harm the people of the post-death world front.

"You can consider letting the Naoi literati go to your place, but if it's me, then I won't accompany you."

Ye Shenyue released Naoi Lijin and was ready to evacuate.

"and many more--"

However, Hyuga suddenly stopped Ye Shenyue, "Our main target is you."

"Hey—what do you mean? Could it be that I'm secondary? I'm the vice president. If you join you, it will be a great help. How can it be better than a newcomer?"

Ye Shenyue hadn't spoken yet, but Literati Naoi was unhappy.

What's up with it as if she's a buy-one-get-one-free gift?

"Do not."

The girl with purple shoulder-length hair came over, and Yagami remembered that she once claimed to be Yuri, "You have been in this world for a year, if you want to join us, we should have joined long ago, and of course as a spy. , but even spies will not treat ordinary people so brutally, that is to say, it is your own will. Or, since you do not join us and you are not a spy, then you will be our greatest threat. "

Well said, hit the nail on the head!

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