Only two?

Only two?

A man and a woman, going out together?

Isn't this what dating is?

Naoi literati immediately realized that Koi was on the fourth floor and so was she, with the special hobby of living in every dormitory once. them.

She was also thinking of an unexpected invitation to Yashenyue to go on a date, where did she expect that she would be preempted now!

She hasn't even spoken yet, but they are already ready to make an appointment!Is this going to be stillborn?

"Wait...I'm going too! I'm going on a date too!"

Naoi literati immediately made a voice to express her nervousness and dissatisfaction. Her voice had a unique tone that immediately attracted the attention of Yagami Yue and Xiao Na.

However, Xiao Zao's calm eyes moved slightly, and Ye Shenyue was also taken aback.


If Ye Shenyue is wearing glasses, she really wants to push it to make a look that she can't see clearly, after all, this scene is a bit embarrassing now.

He didn't expect Naoi literati to live next to Xiaozuo this time and show up, and then gave him ice cream for his eyes.

She was wearing a black school uniform, trousers, and no clothes on her upper body, but she was wearing a bandage. However, the big bandage that rose and fell on her chest unexpectedly collapsed at the moment of her excitement.

"It turned out to be so big—"

Finally, Ye Shenyue sighed, while Naoi Litero, who was stunned, screamed.

"It's really big."

Xiao Zade looked at Naoi Fumito and then looked at his chest and made an unexplained voice.

ps: Well, I still hope that you will send flowers to the author's new book "Call Me Your Majesty the Demon King".

Chapter 0020 Black Literati Red Heart

School gate.

After grooming herself from the inside out, Ye Shenyue finally looked at the timer alarm clock in the dormitory and was ready to go out, but when she went out to look out, she immediately slowed down half a beat.Then leaned against the railing and waited for a while.

At this time, someone tapped him on the shoulder from behind.

Ye Shenyue turned around and saw Naoi literati in a black uniform. Naoi literati was tall and could almost be compared to him. If he wrapped his chest, he must be a handsome gay.

But now the chest is still wrapped, it looks very flat and can't see the protrusion at all, which means that it is very tight and tight.

Seeing her like this, Ye Shenyue felt a little heartache for that chest.

It must have been painful to hold like that.

Judging from the glimpse last night, that chest must be able to reach the D cup... Uh, why do I know these things so well?

Ye Shenyue was a little confused again. I always felt that he seemed to be an expert in this field, but he couldn't find any memories of the past. It was really strange.

"Are you looking at me? Then I'll turn around."

After taking a photo of Yagami Moon, Naoi literati smiled immediately and turned around. The speed is very fast. If he is wearing a long skirt, the blue and white stripes inside will be exposed because of the speed of 07, which is almost flying.

It's a pity that the other party is wearing a black suit!

Black shirt, black pants, black jacket, black leather shoes, and even socks!

What the hell is going on with this black body!

Ye Shenyue's heart is full of complaints about Naoi literati's dressing taste.

Well, forget it, I wasn't going to see Naoi literati dressed up as a cute girl. If she really... um, he would really feel a little uncomfortable with her hair growing up and a few dribbles.

And Naoi literati's circle is also over, "I'm so dizzy...have you read it? Is there that kind of feeling that suddenly makes people's eyes bright and immediately falls in love?"

The stopped Naoi literati almost fell down, and quickly grabbed the railing to stabilize herself, but the words she shouted from the weak at the moment were so shocking.

Have you ever fallen in love?

"how could it be possible!"

Ye Shenyue almost jumped up.Is he that kind of beast?I actually have to deal with Naoi literati... Well, in fact, it seems that Naoi literati is still very beautiful, if he can have long hair, he must be very cute, black and long straight... It seems to be a bit far, but Ye Shenyue watched seriously She really looks like that.

With smooth and soft black hair, bright eyes like stars, and a delicate and beautiful face, Naoi Litero is really a beautiful girl.

Although a little weird.

"Oh... well, it seems that the knowledge in the book is not all applicable."

Ye Shenyue complained unceremoniously, but Naoi literati did not immediately show a disappointed expression, her mood changed quickly, "The concept of contrasting cuteness doesn't seem to be practical, I thought that if you dress up in black, you can immediately From the strong contrast, I can see my shining point."

Well, Ye Shenyue doesn't even need to ask what the book is about, she has already said it directly.

"...You are just a contrast, not a contrast!"

Ye Shenyue always felt that the other party seemed to use the words in the wrong place, "The so-called contrast Meng should be the usual meticulous and serious Xiao Zou crawling over like a kitten and calling out to Oni-chan... Well, that's it. It feels like the exact opposite of her character. This is cuteness."

Ye Shenyue was fantasizing about it, and at the same time slightly questioned whether Xiao Zou was really like this?

How nice it would be to be able to sleep with his little head curled up against his chest like a kitten!

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