Ye Shenyue and Xiao Zou WangGuild walked away.

"Isn't Xiaozuo called an angel by them? Although according to their concept, an angel is a derogatory term, but if Xiaozuo can grow wings, then maybe he looks like an angel."

Ye Shenyue looked at the silver-haired girl with a delicate face and said sincerely.

He raised his head slightly, "Angel? Wings?"


Ye Shenyue encouraged, "Xiao Zao's heart is already the same as that of an angel."

Although I prefer mapo tofu, it is still very cute.

Snow-white wings, calm but lovely face and petite body.

When the wings are made, it must be beautiful at that time.

Ye Shenyue can imagine.


Xiao Zou suddenly stopped, and Ye Shenyue also noticed that they had reached a valley, a dark and deep valley.

"It's not quite right here, according to the student council members, it should be on the flat ground..."

"According to calculations this is the closest to the core."

Xiao Zou explained, "It is also the most direct way to walk in from here. Although there may be more traps, it is the fastest way."

Well, even though she wants to protect herself, Soo has gradually become a little unconsciously violent!

With a slight nod, Ye Shenyue wanted to hug Xiao Zan, Xiao Zan blinked at him with pale yellow-colored clear eyes, Ye Shenyue had already held Xiao Zan's soft little hand, "Although you have a The ability to protect, but things like pathfinding should be left to men, and what I said just now is more important... Hungry..."

Ye Shenyue grabbed Xiao Zhan's hand and took the first step forward, but she felt that her feet were kind and soft.

Then go completely empty!

"Night God Moon!"

Xiao Zade's hand was let go by Ye Shenyue, but she put her hands on the ground and called out to Ye Shenyue, who had already fallen from the sky.

"I... I can't do it anymore, Xiao Zou, protect yourself..."

The voice of Ye Shenyue came from below.


Taking a deep look at Ye Shenyue Xiaozao, who just said she was going to explore the way and was immediately washed away, she finally stood up, and continued to move towards the right side of the big hole that emerged.

At this time, responsibility was already on her shoulders.Ra wants to avenge Ye Jun.

Well, maybe Yagami would be a little bit happier knowing that Nagi became more motivated because of him.



Messy in the trap in the wind, Ye Shenyue finally shouted out, "This is too pitiful, why can you continue to jump down in the deep valley! I fell like this before I even started!"

Although her heart is full of dissatisfaction, Ye Shenyue is still ready to fall directly in the air. Since she can make weapons, it doesn't matter if she makes other things!

For example, something that can stop the gravity of the earth, it is completely impossible to see the bottom!

And although he won't die, he doesn't want to try the taste of being smashed into meat sauce!

As soon as he said it, his mind was concentrated. He didn't notice the little brilliance lingering around him, and then slowly converged and finally grabbed the thing with both hands. It was a silver-white pole, and it was a simple glider. !


With both hands grasping the glider, Ye Shenyue's descending speed can be grasped immediately. This deep distance is indeed very long, surrounded by pitch-dark and moist water droplets from time to time, and there is a big pool at the bottom of the valley.

The glider was completely submerged below and Yagami broke free.

I originally wanted to make a wing, but after thinking about it for a long time, all the images with wings were in my mind, and then when I thought of those snow-white wings on my body, Ye Shenyue felt a little chilly, so cute. This kind of technical work should be left to others.

"Wang Wang Wang!"

However, he just jumped off the glider and jumped to the shore near him when a gray-haired puppy appeared in a cardboard box.

It was a realistic toy dog ​​that could look like the real thing.

The puppy's cardboard box was caught by the raised Yagami Moon.

"Wang Wang Wang!"

The puppy immediately licked his fingers.

However, he seemed to hear a short whine in the distance, and stopped stroking the head of the puppy who was able to stick out his tongue to lick his fingers. Ye Shenyue looked in the direction of the sound and saw two A figure sliding down a slope.

"I didn't expect that we would fall into our own trap. It's a failure!"

A figure has slid from the hillside to the bottom of the hill, looking at the only two of them left talking with disappointment and regret.

"This is also impossible, too superficial."

The other girl seemed very calm as if there was nothing she could care about.

"and many more!"

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