This front is really... idiot!

As if feeling Ye Shenyue's deep malice, she took down the hand on her forehead, "Since it's like this, there's nothing you can do. Although I really want to help Yui, now... is not the right time! The angel is close to the core, then we are finished! So... I'm sorry, Yagami-kun, let me see your power!"

As she spoke, Yuri's hands had already touched her thighs, which was the fair skin covered by the pleated skirt, and it was true that when she was not touching herself, what she felt was a pair of guns.

The muzzle shot directly at Ye Shenyue's feet, but it didn't hit him, but it stopped him from moving forward, and then directly accelerated the speed and rushed towards him, shortening the distance between the two in an instant, and then the muzzle pointed directly at Ye Shenyue. Kamizuki's chest was aimed.

The same Yagami Yue is not someone who is sitting still and immediately creates a double gun with reference to Yuri's double gun.

Then immediately pointed at Yuri.

A strange color flashed in Yuri's eyes, but she did not evade and let Ye Shenyue's grab hold against her abdomen.

Move your finger.


She still shot!

The pain came again, and Ye Shenyue also fired, biting her teeth slightly.


Yuri was shot but continued to shoot!Because it is a person who has already hung up once, this body will not hang again, at best, it is just a pain!

It's just pain!

Ye Shenyue also became ruthless when she was shot, and continued to shoot.Now is not the time to be gentlemanly and he is not a gentleman either!

Whoever hits me I will hit her!

Shoot, shoot!

Gunshots! The two of them shot just for the sake of shooting, and the bullets would vibrate a little, but Yuri held onto Yagami's arm tightly and wouldn't let go, and Yagami also grabbed her with one hand. The waist continued to shoot.

until the grounds surrendered.

"Wait - out of bullets, you're running out of bullets at all!"

Yuri had already changed three magazines, but Yagami was still able to shoot as if the bullets would never run out.

Two guns and three magazines are all the weapons that Yuri carries, but she runs out of bullets and continues to be shot. If she continues to hold on, she will simply be shot and experience the feeling of being constantly being shot through her body.

This... just sucks!

It hurts to say!

Panting and sitting on the ground, both guns were thrown aside. Yuri was both lost and depressed, but at this time, she found that Yashenyue's eyes slowly gathered on her abdomen.

Um- this.

Because she won't be killed, her body is still intact and fair even after being shot.

It's just that the short shirt on the abdomen was turned into ashes under the constant shooting, which means that the lower abdomen is now completely exposed!

Smooth and flat.

A little bit of shame in my heart.

ps: I beg for flowers and collections for the new book "Call Me Your Majesty the Demon King", Ziqi is grateful.

Chapter 0027 Betrayal (two more for subscription)

"Bird - beast!"

Yuri was stunned for a moment, then shouted out immediately, and immediately subconsciously covered her flat abdomen. Because of the gunshot wound, the clothes covering this part had been destroyed, and Bai Huahua's skin was directly exposed.

And her hands were quickly covered up.

"I don't care, just shoot a gun and just look at it, no need to use such ferocious words!"

Seeing that Yuri didn't resist Yagami, she put down her pistol, but she still looked at Yuri with a condescending posture.

This is the first time he has seriously looked at the villain boss who opposes Xiao Zou, who is just an ordinary girl with a sweet appearance.

Deep purple hair reaching shoulder length, delicate face and fair skin.

Although the force value is very high and the speed is very fast, it can almost match ten strokes with the small play developed by the AnglePlayer software.

"It's never your turn to say such a thing to you, who is super unloving! Angel's accomplice!"

Originally thought that it was impossible to restrain the opponent directly, Yuri did not expect that she would be restrained, so it seemed that she could no longer pull the opponent to her side.

Therefore, Yuri also used the word "accomplice" after giving up on himself.

It could be seen that she was in a very bad mood.

"If you really pity Xiangxiyu, then at this time, I'm going to hold my chest here."

But Yagami didn't care about Yuri's anger. Yuri's marksmanship was accurate and ruthless. He just shot her in the abdomen, but Yuri shot his heart with a gun!

Although the body will not hang up, there is also a piece of fabric missing from the same chest, and even the nipple and head are exposed. I brushed my hands and recalled the appearance of the original clothes. The silver-white brilliance flickered over the clothes on the body. Brand new again.

"This ability—"

An unspeakable color flashed in Yuri's eyes, who was slumped on the ground, and he didn't even want to cover his stomach. "Hey, Ye Shenyue, I was reckless just now. I apologize, and at the same time, I am willing to pay the price. For example... my body."

There was a strange look in Yuri's eyes, and if you look closely, it is a strong insincere.

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