But maybe they have to be a little bit quieter this way!

Yagami watched Yuri leave and stopped in place.

Stayed for a while.


If Yuri left, how would he go to find Natsu?

He doesn't have a radar, even if he can make it, it's just that the radar can't locate it!


Ye Shenyue looked at the dark entrance of the cave, and said she would enter again...

Just as I entered, I was hit by a small object, like a small animal, it was so petite and small, but it was able to run so fast!

And the strength can be so fierce!

If it wasn't for the pink hair marking Yagami, she might have kicked the little girl who suddenly accelerated and slammed into the air, but even though she didn't take the initiative to kick the little girl, she was knocked out. , and then fell to the ground on one side.

Because she was wearing the same short skirt as Yuri, she was completely exposed when she was on the side, and the pure white fat time was exposed.

Soft and white.

"Birds and beasts! No, it should be a perverted lolicon!"

Ye Shenyue suddenly remembered Yuri's previous evaluation of him, although it was not very pleasant, but if it is placed in this situation... it is a little bit similar.

Why is there a morbid pleasure in my heart when I was bumped by Loli?Especially when you can see the pure cotton pants from this angle.

Sure enough... a gentleman (hentai)?

"Okay...it hurts!"

The little girl who was hit covered her head, "It will be bad if you hit the spine again! Although it won't die, there will still be shadows!"

Then the little girl raised her head slowly, holding her head, and saw Ye Shenyue who was looking at her.

"Yeah - the one who confessed!"


The shrill and high-pitched voice suddenly burst out with the potential to destroy the eardrum.

Ye Shenyue hurriedly covered her ears, "I was hit by you, but you screamed before I even said it!"

"Ah...that's it...but...anyway...in short, I'll leave first!"

Yui hurriedly stood up and patted the dirt on her body. She moved twice and found that her body could still move freely, "The angels from your camp have already invaded, so we trash fish should leave first. Our mission has been completed, Yui has already suffered from a spinal cord injury so she doesn't want to really die once!"

While talking, the little girl was really ready to run away, but she was just about to start when she found herself being lifted up.

"Cum clap-"

There were many footsteps in the valley, and Ye Shenyue hung up Yui and hid it directly to the side.

ps: I once again begged for flowers for the new book "Call Me Your Majesty the Demon King". By the end of this month, the flowers will no longer be needed.

Chapter 0032 I like being kidnapped (one more subscription)

"Cum clap-"

The footsteps of many people came from the valley. Almost the moment Ye Shenyue picked up Yui and covered her mouth to hide it, a group of boys and girls in work clothes appeared.

All of them had sweat on their faces, and those with more sweat had the characteristic gasoline and earthy smell of repairmen on their faces.

"Yuri, did you really decide to give up Guild like this?"

Already at the entrance of the hole, a tall, bearded man seemed to speak to Yuri softly, he was in uniform and the people behind him were the same, but when he spoke, the others fell silent and could tell that he was the one. The leader of a group of workers.

And Yuri is more like his boss.

"What do you say?"

"As you decide."

Bearded said loudly, as if to say to others, "The angel has discovered that our current weapons can't hurt her at all, and if we don't withdraw quickly, then we will... Everyone must know it!"

"But to give up our hearts like this—"

A young worker spoke up.

"Not giving up!"

Yuri suddenly raised her voice, "We went into a misunderstanding, have you forgotten how Guild appeared?"

"As long as you know the manufacturing principle and structure, you can make weapons even by using soil through your imagination! And now, the weapons have not been updated at all in this period of time. I don't blame you anymore, but want to say that you have become The assembly line will only produce for the sake of production. It's just workers! We are all high school students fighting against the angels against the world and not here to be workers!"

"That's it! Even if we give up Guild, we still exist. Don't forget that we still have the original base! Although everything there is very simple, isn't it created through our imagination?"

The young "workers" were speechless.

"So...then let's get started, before the angels appear...blast!"

Yuri calmed everyone down, and then the group ran to the other side of the valley, while Yuri was holding a remote control, as if pressing it down, the whole valley would collapse.

They have decided to abandon the weapons manufacturing base.

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