And the violent blasting has stopped, and it is quicker to come and go!

Like the collapse of the bubble economy, the valley sank directly, as if it was attacked by the loss of zombies.

"It feels like I've suddenly become a bad person."

Looking at Guild Kokaku's face, who had been razed to the ground, there was a faint sense of loss that was hard to detect. "They chose to self-destruct in order not to let me destroy the base."

"No, this... it's just that your ideas are different."

Ye Shenyue quickly comforted her, the girl's shoulders were shaking.

"If they had contacted earlier, maybe they would not have chosen such a path. It can be seen that they must have paid a lot of effort."

Xiao Zou said seriously.

Ye Shenyue continued to comfort her, patted her little shoulder gently as if a mother was coaxing a child to sleep, and Xiao Zuo slowly leaned over.The focus has also shifted.

Ye Shenyue will continue to comfort 3.7.

"Well, since we've already been in contact, or it's become such a hostile relationship, then we can only... eh, wait... What did you say, Xiao Zou? Actually, you haven't had a direct conversation with them? And you haven't told them about you. idea?"

Ye Shenyue showed a stunned expression, what the hell is this and the horse!

The two sides who have been divided into two camps live in the same school and even meet in the same cafeteria in the same class, but...they never had a real conversation and then directly regarded each other as villains?

This is... what a world!

Is the world wrong?

Ye Shenyue was messed up in the wind in an instant, and he felt that maybe he was hit harder than Xiao Zhan at this moment.

ps: I pray for flowers and collections for the new book "Call Me Your Majesty the Demon King", please put the new book on the list of new books, Ziqi thank you all here.

Chapter 0034 The darkest is just a literati

"Wow, it's actually covered in dirt, it looks like I've experienced a lot of danger."

Back at the school, I was a little surprised that the literati actually stood at the school gate and leaned back against the wall, as if waiting for them to impress. Seeing the ash on Ye Shenyue and Xiao Zou, the vice president immediately laughed. Open, quite a bit of schadenfreude.

"how to say--"

Ye Shenyue opened her mouth but found that she didn't know what to say. Should you talk about the twists and turns of the process she experienced, or the members of the world front in the post-mortem world?

None of these seem to be able to take a shot, or because Xiaozao and the people on the post-mortem world front did not have direct contact, and then became an enemy in such a horror, people didn't even have the courage to speak.

It's really shameful. Although it is easy for people to make enemies, it is too exaggerated to make enemies directly like this!

Ye Shenyue glanced at Xiao Zuo, and the angel turned to look up at him.but did not speak.

The eyes are clear and simple.

How could such a lovely child be so cruel to blame her?

"Then I'm here to ask."

The literati pushed the hat on his head, and under the brim of the hat were a pair of dark and shining eyes, "Did you take off your clothes after going for so long, and then your skin touched and did something that required blood? ahhh, sing--"

The vice-chairman's eyes shone like a strong thirst for knowledge flashing in the stars.

No wonder, there is no desire for knowledge and there are many!

"It's good to use nouns directly, and there is no need to describe them in such a detailed manner! Also."

"This kind of thing never happened!"

Ye Shenyue is powerless to complain, are they going to destroy the hostile base or go to the wild and out of the way?

However, it's not impossible to be in the wild... I always feel that it is more return to the original.

It's just a small play...

Ye Shenyue found that the president was expressionless and pure and natural like an angel, she... probably didn't know.

"Huh? Need to bleed?"

Xiao Zade showed a confused expression, and she really didn't know.

For some reason, Ye Shenyue's heart is both satisfied and depressed. What is satisfied is that Xiao Zou is as innocent as an angel, but... If he doesn't know, how can he start!

"Oh... Since that's the case, then I'm relieved."

He patted the flat chest and chest bound by bandages, and a bright smile appeared on the face of the vice president, "It's not worth it for me to stand here and wait for so long, and it doesn't seem that your feelings have happened. The plot is advancing by leaps and bounds, you can go in."

The literati, whose feet were numb with movement, took the lead and walked forward.

"This guy... shouldn't..."

Ye Shenyue felt a little strange in her heart when she looked at the vice president who had returned to her usual expression. This guy, wouldn't he really like him and make Xiao Zou a rival in love?


However, the literati took a few steps but stopped again, "If your method doesn't work, I think... um, I must implement my method. Do you want to listen to the president?"


Xiao Zana was a little confused, but she followed.

"right here?"

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