Chapter 0036 What is the tornado rolling?Up (one more kneeling and begging to subscribe)

Xiao Zou stopped by the propaganda board, and Ye Shenyue also saw the content on the propaganda board.

"Ordinary propaganda boards are places to post various regulations of the school or the student union. Of course, there are times when the clubs will post propaganda newspapers on the propaganda board in order to attract more attention."

Naoi literati explained, "And this one!"

The literati directly showed the momentum of the vice president of the student union, "This one is messed up! %% is not a formal school club. At best, it's just a private concert organized by himself!"

The literati spoke loudly.

The students onlookers noticed that she had a small play behind her.

Although the literati is also the vice president of the student union, the first thing ordinary people see is of course the president, the expressionless play behind the literati.

Although petite and cute, the chairman's aura has already been shown.

"Yeah... the student council president is here!"

The students who were looking at the poster let out a small exclamation.

"Could it be to stop us from going to the concert!"

"This is too much, it is simply taking our hobby!"

"Our freedom!"

"The president of the student council is too broad!"

are all negative effects.

This guy is totally embarrassing Xiao Zou!

Ye Shenyue suddenly felt that the big reason why Xiao Zuo didn't make a correct connection with the post-mortem world front may be because of the style of the literati. This kind of action is completely declaring war with the post-mortem world front!

However, Xiao Zuo was still dispatched. She looked at the poster. On the poster, there was a group of bands painted. The images were all high-definition, and they were all girls that she had never seen before. It seemed that it was a girl's band.

However, judging from the tone of the literati, these people are actually students of the posthumous world front.


In the end, Xiao Zou shot, and tore off the poster, and then rolled it up.

"Student president!"

"You are taking our freedom!"

"We will definitely go!"


Xiao Zao walked in front with a blank face, and then Ye Shenyue and the literati followed. The surrounding students talked a lot, most of them were embarrassed, but Xiao Zao was expressionless, or she was originally expression.

Only in this way can you have the momentum of the student council president!


But when he walked to the corridor, Xiao Zou stopped and turned around, "I'm already a bad person like this."

"Of course, if you look at it from the point of view of foolish people, the president is destroying their freedom and their love..."

While talking, the literati bit his fingers, "I didn't expect those stupid students to learn to use ordinary people to compete with our student union, but... hum hum hum!"

The literati suddenly became complacent, "It's just that no matter how you use it, it's not as powerful as my direct hypnosis!"

"Students are obliged to stop these activities that have been judged as private gatherings that have not passed the application or have not applied at all."

Zuo explained, "But this makes the students dissatisfied, and our student union is like a bad guy."

Although his face was still expressionless, there was still a hint of loss in the clear eyes of the president.

"It's impossible to please everyone."

Ye Shenyue patted Xiao Zao on the shoulder and pulled her towards him, and Xiao Zao slowly stuck to his arms like a small animal.

In the eyes of Ye Shenyue, Xiao Zou is not wrong. As the student council president, she performs her duties according to the school rules and guidelines, so some actions are inevitably a little unreasonable in the eyes of ordinary people, but she is a model student and can't let it go. "Breaching the school rules" appeared in front of him.

It's like a robot that performs and doesn't work.

Ye Shenyue felt that it was time to have a good talk with Xiao Zou.

"Hey, don't you just have sex here, okay?"

The vice president, who had been hugged by the people here and was thrown aside, was extremely dissatisfied. Today, she did the most work but did not get any reward.

Even... a pat on the shoulder for comfort!

"It's not fornication!"

Ye Shenyue found herself responding faster and faster to Naoi literati's words, almost to the point where the other party would complain every time she spoke, "And you have to pay most of the responsibility for all this!"


"It's all your fault that the student union is so unpopular!"

Ye Shenyue unceremoniously criticized, "However, as a student union, you can't just let the students violate the school rules like this."

"That's right, as expected, we have to use violence to control violence? Since I chose the same path as me, let's say it earlier, since Ye Jun has also decided so happily, then I'll... um, I'm going to go to the university. Mass hypnotizing ordinary people."

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