Got youth and want to pass it on.This is why she chose to be the student council president and because she wanted to pass on her happiness to make more people happy too.

Clumsy yet cute.

"It's just... that's not right, Xiao Zao why are you smiling?" Ye Shenyue admitted that she was shocked by Xiao Zou's sweet smile, but.


The smile on the little president's face was gently closed, "Did I smile?"



Zoe also nodded, "But, why be surprised? Am I surprised when I smile?"

"Uh... It doesn't seem like that's what you said, but, haven't you always been expressionless?"

"No, I actually have an expression."


Ye Shenyue didn't say it directly, but he was already screaming in his heart, and he didn't see her changing expression at all!It's just a faceless face, how can there be an expression?Who is this kidding!

"Then your expressionless face is..."

"Because I'm not tall enough."

Xiao Zhan's head bowed slightly.


"Generally tall people give people the feeling of being tall, mighty and imposing, but I'm not tall enough to be considered petite or petite, and to be a student council president requires imposing and majestic, so I can only use another way to do it. insufficient."

... "That is to say..."

Ye Shenyue seems to have understood, "That is to say, in order to "suppress" the scene, so... you chose to be expressionless?"

"Well, but, I always feel more and more expressionless, it seems that I am used to expressionless."

"Uh. It's natural, because I'm used to it..."

Ye Shenyue hugged his head, he suddenly felt that something in his heart was about to shatter, "At first I thought Xiao Zan was a little clumsy, but now it seems..."

This is not clumsy to describe!

"So you became the student council president and then strictly followed the president's rules and asked yourself to hope to bring those people from the post-death world front to normal campus life, so that's why you're so... inhumane?"

"Inhumane? You can say the same."

Kona's cute head lowered again.

And Ye Shenyue took a deep breath, "I don't think this is the most direct way. If you let them enjoy their youth and experience campus least they should start a contact first."

"So...what are you going to do?" Xiao Zou raised her head, her eyes full of anticipation.

It's a real expression.

"It started with the tornado operation this time. The first contact between the student council and the students of the posthumous world front began."


Xiao Zou nodded, looking at him with clear eyes, "So what should we do now?"

"Uh...I think about it, the people on the post-death world front are still annoyed by the explosion of Guild. This time the tornado battle is likely to be revenge. Let them calm down this time, and then arrange the two sides. Formal discussions, of course, are first head-to-head discussions."


Xiao Zhan nodded.

"That is to say, this time, I need you... I need Xiao Zou as if I don't know anything and let them go."

Doing so is against the guidelines of the Student Union.

How do I choose the recital that I'm going to go with the criteria?

Reject or?


Zade nodded quickly.


"Because if they are successful, they can better let them enjoy campus life and feel their youth. This is my purpose, the only purpose other than saying thank you."

Xiao Zade smiled softly, this moment was even brighter than the sunflower.

Chapter 0038 What the hell was the tornado swept away?Next (one more kneeling and begging to subscribe)

In the remote, strange and mysterious mansion, the woman in kimono who likes to drink shochu as always tapped the table lightly and then suddenly smiled, "Since you mentioned me first... then I'll forgive you first!"


The girl sitting in front of her with silver ankle-length silver hair and clear blue eyes like the sea, but wearing Western armor took out the book she had written long ago.

"Don't tell you."


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