He was quickly pushed away from Ye Shenyue's side.For life-threatening patients, life is money.

and many more!

Ye Shenyue suddenly stopped and chased after him.

Because in a quick glance he saw the figure on the stretcher, the short shoulder-length hair and the painful face with closed eyes, the broken glass of the wine bottle on the throat and the small shards of glass on the throat. .

"That's... people on the world front after death!"

"Well, even if you're standing in the stadium with a guitar in hand, you'll be considered the captain of the GDM affiliated to Yui, who sings and plays on the stage!"

"Why is she here?"

Shouldn't she be... in the afterlife?

Ye Shenyue, who couldn't figure it out, hurriedly chased after her, but stopped involuntarily when she passed by a ward with an open door.

This is a single-room ward, a girl with 0.2 silver hair is lying with her eyes closed, with a bottle hanging from the back of her hand.

It's just the most common scene in the hospital.

However, the shock to Ye Shenyue was unbelievable.

Because, the girl with silver hair, the girl with closed eyes, the girl who didn't respond to him is the girl he will never forget.

He rushed up and grabbed her wrist.


"Small play!"

Ye Shenyue held Xiao Za's hand, but Xiao Za, who was wearing a hospital gown and lying on the hospital bed, closed her eyes tightly and couldn't respond to him at all.

This... what the hell is going on?

this world!

ps: The author's new book "Call Me Your Majesty the Demon King" is currently about a big dating battle. The plot is different from this book, but it is just as exciting. Interested children's shoes go and see, I need you very much!

Chapter 0053 Intertwined cause and effect (two more kneeling beg for subscription)

If the lead singer of the posthumous world front with a throat injury appeared here, maybe... maybe she appeared in this world because she fulfilled her wish, but... why is even the troupe here?

Could it be that Xiao Zuo has waited for the person who donated her heart to be born into this world?

For a while, Ye Shenyue couldn't calm down for a long time.

"you are?"

Footsteps came from behind Ye Shenyue and a slightly hoarse voice also came.

Ye Shenyue turned her head and saw a woman with short silver hair holding a thermos cup. She was a bit older and had a wrinkle or two on her forehead, but her face was similar to Xiao Zhan's.

"You're... I'm a friend of Xiao Zana."

Ye Shenyue immediately reacted, and her first instinct was that the woman who suddenly appeared should be Xiao Zou's mother.

"Ah, so that's the case, then you really have a heart. It's been a long time since I couldn't go to school because of heart problems."

The mother said casually.


Ye Shenyue woke up suddenly.

"Yeah, it seems that you don't know, my family's Xiao Zou...because of the congenital heart disease Tetralogy of Fallot, I have been unable to go to school, and I can't go to school since elementary school. I didn't expect to have your friend here."

"Yeah, Xiao Zao and I have known each other for a long time. I didn't expect to see Xiao Zao here when I came to the hospital this time..."

Ye Shenyue responded casually, but her heart trembled greatly.

Natsu has a heart problem!And it's still extremely serious tetralogy of Fallot. There seems to be no better way than changing the heart!

If... if Xiao Zou really waited until the person she was thankful for was such a newborn... why would she have a heart attack?

Isn't this repeating?

This... in the end... why!

Ye Shenyue's brows were tightly wrinkled, but at this moment they loosened. It wasn't that he suddenly let go, but an abnormal reaction suddenly appeared in his hands.

The moment he opened his left hand and the palm of his left hand, a mass of silver-white silk threads appeared, and the silk threads immediately wrapped his hand from all directions.

Wrapped and then led in all directions.

It stretches far and wide as if there is no end.

Very weird scene.

In a white ward that was brushed on all sides, a young man's open hand was wrapped with countless silver-white silk threads, and the silk threads also led to all directions. It was strange to see it.

However, Ye Shenyue raised her head, and Xiao Zao's mother was looking at him without a strange expression. Could it be that she couldn't see these lines?

Is this a line that only he can see?

"Neither man nor god can exist in isolation. As long as he appears, he will interact with all kinds of things in the world, the incomprehensible and incomprehensible, the things we know now that we don't know, and the things we've come into contact with. Those who are not in contact will be intertwined with each other, because they are linked, and no one can separate them."

Inexplicably, the woman's words flashed again in his mind.

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