This requirement is indeed...

This competition can only be won but not defeated!

"Okay!" Ye Shenyue gritted her teeth and agreed, "Then you can turn into a cat now. If you can't help turning into a human being under my comfort, then you can let me deal with it!"

Ye Shenyue turned her head away, Feiju actually took off all the kimono, and now she is completely naked, isn't she trying to seduce him naked?

If he wins, Feiju will definitely not be able to be so casual, she without clothes under the quilt.

"Hehe... This time, Young Master, you lost. The transformation into an adult is entirely under my control, so as long as I still have the will, I will not transform into an adult..."

Seeing Ye Shenyue turning her head, Fei Ju understood that her temptation still had some weight, and she quickly turned into a kitten again according to Ye Shenyue's instructions.

The kitten that Feiju has turned into is not only the eyes, but even the thin and smooth 06 fluff on her body is also a little purple, just like her beautiful straight purple hair that reaches her hips.

" would you know if you didn't try?"

Ye Shenyue secretly cheered herself up, and indeed according to Fei Ju's temptation~ he can definitely push her down without any hindrance, but this has to do with a man's integrity, he is not the kind of temptation~ There is no such thing as temptation. principled person.

Even if you want to push, you have to cultivate feelings.

For example, now, let's play fun games first, and then let's get down to business.

Feiju must have seen it wrong, Ye Shenyue is definitely not as pure as he is now, in fact, he is an absolute big bad wolf, which Haruna-chan has seen for a long time. .

Ye Shenyue stretched out her hand and touched the head of the purple cat that Feiju had transformed into.

When you touch it, it's fluffy, and the palm of your hand feels comfortable. Sure enough, after touching so many cats, Feiju is the best to touch.

"It's just that people won't be shy~~" Fei Ju closed her eyes slightly and enjoyed Ye Shenyue's caressing, but she reminded her.

She really likes Ye Shenyue. Being with him when she was a child was a dependency. She always felt that the young master was different from other children.He has his own mind, and at such a young age, he will give her orders to be with him for the rest of his life.

It's just that the young master came to the city later, and she had to practice in Hieiyuan, so she could only be separated from the young master, but now, she is finally back, and the young master is just as gentle as her image.

It's just that she, according to the change of the nasty woman, does it suit the young master's mind?

Also, as a cat demon, she is still different from humans. Will the young master despise her?

This is what Feiju is most worried about.

"I just touched you just now. The easiest thing to do is to start now. Feiju, just wait and feel uneasy."

Ye Shenyue smiled.For the first time, he discovered that cats can play like this.

When feeding cats with Yuuki, the kittens didn't have much awareness, but his technique was still refined.In order to one day, like today, play Feiju.

If it's a human form, Ye Shenyue really doesn't have the confidence to make Feiju blush and shy, but she is very familiar with it. She can be as bold as she wants. When there are only two people, what kind of blushing is, no matter if it's Ye Shenyue Or Fei Ju doesn't know all about it.

The two have already overcome these two words.

One is cat cheeky, and the other is completely shameless.

"Now... here are the ears."

Ye Shenyue touched Feiju's small ears, which were as soft and fluffy as cat ears in human form.

It's just that Feiju's purple eyes are still squinting, apparently not shy and blushing to make her uneasy, but enjoying the feeling.

"Feiju, stretch out your little paws..."

Ye Shenyue stretched out her palm in front of Feiju and ordered.

The little purple cat's little paw fell on Ye Shenyue's hand.


Feiju replaced one.


Feiju changed another one.

"Claws over."

Fei Ju did as she did, she didn't understand what the young master meant, it felt like she was playing with her, but she still did it obediently and turned the little meat claws over.

Ye Shenyue grabbed Feiju's small paw with her left hand, while her right hand scratched a few times on the small meat pad.

It is said that the sensitive points of cats are ears and pads.

"Yeah~~" Feiju's ears moved, and she rubbed Yeshenyue with a look of enjoyment on her face.

This is not her sensitive point!

Everything in the book is a lie!

Ye Shenyue gave up continuing to play with the cat's claws, and put her hand on Feiju's back.

A fluffy piece.But these thin lavender fluff is really comfortable to touch.

Feiju snorted softly.

Sure enough, this is not her sensitive point.

"Young Master, you failed... but it's so comfortable..."

Feiju lay down according to Ye Shenyue's knowledge, revealing her hairy little belly, she was not afraid of Ye Shenyue, if she was naked in front of the young master for him to watch, Feiju would blush, but now But the cat's body was so fluffy that she couldn't see anything, and the fine fur covered her with a coat so she wouldn't blush.

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