"I feel very happy to marry Yuyi yesterday, is it because I am overjoyed in my heart?"

"The psychological effect is useful, but it shouldn't be that powerful. According to the knowledge obtained from the investigation, if the paraplegia is damaged, the nerve damage is generally irreversible, and Yui's paraplegia starts at a very young age. If it can recover early It recovered, and it is unlikely to be because of the psychological effect.”

Ye Shenyue shook her head, "Is there any other changes?"

"Last night—"

The mention of Yui's cheeks turned very red last night, "Last night, Yui didn't feel any pain at all, but she always felt shy."


There is no need to say such words directly, although I know that there are not many people around, but after all, this is a public place, Ye Shenyue still feels a little blush.

"But it feels warm."

At the end, Yui added.


"Well, I didn't feel it at first, but I always felt that Ye Jun's liquid had a warm feeling, and then Yui felt like her back was being warmed, and finally fell asleep because it was too comfortable."

"Cough cough - Yui whispered quietly."

Ye Shenyue hurriedly pulled Yui who was standing and sat down. Someone was already looking at her. Although they couldn't hear it, the accidental gaze made the guilty Ye Shenyue feel embarrassed.

What liquids, liquids, etc. are said in public.


Yui finally realized something was wrong, and sat down blushing.

"That is to say..."


Yui nodded before Ye Shenyue finished speaking.


However, Ye Shenyue didn't know what to say. His eyes moved slightly down to his crotch. Could it be that his liquid... Really has any strange effect?

At first, Yui completely lost her feeling, so when he entered her body, she couldn't feel the pain, but when he waited for him, she felt a warm feeling.

Could it be that... is it really that effect?

"In the post-death world, Ye Jun will make people feel very different, and now if it is a little strange, there is no problem. Therefore, Yui thinks... Well, maybe it is really the effect of that."

In other words, Yui just recovered her body because of the sex?

I always feel ashamed.

"But this can only be speculation. Yui heard Yuri say that the best way is practice, and practice is the only way to test the truth."

"That is to say—"

"Let's practice it?"


Yui's face turned a little red, "Yejun, don't think about it, Yui didn't want to try it because I didn't feel anything last night and now I feel better now, but I want to test it!"

"Absolutely can't think wrong!"


That is to say, after hearing you say that, you will think crooked!

In the end, Ye Shenyue still took Yui's hand and left the park under the public.

Whether it's testing or crooked, it's not something that can be done in a park where people come and go.

Ye Shenyue's face was still too thin.

Chapter 0061 Do you want to drink cow milk? (Second, beg for subscription)

First of all, no matter whether Ye Shenyue and the others are practicing or thinking it is crooked, they have come up with some practical results after the test.

For example, as long as the injured part can be restored to its original state, the liquid really has a powerful curative effect.

"I remember Iwasawa-senpai passed away alone in the hospital because her vocal cords were damaged and she could no longer sing. The reason was because of the damage to the vocal cords. If Iwasawa-senpai's vocal cords were healed, then she would …”

"It won't kill you."

Ye Shenyue nodded. Everyone's experience in the afterlife world is different, but they have one thing in common, and that is their wish. They came to that world because of a strong unfulfilled wish during their lifetime.

And now Iwasawa's biggest wish is to sing. If she can continue, then she may have no regrets.

"When the time comes, Yui can be Iwasawa's deputy again, and I can listen to Iwasawa's songs again... No, no, Yui has memorized the songs Iwasawa created in that world, and if I play it to Iwasawa It will be very interesting to listen to, Yui feels excited when she thinks of that scene!"

The petite girl's mind has turned to her life after the lead singer has fully recovered. "It would be great if Iwasawa could have a concert, and then Yui could join, and then... well, it would be very interesting if the angel joined together, the angel said she could play the piano, we don't have one in our band yet. Where's the pianist?"

"It's just, this kind of thing... how can I make her accept it?"

Yui's thoughts are very beautiful, but now it is the most important problem to face.

That's how his own wow——the liquid made Iwasawa swallow it.

Just bang bang bang?

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