She cried out, and at the same time, the hand holding the cow milk bottle was also a little harder, and the hypnosis in her heart was constantly magnifying.

Yui, this is for Iwasawa-senpai, this is for the reproduction of GDM, this is for... Anyway, Yui is not doing something bad!


Iwasawa's eyes finally focused, and then opened slightly. On the other side, Ye Shenyue also came to Xiao Zade's ward.

The difficulty on Ye Shenyue's side seems to be even greater.Because Iwasawa was the only one on Yui's side, and Kokatsu's mother was on his side.

Let Xiao Zou drink the liquid in front of his mother?

Shame rose again.

"That... I'm really sorry that I didn't bring anything good here. Please accept this bottle of cow milk."

Ye Shenyue felt a little rash.

"Thank you."

Xiao Zou smiled lightly and stretched out his hand.

At this moment, Xiao Zou can still laugh, which is very different from the world after death. Maybe as she said, she used a cold face because she became the student council president.

Soo is a really nice guy.

Ye Shenyue silently gave Xiao Zuo N likes in her heart and then handed the cow milk bottle to Xiao Zuo. She was just about to take it and then remembered that the bottle cap had been opened. If Xiao Zuo opened it, maybe it would be I think I stole it... No, why are you drinking it!

"Thank you."

Xiao Zou said simply, but Ye Shenyue's heart seemed to be tormented.

Ye Shenyue watched her drinking unnaturally. Xiao Zou's drinking speed was not fast, and it took five minutes to finish the whole bottle of cow's milk.

"Something else tastes like."


Did you find it?

It's unlikely, Xiao Zan-sang is so pure that he would never expect to drink liquid.

Just why do I always feel that I am particularly hateful when I think about it like this?

ps: I always feel that the author's bacteria are possessed by something strange.

Everyone in this chapter... just ignore it.

Also, please support the author Sang's new book "Call Me Your Majesty the Demon King", Ziqi is grateful.

Chapter 0062 Just one sentence of approval

ps: The new book "Call Me Your Majesty the Demon King" has already entered the new book list. Now it can only rely on the efforts of all the gentlemen. Now the author needs to collect it the most...

"What strange smell?"

Ye Shenyue said with a smile, in fact, only he himself knew how empty his mind was.

"I usually drink pure milk, and this strawberry flavor is also delicious."

Zade responded softly.

"So that's the case. If you like it, then I'll bring it over next time."

Ye Shenyue finally let go of her heart.

As long as it doesn't smell bad.


Xiao Zuo nodded, showing a sweet smile, even she herself didn't understand why she was in an unprecedentedly happy mood in front of this young man.

"By the way, Xiao Zou, I know a few people. They are just missing a pianist in the band that formed the band. If your health is better, then..."

"It would be great if it could be like this, to be able to communicate with everyone or something... uh—"

While speaking, the girl's voice gradually weakened.

"what happened?"

"I always feel a little sleepy."

Like a kitten, Li Huazao rubbed the back of his hand on his forehead, ready to cheer himself up, after all, how impolite would it be if someone came to visit him after falling asleep?

Moreover, she also wanted to spend more time with this teenager who gave her the familiar feeling of relaxation.

"Sleepy? That's a good thing! Because it proves that the medicine works well—"

As soon as Ye Shenyue finished saying this, she realized that not only Zona was looking at him, but Zona's mother also showed a strange expression.

"This... I'm talking about sleep. The heart problem is always poor activity. The oxygen consumption will increase. If you can rest more, it will be better for your body."

"So it is."

It was Kozo's mother who spoke.

On the other hand, Ye Shenyue had a cold sweat on her back, and she always felt a thrilling feeling here.

In the end, he fled here as if he were running away.

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