And she has always just needed a word from her father...approval.

Literati, you are doing a great job too!

Chapter 0063 Can't wait for 30 minutes

"Ah... I feel so bored. When Ye Jun is gone, I feel bored, and there is no one to tease..."

Naoi literati, who seemed to be lying on a corpse, pulled the black hood directly from his head and put it on his cheek.

"If you're bored, don't come to our base camp!"

The onlookers in the posthumous world front in the principal's room were indignant.

"Well, I'm just bored and want to join you guys, and haven't I already signed up?"

The literati waved his hands and said weakly.

"Where's your name-calling certificate? Use ordinary students to arrest our people and threaten to implement lifelong supervision if you don't join. Who can stand it!"

"Well—I didn't say..."

"Okay, all shut up!"

Yuri, who was sitting in his chair, couldn't wait any longer. It's been three days since Yagami and Yui left this world. Everything has returned to its original point, but it makes people feel uneasy 07.

Wanting to know the information on the other side, but unable to do so, being unable to control, unable to access, and unable to know what is most frustrating.

"Wait, this feeling."

However, at this time, the literati suddenly covered his chest as if something very important had happened.

This picture appeared in her mind.

That's the scene where she won first place in the pottery category.

After hard work, she finally won the first place, but her father didn't even say a word of praise or even said that she was far worse than her brother. she living for?To be a brother?

This is the deepest and darkest memory in her heart.

Now, however, the memory fluctuates.

A young man appeared.

"I'm just a person who comes here because of his reputation. I admire Mr. Naoi's pottery skills but I don't agree with Mr. Naoi's teaching method. In my opinion, Lingnu has done a good job. Look at her hands, these are all It is a proof of hard work. I know Mr. Naoi's expectations, but if the expectations are too strict, it will only put a heavy burden on the backs of young children."

"And you, pursue your life well."

"Also, don't become distorted when you grow up. In fact, you are cuter without distortion."

This is a handsome young man with deep eyes and an addicting smile on the corner of his mouth, but this young man is exactly the same as the... Ye Jun in her impression!

Is that Ye Jun?

"Maybe my requirements are really too harsh, even outsiders see me like this, literati, then I will say once, this time you have done well, but as a member of our Naoi family, you will do even better! You Do you have the confidence to win the next championship?"

Her father praised her!Although it's not so direct, it's still... compliment her!

"That person... is Ye Jun! And there is no one to accompany it is wild!"

The literati suddenly shouted, "Yuri, my memory has changed, Ye Shenyue appeared, because of the appearance of Ye Shenyue, my father, my father actually recognized me!"

His face flushed with excitement and excitement.

The literati directly pressed Yuri's shoulder.

"I know you don't get so mean..."

Yuri thought that the literati was an intermittent convulsion, but now, judging from her words, the literati's memory has changed.

Why does it change?

People who come here will only lose their memories and then regain their memories, but they will not regain their memories!

what is the problem?

"Eh...this is..."

However, at this moment, the literati's voice stopped abruptly, and even the other members of the post-mortem world front widened their eyes in astonishment.


The literati's body emitted light, a very dazzling silver-white brilliance.The body also slowly transitioned from substance to nothingness.

The outline of the body is also a little blurred until it disappears.

"So this is ah--"

The voice of the literati remains in the air, but it means satisfaction.

As if a wish had been fulfilled.

Others, however, panicked, "Why is this Naoi literati disappearing too?"

"Did she follow the angel's order? Did she join us according to the angel's order?"

"What can you do, Yuri!"

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