Feiju's cat ears turned, and there was actually a soft smile on her face.


Rinko still felt unbelievable "Wait, you're talking about that day... what about the other days? Cats!"

"Of course I'm the one who accompanies the young master. He has long been a member of the young master. The young master is always full of anger. If you hold him back, you will be suffocated... Are you right, young master?"

The cat's eyes were already full of water.

"Fire? Fire? Fire! Cat, you're too lustful!"

Rinko didn't really understand what she heard at first, but she just looked at Yagami's face a little red, thought about it in an impure direction, and immediately screamed.


Ye Shenyue is really embarrassed, what is this all about, Fei Ju really dares to say anything, she is indeed a goblin who fascinates people and does not pay for her life.He only did it a little more last night, does Feiju need to remember it so deeply?

He has done it with Loli, with Sister Yu, with magicians, with teachers, but never with monsters.

Although Hiju is only the first time, maybe because of the system of youkai, Hiju's resilience is very good. Unlike human girls, if he is only with Yu, he must not have the heart to make Yu so tired, so generally speaking. They all have restraint, but I didn't have this concern when I was with Feiju, so I did it a little more times, but I didn't expect that Mao Mao was still thinking about it.

"What my sex? You will be the same in the future! The young master's skills are very good, and he is very skilled. The real sex is the young master. He must have become a man long before me... It's such a pity..."

"What? In other words, Yue has already done it with someone else?"

"We're both spare tires."

This is Feiju.The big purple cat's eyes were full of depression. At this moment, her expression was similar to Rinko's, and she was given first place.

Rinko is okay to say, she and Ye Shenyue are childhood sweethearts, but they only met in elementary school, and Feiju's memory has been together since childhood, except for being inserted by that Jingu Temple, she has always guarded Ye Shenyue. Shenyue, didn't let other women come in again. Originally, she was prepared to wait for the young master to grow up before she came to dedicate herself. I didn't expect that people would still grab a step. Is it the Jingong Temple or who?

No matter who it is, Feiju has a grudge against her.An Gang, who was still on the ground, returned to Mao Mao's hands in an instant.

Murderous all over.


What should Ye Shenyue say?Is it to tell them that they are not only spare tires, but also spare tires for spare tires, and have been spared tires more than ten times?

If he really said that, I'm afraid Rinko will run away crying, and Higari will be mad and ready to slash those guys who are the first to get there.

Another distant city.

"Well, knowing my father, I will definitely make the Jinguji family brilliant and put our family on top of the rankings!"

The girl with long silver hair and a crescent-shaped mark on her forehead opened the mysterious magic book, flipped through the book while talking on the phone, and her beautiful eyes flashed full of confidence.

Just wait, Yue, your fiancée will be back with you soon.It's time for our promise to be fulfilled.

"Find out the information of the Tianhe family's Yeshenyue in the last week. I want to see it within 30 minutes."

Soon the girl made another call, in a commanding tone.

A week, has there been anything interesting in your life in the middle of the week?It should be time for his amulet to fail.

I don't know when it started, maybe when we separated, she developed the habit of regularly grasping all the information of the other party.

As a qualified fiancée, how can you qualify if you don't do the "preparation work" when you get married?

ps: Ask for a monthly pass.ask for flowers

Chapter 0009 encounter a small teacup

"There are so many people in the city..."

Dressed in a silk-like purple kimono with some cherry blossoms, and with clogs on her feet, Hiiju circled around while hooking Ye Shenyue's hand, looking curiously at the people coming and going around her. I have always been practicing in the countryside, and I followed Ye Shenyue's breath to find Ye Shenyue directly. I have never played wanton outside at all, so I saw so many when I went to the street with Ye Shenyue. People are still amazed.

"Stupid cat, of course, we are a city, a very developed area, how can there be not many people!"

Rinko, who was walking on the left of Ye Shenyue, also changed into a cool green summer dress, and hugged Ye Shenyue's right hand not to be outdone.

"But... young master, do you feel that the eyes of people on the street are too hot?"

Feiju reached out and gathered her long purple hair, turned her head and glanced at the eyes of those people, with disdain in her eyes.

Those people's eyes are either lewd or jealous. Are all human beings such ugly things?

No, Feiju's figure was already very good. She wore a purple kimono and walked with small steps, much like the Yamato Nadeko whom Ni Hongguo admired.

The return rate is naturally [-]%.

As for men's lewdness and women's envy and jealousy, that's a personal problem. Quality is quality!

"Cut! Stop showing off, those people aren't just looking at you! It's just... it's just clothes, it's just that kimonos look better."

Rinko is still duplicitous. She understands Feiju's changes the most in the past few days. Didn't they all say that women are private detectives in some respects?

One of Rinko's hearts is to pay attention to Feiju. First of all, everyone's appearance is similar, but the figure... Sure enough, those with big breasts are villains!

During this period of time, Feiju's body can't help revealing the charming and charming aura, which seems to make her of the same sex feel confused sometimes.

Sure enough, this is the charm of a woman?

"Hey hey hey! It's too close! Cat, pay attention to your image! You don't want to look like my moon!"

Rinko came back to her senses and saw Feiju's Oupai, which immediately stabbed Rinko.

"Stupid Rinko, if you have one, then you can too~~" Feiju taunted the European faction, rubbing salt on Rinko's wound.

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