And Kagome's hand... well, it's a little itchy.

She seems to think of the ears of a certain "dog brother". Is this delicious loli and her "dog brother" the same creature?

This future shrine maiden... is indeed itchy.


However, RIder, who had been silent and continued to poss to show his existence, suddenly made a sound, causing the onlookers to look at her in unison.

It seems that he doesn't understand Athena very well.

"Athena...that's the most powerful god."

RIder explained that as a member of the God Realm, she had seen Athena.Although it's still young.

But the crowd exploded.

god?And still the most powerful!

This guy... is this guy also Ye Shenyue's daughter?

If that's the case... can you still pull her ears?

Well, Kagome is really itchy...

ps: There are few comments recently... I beg for comments.

Chapter 0015 The Holy Grail of the pit father (three more subscriptions)

The silver-haired little loli in the magic circle adjusted her clothes, and then looked at everyone with her clear eyes.

"Why are you staring at your concubine?"

Her voice is slightly cold but cute, especially when a loli calls herself "concubine".

Well educated.This is the heartfelt admiration of the Tohsaka family's eldest lady, who always demands elegance.

So cute...that's the common thought of the rest of the girls.


There was another loud noise, a mushroom cloud, and... a crack in the ground, and the shattered crack had spread to them.

The pretty brows furrowed slightly.

"Hey... that, you are too noisy!"

The slightly cold and tender Loli's voice, the silver-haired little Lolita Athena summoned by Kagome said to the golden glittering person among the two who were fighting recklessly, "And there is too little golden glittering all over. Classy."

"……What did you say!"

The King of Heroes took a step back and glared at Athena, frowning when he saw that the other party was just a little loli, "This king is the first king but he didn't kill everyone. As long as you kill yourself, this king can forgive me. your sin."

"Can the concubine think that you are provocative?"

The silver-haired Loli looked at the King of Heroes and floated up, looking at him expressionlessly.

But she is definitely angry, she is Athena, how can she be provoked by such a small person?

This is absolutely killing.


Gilgamesh didn't speak, and then directly pulled out his second ultimate move "The Chain of Heaven" from the treasure library. The silver-white chain flew directly towards Athena and trapped her.

"Concubine... very uncomfortable!"

Athena's voice became even colder, "I don't like the binding of the lock of the sky and the concubine!"

"The age of the concubine is full of godslayers, and the lock of the sky has reached the level of a Noble Phantasm... But the concubine is not an ordinary god that can be killed casually!"

Athena's expression still did not change, and then she moved her white fingers. In her hand, a huge dark black scythe in the shape of a scythe of the god of death appeared. Tofu is usually broken directly.


The final whimper turned into smoke.

"'s impossible..."

Gilgamesh looked at the little loli in the sky in astonishment. That was his own heavenly lock, a Noble Phantasm that could bind even gods!Even if it is compared to the Deviance Sword, it is honestly not much!

"Damn guy!"

The King of Heroes was furious and then held the black stray sword in both hands and aimed at Athena in the sky with one hit. This is a Noble Phantasm against the city. No matter who it is before this huge destructive power, it can only avoid its edge or directly. be destroyed!

"How can the light of the firefly compete with the sun and the moon?"

Athena chuckled lightly and then waved her hands with both hands. The terrifying energy from the blade of the huge sickle and sickle in her hand went directly towards the edge of the King of Heroes' Deviating Sword.

The two forces fought against each other.

Then press it directly!


The huge sound has no mushroom cloud, but the deterrent force that almost wipes people out is more terrifying than the mushroom cloud.

The place where the King of Heroes was originally was dug a huge pit, and the King of Heroes...the land has no golden light anymore!

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