Illya nodded heavily, her little white and tender fingers touched the Holy Grail of Darkness, and then a black door appeared in the center of the table, as if opening it would lead to another world.

"It looks real, but what are these?"

A whole stack of dark weapons appeared on the table, very sharp and with a bit of a gloomy aura.

Although her heart is already dark, Kagome is still a little rational.She looked at the... well, these dark weapons were a little strange.

"These...I don't know either. It should be the equipment that came with the Holy Grail for us...Ah, this seems to be the legendary equipment of the ten tortures of the Qing Dynasty."

"This is a kitchen knife!"

"This is a knife for slicing meat..."

"Is this a whip?"

"This is a pig-killing knife..."

The girls gathered around and picked their favorite "weapons" along the way. Their colorful eyes became pitch black like Sakura's at the beginning. There was no turbulence and only bloodthirsty impulses.

"If that's the case... then... let's open the door!"

"Yeah...I want to see Dad very much too. It's been many years...I don't know if Dad has changed?"

"Dad must miss us too... we have to hurry up..."

Waving the pig-killing knife in his hand, Aria grabbed the handle and unscrewed it, and saw a pallor.

It was a white world called a hospital.

Who else... which sister is going to be born?

"Ha ha……"

The girls laughed, so… uncolored.

Miss RIder, who stayed where she was, raised her head slightly, she seemed to be able to predict the ending.

After all, she...was once a blackened god, and knew what blackening...was all about.

ps: The pseudo ending of the next chapter.Thank you for your continued support, and then go back to writing Inuyasha.

Chapter 0017 The new beginning is also the ending (final words)

Here's the long-awaited protagonist's perspective.

This is Yagami Yue who has recovered her memory after experiencing the world of the godslayer.

Fall from the sky.

"Look... there are people running naked there..."

"Is there something unspeakable? He doesn't seem like the kind of person who doesn't love himself. What happened?"

"Looks so handsome..."

It’s okay for young teenagers to fall from the sky. I don’t know when they turned into a state of bursting clothes, and they still have a 100% return rate on the street, but 99%.

In order not to let Yuko and Yu and the others notice the energy fluctuations in him, Yagami Yue deliberately sealed herself up again, just like many young people, making herself look like an ordinary person.

Therefore, the speed of this running has been obviously reduced to prehistoric levels, and even ordinary people can see the traces.

" there any place to go in..."

Ye Shenyue looked left and right, and finally saw that a cafe was open.Let's go inside first. There should be STAFF in the coffee shop, which is the place for the staff to rest, so when it comes to the inside, maybe you can find clothes to wear first, and this is also the closest place to him.

"Hello, guest...hey...this is..."

When the waiter saw someone rushing in, he was very conscientious and wanted to step forward and elegantly say "What do you want, the guest?" But what he saw was a naked man. For a while, his mind was really stuck and he was speechless. But when she woke up, she had already run into the room with the sign "idlers do not enter".


The young waiter blushed as soon as he broke in.

"Hello, what's the matter, young lady?"

Ye Shenyue was very lucky. There was a new set of work clothes in the cabinet. When he buttoned the second button on his jacket, the waiter had already pushed in the door.


The waitress is a little strange. Why does she feel a little nervous that this is her home?

It can only be said that Ye Shenyue's lethality is too strong. If he just ran naked, then others might not only look at his face, but now that he is wearing clothes, the only thing the waitress can see is his face. .

Moreover, it is basic etiquette to look at the face first.

"You suddenly ran in... and you put on this dress..."

The waitress was a little hesitant.

"Ah... this... I'm really sorry. I was robbed by a woman today. Not only the money but also the clothes were robbed, so I had no choice but to."

Ye Shenyue showed an extremely innocent expression.

Robbed by a woman?Would anyone believe this?

"It turns out...that's the case...but...even though it's a set of clothes, it's not worth much, but running around wearing the clothes in our seems..."

The waitress seemed three-point nervous and seven-point worried.

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