Having said that, Feiju's voice was a little low, and now she was afraid of water to death.

What a shame.Who called her a cat?It's natural to be afraid of water, even if you become a fairy.

"Yue, what can you do?"

Rinko's ability to accept has been greatly improved with the strengthening of Yagami. For example, she now believes in Yagami. Since there are even monsters in this world, why can't she believe in Yue?

"Young Master? Well~~" Fei Ju showed her cute cat ears, which was the body's automatic response when Ye Shenyue touched her head too comfortably.

Now, the cat's ears are out, and the cat's tail is out. It's a completely afraid of water kitten.

"Honey, as long as you touch me, you won't be afraid of water anymore."

Ye Shenyue now looks like a magic stick, the leader who lured good children into the cult, and rubs Feiju's head, as if she is stroking a kitten, although Feiju is now a kitten.

It seems very comfortable...

Rinko looked at the expression on the cat's enjoyment, and felt a little more eager to try.

It's just that Rinko immediately killed the idea as soon as it came up, how could he be so depraved?She is a childhood sweetheart, so she doesn't eat cats!

Huh, is this?

Rinko's pale yellow eyes flashed, and she saw that Ye Shenyue's hand seemed to emit a faint golden brilliance, and the brilliance seemed to be alive, shining a very warm brilliance around.

That warm brilliance not only gave Feiju's body a faint golden color, but even Rinko's body was warm, like being covered with a sheet.

The soft radiance quickly disappeared, but Rinko felt that this was not a dream, it seemed that she was a little different.

"Yue...this is..."

Rinko's thin red mouth opened, and it immediately turned into a scream.

At this moment, the sea suddenly rolled and rolled, and the sea was shaking, as if something was about to come out.

It didn't take long for people to wait, but in the blink of an eye, three huge water dragons surged from the center of the sea, each of which was dozens of meters tall, as if it was made from the water in the main sea area. .

Even though it is made of water, the current attack of the three water dragons is not a gentle flow of water, but a majestic wave.

Every time the water dragon swayed its tail, the entire sea swayed, causing the hearts of those floating on it to tremble.

"You actually came to the beach, Ye Shenyue, you are so bold to say it."

The three water dragons stood tall and looked extraordinary, and on the head of the middle water dragon stood a small figure.

It was a little girl. The little girl had bare white and tender feet, and was only wearing a short light blue shirt that was only one-third of her size. What was surprising was that she was standing on top of the water dragon, but There was no trace of water droplets on his body.

"Since you're here openly, then I'm also bold enough to sneak attack."

Standing on the water dragon, Jing Shui Jiu with emerald green shoulder-length hair was expressionless and authentic.

It's like going to a meeting, but how can she come to the meeting with such a dangerous water dragon?It's scary!

"Young Master, be careful!"

As soon as she saw Jing Shuijiu's appearance, Feiju immediately placed her hand in front of Ye Shenyue. She stretched her hand to the left and wanted to habitually take her weapon, An Gang, but when her hand touched her waist, there was only a piece of softness. .

Now Angang didn't bring the swimsuit and put it in the villa!

"Cat! Cat!"

Rinko suddenly screamed.

Feiju turned his face.

"How can you float on the water?"

Rinko said in surprise, how could Hiiju be able to swim even though she is a cat!It's like, as if the water couldn't touch her and took the initiative to get out of her way.

"Huh? What's the matter? You're not afraid of water anymore? It's weird! But it's okay now, even if An Gang is not here, I, Feiju, are not so easy to be defeated, water demon, you want to get my hands on my young master. , it's too self-sufficient!"

Fei Ju was stunned, but the corner of her mouth slipped into a smile, she is a cat, she has no weapons, and the most primitive weapon, claws!

Feiju's explosive power is very strong, but just stepped on the water in place and flew directly towards the still water for a long time.The sharp claws shone with a cold man's brilliance.

"Stinky cat, it's really arrogant. Since you're here to die, I don't mind saying it."

Jing Shui has been expressionless for a long time. Compared with the arrogance of the cat, she now wants to know, why, this cat, is not afraid of water?

Is it really not afraid or deliberately pretending, as long as she encounters the water dragon, she will know the result.

Chapter 0013 Out of Control Water Snake (One More Flowers)

"Stupid cat, if you want to be a lost cat so much, then I will fulfill you, people say it is a good person."

Jing Shui Jiu's wine-red eyes flashed for a while, as if it was matching her words. The water dragon standing on her left threw directly at Fei Ju, who jumped up and showed sharp cat claws, just to collide with Fei Ju. At the time, it was surprising that it automatically disintegrated into large swaths of water waves all splashed on Feiju's body.

"So cunning! Damn guy!"

Shuilong's body disintegrated into a whole waterfall, from top to bottom, from bottom to top, no matter how Feiju hides, she can't escape. She finally understood why her claws disintegrated before the water dragon passed, completely. It was the water demon who wanted to get her wet on purpose!Although Feiju's heart was dissatisfied, she could only be drenched in water.

"Clap, clap, clap..."

Large swaths of water fell on the sea and were splashed again.

Fei Ju landed on the sea and looked up at Jing Shui Jiu, who was stunned in his eyes.

"Cats are really not afraid of water! Yue, how did you do it?"

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