It's just that the world put the phone down.

"I didn't even react. I can already guess that there must be no important information in the phone. Fortunately, I was still thinking about whether you took pictures of girls secretly because you heard the magic of your phone. ."

"For example, me... Although it's impossible for us, it's actually quite comfortable to be secretly in love with."

" feel so good about yourself!"

Ye Shenyue's brows trembled, how could he not know that the true character of a world that just likes to be angry at home is actually like this!

It must be too fun!

"Hey, there's actually a picture of me..."

The world looked at the pictures on Ye Shenyue's mobile phone differently, "You shouldn't be..."

"Crush me!"

This time the voice was a little louder, not only the boys and girls around, but also the teacher who was preparing for the class looked over.

ps: I thought that Feilu was in the pit, and the update list on the homepage did not refresh the author's book. The book of bacteria will not appear on the homepage and fewer people will see it, but I didn't expect that there were 500 subscriptions yesterday, which is so surprising Now, I suddenly feel like I want to code...

Also, the new book about the author's bacteria will be on the shelves in the early hours of this evening. I hope you will support it!

The author Mun could not think that the only way to report the report is to return it with an update.Eight more?Or ten more are possible.

Chapter 009 I'm sorry

"Do you have any dissatisfaction with me in the world of Saiyuan Temple?"

The teacher is a middle-aged man with thick spectacle frames and looks very old-fashioned.

"Ah... no, nothing."

The world sat down awkwardly, then fell silent.

"Let's start the class next."

The teacher opened the textbook and wrote the content of the day on the blackboard.

"You must have deliberately made me scream so loudly and be laughed at."

The world sat down, but it was not as quiet as under the teacher's eyes, but she did not speak, but chose to write in the notebook.

It was the notebook with the dark green skin that Ye Shenyue and Ye Shenyue used to introduce themselves, but now it has completely become a "chat notebook" "You clearly called it out yourself, and I didn't mean it."

Ye Shenyue's forehead was sweating, the world is really unreasonable.

"What, it was you who secretly took my picture and then... let me find out... By the way, you must be trying to confess, right? Since I'm rejecting you again, I won't find someone with a plain appearance. Boys, how unfair it is to children like this..."

"What does this have to do with the child! And even if it is genetic, maybe the child will inherit the mother's appearance!"

Ye Shenyue hurriedly added two more sentences after she finished writing it for the world to see, "And I didn't just take your picture."


The world did not continue to write, but directly picked up Ye Shenyue's mobile phone, and then looked for the album inside.

After her picture is a new picture.

That's a girl.

Sitting quietly on the tram reading a book.His smooth and jet-black long hair shawls down his shoulders, with fair skin and a calm expression, just like Yamato Nadeko.

Gentle and sweet.

Such a girl is not easy to find.

"This girl is in the fourth class of the year...I think about it, it seems to be called Gui Yanye."

The world hesitated for a moment and then wrote in the notebook, "You must have fallen in love with her. I also think that many boys of this type will like her, but it's just that your ordinary appearance is completely useless in front of handsome guys!"

"It's here again! It's not my fault that it's ordinary!"

Ye Shenyue shouted and stood up directly.

"Student Yueshenye, you are also very opinionated about my class. What is the teacher's objection to you?"

The old-fashioned teacher on the podium looked over again with murderous eyes.

The eyes of the whole class also focused, Ye Shenyue this time is more fiery than when the world stood up, I believe everyone's attention has been attracted by him.

instead of paying attention to the world.

Ye Shenyue subconsciously removed the stigma of speaking in class for the world...

"No...nothing, I just think...there is another solution to this problem."

"The other kind? Then you come up and demonstrate."

The teacher said with a bad expression, while Ye Shenyue walked up quickly and wrote down the steps to solve the problem.

"This method is also possible, let's take a look at this method..."

When the chalk is put down, the teacher's old-fashioned expression is not so abhorrent, because Ye Shenyue's writing method is correct, and the patience of teachers with outstanding students and good students can always be enlarged infinitely.

An embarrassment is finally over.

However, when he came down from the blackboard, he was once again greeted by Xiaosana-chan's deep attention, but it seemed that there were a lot of eyes from the boys, and.

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