A girl sent a message, and she happened to be at the door of the classroom, so she called out directly to help. "It's a boy!"

Her just casual remarks made the girls who were already envious of Yan Ye even more dissatisfied.

Boy looking for her?

From class to now, three waves of boys have approached Yan Ye to confess to her!

Why do so many boys like that kind of girl?

"Sorry, if it's a confession...then..."

Yan Ye had a headache, but she was kind-hearted and could decline once, twice, and three times.But every time after class, I was told that no matter how good my heart was, I couldn't stand it.

But this move immediately made the girls who were watching her from the slit even more dissatisfied.

What does it mean to be tired of confessing?

Such a guy!

It's too much!

This is simply a slap in the face for them who have no one to confess!

"But Yan Ye is the head of the football department..."

Seeing that Yan Ye couldn't come out, the girl who sent the message added another sentence, and then the other girls were even more upset.

"The minister is still waiting for you."

This time Yan Ye had to stand up from his seat.

The football minister is tall and handsome.

"Gui Yanye, you and I are in the same junior high school. Maybe you don't remember me, but I still remember you. If you can, can you get in touch with me?"

"I'm very sorry, but I'm not thinking about dating at the moment. I want to devote more energy to my studies."

"That's it... Then don't forget me when you want to date."

Very quick confession and rejection.

"Gui Yanye, there is a boy looking for him!"

However, someone came to her again.

Girls are angry, and there is a limit to being popular with boys!

However, the dissatisfaction of the girls actually decreased when they saw the person coming.

Ye Shenyue could still hear their muttering, "It turned out to be just an ordinary-looking boy. I don't want such a boy. It's just right for that Gui Yanye."


Ye Shenyue can't wait to send an Amaterasu to destroy those girls.

Plain appearance... well, that's the only way to make girls feel at ease with him.

"You are... classmate Luna Ye."

Yan Ye still walked out, but surprise flashed in his eyes.

"Well, Yan Ye, I want to ask if you have joined the club?"

"not yet."

Yan Ye shook his head. "how about you?"


Shizuo and Shanna went to the Literature Club, and there was nothing wrong with Shanna's going to the Literary Club, but Shishi... Yagami Yue, who knew Shishi's composition level, decided not to express her opinion for the time being.

"Prepare to go to the Bamboo Sword Department."

"Bamboo sword?"

"Well, I want to learn some self-defense tricks. It is said that the main general there is very powerful."

"But... the bamboo sword club in this school only accepts girls."


"Well, I saw it in the school profile sent by the school."

Yan Ye said a little embarrassedly, "But this is a co-educational school. Maybe the news is not so accurate or maybe."

"Uh-then, Yan Ye, let's go together."

"This... 140" Yan Ye hesitated for a while, "Well."


Ye Shenyue secretly sighed in relief.

In fact, he came just now, just wanted to observe the situation of Yan Ye from a distance, but the situation seems to be very bad, the girls' jealousy value is too high, and Ye Shenyue is not going to promote their friendly relationship with Yan Ye, this It is better to find new girls who are not filled with jealousy and make friends with Yan Ye.

For example, the girls of the Bamboo Sword Club.

However, when Yan Ye followed Ye Shenyue, the gossip of those girls suddenly disappeared.

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