"Step, to your left!"

The opposite Yu took out her small book and wrote on it.

"Left? Left?"

Ye Shenyue turned her head and saw a girl with long hair tied up and a beautiful face sitting on her knees, holding the miso soup that disappeared in his hand.

"S... Serra, you shouldn't come here to eat!"

Looking at this very familiar vampire ninja who can only call Bu "Dung Beetle" and "Spirited Beetle", isn't that the Sera?

That stalwart iog bosom will surely suffocate him to death.For some reason, Ye Shenyue suddenly had a heartbeat.

(End of this chapter) Ps: Ask for comments. Only with comments can you have the motivation to code words.Keke, as for Jiageng... Let's see the situation tomorrow

Chapter 0016 Sierra's Determination

"Step friend?"

Yu wrote in the book.

"When did idiot step meet a new girl! Is this a fake?"

Haruna put down her job and exclaimed at Sera, who was extremely indifferent, or rather calm.The delicate little face was full of surprised expressions.

What is it called how is it possible!

Is he so bad!Ye Shenyue stared at Haruna with extreme dissatisfaction, but Haruna hadn't consciously continued to stare at Sera, or more precisely, staring at Serra's enviable and jealous mind.

Haruna carefully compared with her own, and then glared at Ye Shenyue viciously.

Small is none of my business...

Ye Shenyue sighed, and then her neck felt cold.

But Cesa took another sip of the soup slowly, and then directly pulled out her secret sword made of leaves, and the dark green long sword stuck directly on Ye Shenyue's neck.

Cool touch, sharp touch.

Even zombies can't cut their necks directly!At least Ye Shenyue doesn't have the kind of consciousness that can endure the loss of her head and then recover calmly.

"What are you doing? Let go of the idiot!"

The little Haruna looked so cute, and Ye Shenyue's eyes were full of hope for Haruna.

"Don't look at people like that!"

Haruna turned her head away, her face flushed.

"Bug, where did you get my name?"

Sera brought her sharp blade close to Ye Shenyue's neck again, and Ye Shenyue even felt that as long as the opponent exerted a little more force, it was too dangerous to be able to slit his neck!

Moreover, Sera's name also made Ye Shenyue very depressed, what is a bedbug!It's the same level as the dung beetle!Is he so bad!

"This...cough, can you put the knife down first..."

Ye Shenyue's heart turned violently. As soon as she saw the familiar Sera, she accidentally said the other party's real name. The other party came with an order, and the whereabouts were even more strange. He actually called out her name. The name, then, cautious Sera would suspect that it was in the past.

"No! It's about my Sera's reputation! How could it be possible to divulge whereabouts and names to a bug?"

Serra straightened herself vigorously, her chest showing.

Really big breasts!

Ye Shenyue sighed, Haruna's, needless to say, is simply a flat figure, and the excellent... ahem, can't be on the table, only Sera's is the real symbol of a young girl's youth.


"Cough cough... Sera, as for how I know your name, that's a secret. Since it's a secret, naturally I can't tell you! However, I remember that you are here on a mission."

Seeing that she didn't even say a word, Sera wanted to cut him directly, and Ye Shenyue immediately changed the subject.

"Humph! Yes, I do have a mission to come here this time, Lord Yokoliwood, I hope you can resurrect our leader!"

Sera withdrew her sharp blade and bowed respectfully to You who was still eating grain by grain.

"Resurrect your leader? Is the Necromancer so powerful?"

Haruna was surprised.

"Lord Currywood's ability will never be what you can imagine, so, for the future of the vampire ninja, get rid of Lord Currywood!"

Sierra rested her hands on the ground, her head drooping lower.


Yu wrote it in the notebook, then ignored Sera, and wrote "Step, drive her away" to Yagami Yue on the notebook.

"Want to drive her away?"

Chunna exclaimed. In the past few days with the Necromancer, she knew that the Necromancer was still a kind-hearted person, so how could he suddenly drive others away.

"You, isn't this going too far?"

Even if it was Yuu's will, Yagami was a little depressed to let the Sera, who he still liked, leave.After all, they were all threatened by the opponent with a sharp sword, this point "no."

"I don't want to get involved in a fight."

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