Thinking of this, Ye Shenyue also felt depressed. Originally, he made the move to seal the power and seal the memory and restart because he was being controlled too strictly by Yuko, but he didn't expect that in the end, he would not be controlled by one person, but by himself. A group of people are in control...

After Ye Shenyue left, "Zeus" sighed softly, "This upper god is still quite difficult to serve, but since he can't stay in this world, why does he stay for so long? I can only do it. Just do nothing and wait until now that there is almost no time to act..."

Obviously, Ye Shenyue misunderstood. In fact, it was not that he understood that Zeus invaded after he arrived in this world, but Zeus invaded before he regained his power.

It was only because of his entry that "Zeus" did not dare to move.

A difference in level scares people to death, let alone a godhead.

"Have all the Murumlu diaries been distributed?"

"Zeus" then asked.

"Murumlu - Zeus is ready, I have distributed the diary."

The little girl who was despised by Ye Shenyue for not being cute enough, and the little girl who was the contract pet of "Zeus" said in a confident tone, "There is only one girl who looks very suitable, but that one is the superior just now. daughter of God."

"Hmm—forget it, give it to her too, maybe she will stay in this world forever?"

"Got it! Murumlu!"

The little girl immediately rotated her body in midair and prepared to disappear.


"Zeus" sitting on the throne shook his head, "If I had known that the upper god was so good at talking, it would have been better to carry out this plan earlier, even if the whole army was wiped out, I could restart the game, and now... the rest time……"

The white part of it has been cracked.

There's really not much time left for it.

At this time, there are many mobile phones in the world.

It looks unremarkable but has unlimited potential.

They have the power, the energy to predict the future.

Future Diary.

The silver-white screen continued to flicker.

Ye Shenyue turned on the phone and stared at the words above in a daze.

"Tomorrow Meishenai will encounter an unprecedented life crisis."

"Do you choose to save?"

"Press A to agree, and B ignores it."


What is this?

It's like playing a game.

Ye Shenyue lay on the bed with her head against her head and recalled, Meishen love?

Which is this?

Chapter 0021 Don't forget the bastard!on (kneeling for subscription)

If you choose B, then the beauty god love will commit suicide because of the cup.

Choose A then Meishenai will be killed.

Yagami, who was lying on the bed, chose B at random and jumped out of the result, only to find that she still had a chance to "return to the previous level" to choose again, so she went back and chose "A" to choose rescue.

Then found this result.

Beauty God loves to be killed.

I swear, no matter which one I choose, this woman named Meishenai will be killed.

What is this choice journal?

Ye Shenyue immediately threw the diary aside, isn't this a fool?

Regardless of whether he was idle or not, it was the same result.

Instead of worrying about this, it's better to...

Ye Shenyue sat in the most secluded room on the second floor at once. The three telescopes inside were set high, so she still took the time to peep... Oh no, to observe whether the daily life of the daughters is normal. .

The world is continuing to call female classmates. This child's diplomacy is too strong, right? As far as Ye, En, are you making lunch boxes?Girl, you really are Yamato Nadeko, but the bottle says sugar, right? Shouldn't you put salt?

Yagami suddenly felt a reflexive pain in her stomach that was about to face Sera's "food".

The last is the moment.

I'll wipe, you're going to sleep at this time, Shanna-chan?

There is a bottle of milk that has been drunk on the table. Even if you drink milk hard and go to bed early, the girl will not grow taller. I'm very sorry, this is my father's only hobby.

It cannot be changed through acquired efforts.

Ye Shenyue shook his head, he really couldn't accept the appearance of a girl in such a small moment.Lolita should be Lolita, why does she want to be a girl?

Even if he was beheaded five hundred times by Athena, he couldn't change this...

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