"Okay, in an instant, just as you imagined, I am an ordinary person. Because of my amblyopia since I was a child, my parents felt that they saw an opportunity and created this shrine and became the leader. A few days ago, I was indeed a god. , the people who come to visit are all here to pray and make a wish, I have no ability to help them, I can only listen..."

The witch said to herself.


But in an instant, she got stuck, maybe even she herself was surprised why this witch actually confessed her incompetence so much.

"But just two days ago, something like this happened."

While speaking, the witch picked up the dark green scroll that was thrown on the small table, "This happened two days ago, because I have always lived on the other side of the fence, my only pleasure is to put the believers What we encountered and what we saw was recorded, but two days ago, we found that the things on the scroll actually appeared by themselves, and what appeared one day later."

"That is to say, what appears is the future, and then when the believers come here, I can accurately say what they think, and then there will naturally be more and more believers... Everything is because of that scroll. I don't know. Did God suddenly favor me?"

"Cough cough cough-"

Ye Shenyue coughed violently.He suddenly had the feeling that he lifted the stone and finally hit his foot.

I just said that there is no god, but now, the other party has the diary of "Zeus".

Wipe, Zeus that scumbag.

However, resisting Shansanachan's dissatisfied eyes, Ye Shenyue looked at the huge red cage, "Okay, maybe this is really God's favor for you, but that's not what God favors for you."

Ye Shenyue raised her head, "Send someone to deliberately pay attention to the actions of your vice leader within two days. This is God's will."

Chapter 0026 Moment's Disguise Diary

"God's will?"

As soon as she left the church, she immediately raised her face and stared at Ye Shenyue with her red eyes, "Isn't it really because you looked beautiful and became tempted?"

"Uh, that moment, is Dad that kind of person in your heart?"

"of course not."

The girl with the red bow shook her head slightly, "Obviously that's the kind of person."


Ye Shenyue was helpless, her majesty as a father was severely trampled on.

"But it doesn't matter if you want to help her."

However, Xiao Mo added.


"Don't you think her appearance is very similar to mine?"

Instantly has black long straight, and red eyes, but what about the shrine maiden?

He also has long hair and red eyes, and he has a strong aura just by being silent and not speaking.

And it's kind of like that.

Eh, wait!

If Sosama said so, that is to say.

Ye Shenyue suddenly looked at Xiao Mo, but Xiao Mo suddenly avoided his hand.

"I'm tired of playing here. Let's go to the amusement park. I think it will be very interesting there. I made an appointment with the world. It seems that Gui Yanye and Gui Xin will also go to the amusement park today."


Ye Shenyue finally knelt down, "Sana-chan, you got around me, how did you know?"

He is his own appearance now, although he is only returning to his youthful state in front of the moment, in the eyes of Ye and the world, their father is a middle-aged tough guy with a beard, but even if he has a beard, it is his appearance. !

They will definitely be recognized by the world!Recognizing that his father is actually a big radish!

Then the three-boat relationship will be exposed.Not by the world and the others with hatchets, but by the hatchets of Nishizonji Yuko and the others.

"It's not easy, I've been to the world home."

Instantly satisfied with Ye Shenyue's expression, "Then we looked at the album together."

photo album.

Of course there will be a photo of him in the album!

"Then Yan Ye-"

"It's not easy, I saw her sister, her sister-chan said so. Her father is very concerned about her, and he kisses her in the morning and at night. It is a loving kiss. But I Thinking of this kind of thing can only be done by you! I can't find anyone else who would be so scumbag."

The red eyes glittered like jewels, and he almost had the confidence to say "don't resist, you're a criminal".

"This... can't be generalized at all!"

Ye Shenyue was speechless, "There are still a lot of scum in this world..."

"No, it could only be you."

Total confidence and affirmative confidence can't be doubted.

"It can only be you. Ordinary people don't change their face and then slip into the school to go to school with their daughter."


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