Clear and beautiful.

"Hey, that's the world over there!"

Suddenly he pointed in a direction.

world!Saigon Temple World!

Ye Shenyue's nerves suddenly became tense, and she subconsciously looked in the direction that Momo pointed, because he had a little shadow on the world because of the deceived him before Momo.

But all I see is... eh?Man in doll costume selling balloons.Several small children were chasing the man for balloons.

What about the world?

But the next moment, there was a soft feeling from her lips, as if she had tasted cherry blossoms, and Ye Shenyue felt that her heart had also turned pink.

Instantly kissed him.

The girl's cheeks glowed a lovely red, "I'm just dissatisfied with the shamelessness of those people..."

The girl has already deeply understood the "West... Saiyuan Temple... the world that makes others have needle eyes."

However, she heard Ye Shenyue murmured.

"The world? The world isn't here - I just..."

Seeing Ye Shenyue's slightly pale expression, she immediately turned her head and saw a girl with smooth black hair that went beyond her shoulders, her eyes were looking at her quietly.

"Eh! World!"

The moment he turned around, his complexion was much paler.

Said that Cao Cao Cao Cao will feel like this.

"Yahoo~~ What a coincidence."

However, a smile appeared on the face of the world, "In an instant...and..."

The world went inside a little to see Ye Shenyue's face more clearly, and then made a move to cover his forehead, as if he had just discovered someone, "And Luna Ye, it's really a chance encounter here. , I just saw it for a moment, but I didn't expect that you are already in such a relationship."


Putting his hands together, the world smiled brightly, "Although you said to Luna Ye two days ago that pedaling on two boats is a symbol of a boy's charm, but..."

Her expression was still bright but with a dangerous meaning, "Shinana is my best friend, if you like her then you can't do this, I will help you with Gui Yanye, my wife Yuno and the beauty god love. explained clearly."

Even though he is smiling, he has already said that I will help you to break up with others.

This girl is so scary!

"Then... I won't bother you. In an instant..."

The last moment of the world of Xiyuan Temple is very light, "You must have a good time."

"The world...things..."

For a moment, she seemed to be stunned, but before she could shout, the world had been called away by her companions.

"No, let me see the world."

However, after taking two steps with Ye Shenyue, she took the initiative to break away Ye Shenyue's hand in an instant, and ran back without even finishing her words.


Although I didn't understand it very well, Ye Shenyue also felt a little bad.

Just where should I go?

Ye Shenyue found a chair to sit down and prepared to return in an instant.

I really encountered World 480 just as Shan Mo said. If I encounter Yan Ye again at this time, it will be a bunker.

"Moon God Yejun!"

However, at this moment, someone called him by his pseudonym from behind.

The voice was a little surprised, but Ye Shenyue's body was stiff, she turned around stiffly and looked at the big and small figures.

The older one is Gui Yanye, wearing a black sailor skirt like a gentle Yamato Nadeko who came out of the painting, while the other wearing a pink princess dress is her sister Gui Xin.

"Gui... Gui Yanye, classmate."

At this moment, Ye Shenyue had the same feeling that Cao Cao Cao Cao actually arrived!

"Ara, this is the one who stole my sister's heart... He doesn't look as handsome as Dad!"

Xiao Guixin looked very lively, but when she got closer, her little nose moved, "How come there is a familiar aura."


Gui Xin, don't scare me!

My brain is already in a mess!

For the first time, Ye Shenyue felt that playing Luna Ye was the worst move.

ps: The death of the new book is over, and the author Jun rolled back to update this book, and will soon enter the favorite hatchet plot.

Chapter 0028 Unexpected kiss!on (kneeling for subscription)

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