"Whether it's Gui Yanye or my wife Yuno, you seem to be very troubled. In that case, how about choosing a third party? It's their friend who they can't do anything about. Maybe they'll take retreat as advance. And finally the harem line is formed."

"Eh? Shanna-chan, do you really think so?"

Ye Shenyue was stunned for a moment, is this still his instant sauce?Isn't Shanna-chan very jealous?

"Who told me that there is only one father, I don't want to have no father before my sixteenth birthday."

The little girl turned her cheeks to one side.


Well, what Momo said was right, maybe that's the only way to do it.

"Then...bye bye, Moon God Yejun!"

When he got home, he waved to Ye Shenyue at the door in an instant.


Is this not letting him in?

"That's it, see you next time, Moon God Yejun!"

He recited his pseudonym again, and although there was a smile on his cheeks, why did he feel a little cold?

In an instant...he was really angry.

Is it because he was kissed by Yan Ye?

Shanna Sauce~ Although she was rejected from the door, Ye Shenyue was in a good mood. After all, for a daughter, there is nothing happier than her daughter being jealous of herself.

He went to his "home", the temporary residence.

It's just that Ye Shenyue's vigilance suddenly increased after walking to the distance from the periphery to the gate.

Because he saw that the white glass in the yard was actually broken, and there was a black hammer and a towel under the glass.

It should be outside with a hammer wrapped in a towel and then breaking the glass, so as not to make noise to attract others!

Is it a thief?

What a brave man!It was only when she was thinking about it that Ye Shenyue found it, and found a face in the broken window, it was a smile with pink flowers blooming.

"Yuejun, you are too slow."

The pink-haired girl greeted him with a very intimate look, like a wife welcoming her husband who had been working hard all day.

She gently opened the glass door, and then made way for people to walk.

"I...my wife Yuno!"

Ye Shenyue almost petrified, "No, why are you here, Yuna! This is my home!"

In other words, the person who broke the window and entered was Yuno!

Why, why does Yuno know about this place!

ps: I finally found the feeling, and I can continue to write this book. The author has already arranged the ending of the main (human) corner (scum).

Chapter 0032 The best candidate (kneeling to subscribe)

Ye Shenyue had a petrified expression. He remembered that Yudai had followed him, but in the end, didn't he send her home or deliberately didn't go back to this "home" and then dumped her?

But now, why is she still here!

And what about the attitude of this hostess?

Ye Shenyue felt that something was wrong when she came out of the amusement park. It stands to reason that the words "predicted" by Shanna-chan, the world has arrived, so what about my wife, Yuno, who has the strongest sense of existence?

Since she won't appear in the playground, that means she can only appear...in his house!

Ye Shenyue's body stiffened, while the pink-haired girl looked dignified and elegant, and she was still very virtuous at the moment.

"Yue-kun has been out for a long time today, but Yuno has already cleaned the house completely."

Clean up!Cleaned up again!

Really, both the wooden floor and all kinds of furniture are spotless, even the corners are sparkling.

So Yuno is still very virtuous, but.

Yagami suddenly remembered the three telescopes on the second floor, if Yuno, if Yuno saw the world and their home through the telescope.


Ye Shenyue looked at Yuno, she smiled softly and very gently, but there was a terrible ghost in this girl's heart!

"Cum clap clap!"

Ye Shenyue immediately went upstairs without taking off her shoes, while Yunai looked at him with a shallow smile and followed slowly.

Ye Shenyue turned the doorknob and found that it couldn't be opened. So, she locked the door by herself.

His heart calmed down a little.

Fortunately, fortunately, Yuno didn't go to the second floor, otherwise...

Ye Shenyue had already thought of that terrible ending.Yuno rushed to the world, Yan Ye, and Shanna's house. Whether it was mothers or children, they vented with machetes in the same way, covered in blood, and then greeted him with a smile!

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