He is the culprit.

"I'm sorry, Yuno."

Even though she was held by Yuno, Yagami finally sighed and said the words of rejection.

"Why do you say that?"

Yuno raised her face, so gentle and beautiful, "Moon God Yejun did nothing wrong."

Because it's all the women who are wrong.

This time, Yuno got the true biography of a certain Xingga shrine maiden back then. It wasn't her man who was at fault, but those "stealing and fishy cats" who were full of paranoia and madness.

The last white snow turned black, so what about Yuno?

Yuno seemed very calm.

"That's it for now, see you tomorrow."

Escorted by Ye Shenyue back home, Yuno said with a chuckle at the door of her own house.


Nocturne nodded.

"it hurts--"

However, at this moment, Yuno suddenly squatted down with her arms on her stomach, and Ye Shenyue hurriedly stepped forward, but at this moment, the face he saw was a smiling face, the girl suddenly stood up, and then directly He wrapped his hands around Ye Shenyue's arms and kissed his lips.

Those soft lips and petals that belong to a girl are fascinating and intoxicating.Ye Shenyue already understood that You was deliberately pretending to have a stomachache just to kiss him.

Yuno is still good.

Ye Shenyue just thought about this and was about to teleport home, but when she returned home, Yuna continued to take out the cloth strips and began to wipe, wiping the sharp knives that had become sharp and exuded a cold light.

She raised the knife with a penetrating sheen, "I always feel that the knife is not enough anymore, and the number of women who lure and deceive Yuejun has risen again."

The smile on his face and the color in his eyes have become abnormal, it is bloodthirsty and pleasure and the desire to destroy.

Yes, she didn't enter the room on the second floor of Yeshenyue from the main entrance, she climbed through the window on the second floor, and then saw the secret of Yeshenyue.


The world of Xiyuan Temple, Gui Yanye and Qingpu moment...

The next day, you have to go to school again, and then you will see the conflict erupting in the school.

Yan Ye had already said that, but he accepted Yuno's kiss in a daze, so would Yuno think that he chose her?

If this is the case, then there will probably be another battle between Yan Ye and Yuno!

"good morning--"

As soon as she arrived in the classroom, Yagami was greeted by a smiling and lively world.

As soon as he saw the world, Ye Shenyue's head hurt immediately. He actually forgot that there was another world in it. Didn't the world already say that it would drive Yan Ye and Yuno away from him for the sake of Shanna sauce?

This is also a hassle!


What makes Yagami Yue strange is that the world doesn't seem to mention what happened yesterday, just as usual, he held his notebook again and started talking about some other things.

For example, Ye Shenyue's preferences, her preferences, etc.

Like nothing happened.

And the instant sauce is the same, no different from usual.

This is how the same thing?

The morning passed quickly when I was distracted in class.But just when he was in a daze, the world tugged at the cuffs of his school uniform.

"Yuejun Luna, my mother forgot to make a bento in the morning, so I'm going to a small shop, but there are so many people in it, so... can I ask you? Otherwise, I will destroy any relationship with you. , I remember that I haven't said it yet from Miss Yuno~" The eyes of the world were dark, but at this moment they were lit up, smiling and threatening.

"……All right."

Ye Shenyue surrendered, especially when she was kissed by Yuno last night, and if the world went to and Yuno said something then...

It must become irreversible.

Following behind the world, Ye Shenyue immediately walked out.However, after he left the corridor where there was only a lunch break, it suddenly became quiet. The boys and girls who were resting against the window all shut their mouths because two girls came from the corridor.

One has long straight black hair, and the other has a pink elegant double ponytail.

One with black eyes and one with red eyes.

No matter which one is exciting and joyful, this is the beauty, the girl, and the girl.

The girls had a feeling of inferiority, and then jealousy and jealousy came up, and continued chatting as if to break the atmosphere specially created for them, while the boys were staring at them with saliva.

Someone has already recognized them.

Those were Gui Yanye from Class [-] and my wife Yuno, both of whom were among the top students.

The results are long and beautiful, which is awesome.

"If you are looking for classmate Yueshenye, he was not there and was called away by the girl, and it seemed that he wanted to go to dinner with her."

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